The foster kitties, as you can see, have completely made themselves at home. I’ve let the shelter manager know that I think they’re ready to go back to the pet store (I think adoptions will really be picking up in the weeks between now and Christmas), but one or two at a time, rather than all four of them in a (big) cage. Punki, Elle, and Felicia are all friendly enough that I don’t worry about them, but I worry about Skittles. She’s such a scaredy cat that she still hasn’t really spent any time downstairs, preferring to hang around in her safe room. If she hears someone coming up the stairs, she runs and hides under the dresser. At least she comes out almost immediately when she sees that it’s us – she’ll stand and lean up against me and meow and purr for a long time. She likes her petting. Such a sweet girl.

Dancing (and smiling) Elle.

Pretty Skittles, ready to make the leap.

Elle talks to the feather teaser.

Elle from above.

Pretty Punki girl.

Punki makes the leap.

Sitting in the portal, waiting for the mother ship to arrive. (

“NO, Tommy, this is MY mother ship portal. You go find your OWN, I don’t care if they’re all filled with Christmas presents!” (
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Meester Boogers howled even more forlornly.
2002: Lay on it!
2001: Fred smiled his asshole smile.
2000: No entry.
1999: No entry.]]>
If you really want to know how long your walk was, you can use a site like MapMyRun. It lets you zero in on either a map or a satellite image, trace the route you went, and it tells you info about it (elevation changes, distance, etc.). I’ve used it a lot and love it! Well, I did before I got my Garmin. 😉
It’s like a little Meester Boogers!
I thought it looked like a leetle Mister Booger and Miz Poo love chid myself! 😉
I’m a little shocked that you think your sweet precious babies would do something to a Christmas tree. Those poor litle misunderstood things.
Ok, yeah. That was all crap. I’m having a tabletop since between the 5 year old boy, the 10 month old puppy and the 1 year old cat, a regular tree has no hope. Or will to live, really.
My tree has already gone down once. Sitting on the couch before anyone else woke up, coffee in one hand, magazine on my lap. I’m watching Milo sit under the tree and bat an ornament. So cute! WHAM! Tree is toppled, Milo has run for the hills, broken glass is everywhere. I may have cried a little…
If I hadn’t seen with my own eyes that he didn’t do anything other than bat at an ornament, I probably would have killed him.
I do laundry on Sunday’s only as well, it’s been my thing for a very long time now. When we didn’t have a washer/dryer we would go on Wednesday’s and it’s so much easier to get it all done on one day. Keep up the walking, you need to take some pics so we can see your route, it sounds very pretty. My tree isn’t up yet either, but it’s just because I haven’t gotten around to it and the cats weren’t too bad last year with it.
*giggles at Dee and Kay*
I loves me some Spankey!! If I was a millionaire I would pay you the big bucks you so rightly deserve just to amuse me daily with your photos and captions.
I love that WTF look just like Mister Boogers!! Too funny!
My husband took our tree down this weekend.:-( Our foster kitten chewed some lights off of it (unplugged at the time!).
Hi! I got tagged and am passing it on to you. Please see http://airypersiflage.blogspot.com/2007/12/ive-been-tagged.html for the details.