this is what you were looking for, I believe.
I am currently working on a “recommended” page, and Axi-Dent will be one of the many links on that page so you won’t have to search on it next time.
* * *
Meme, stolen from
1. What does your cell phone look like? It’s a refurbished Motorola Razr V3 in magenta, given to me by a wonderful reader! I can’t figure out how to get the pictures off the phone, but to be honest I didn’t want it ’cause it’s a camera phone, I wanted it ’cause it’s badass. Also, I have no idea how to set an alarm on the phone without having to disable and re-enable it every day so it’ll go off the next day. Suggestions?
2. Do you know what time you were born? The middle of the night sometime, I think. Maybe 2 or 3 am?
3. What do you want more than anything right now? To not have to drive to South Huntsville for an appointment with Dr. LiverDoctor.
4. What do you miss? The heat of summer. It’s a balmy 60ish degrees out, but I’ve still got the space heater going because I am COLD.
5. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Hamburgers. In fact, a favorite meal of ours is hamburger patties made on the George Foreman grill, covered in sauteed onions and mushrooms. YUMMY.
6. Do you get scared in the dark? Rarely, and never in my own home.
7. The last person to make you cry? Ayelet Waldman.
8. Hair/Eye color you prefer on opposite sex? Brown hair, hazel eyes.
9. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? Lobster. Lobster stew. Any kind of seafood, really.
10. Who is the last person who was mad at you? I don’t know. Fred or the spud, I suppose.
11. Do you speak another language? Nope, but I’ve been considering taking Spanish lessons.
12. What was the first gift anyone ever got you? Does anyone ever know the answer to this question? I was a baby! I don’t know!
13. Would you fall in love with someone knowing they were taken? No. Now, I know you’re going to say “You can’t help who you fall in love with” and “The heart wants what it wants” (GAG), but you can help how you act and whether you pursue the relationship, and besides the point is moot, since I’m not open to a relationship with anyone, anyway. Besides, who’m I going to meet and fall in love with? The FedEx lady is cute, but she’s not my type.
14. Best way to tell someone how much they mean to you? “You mean a lot to me. Can you hand me the ketchup?”
15. Your Weaknesses? I don’t know. Stubbornness, the insistence on being right, getting pissed off if it’s proven I’m not right, being easily flustered. The list is ENDLESS.
16. Ever done a prank call? Yeah, but not in years. I think the last time I made a prank call is when some guy was being a jackass to my sister, and I called him repeatedly and played the Adam Sandler Thanksgiving “Love to eat turkey! Love to eat tur-ur-ur-ur-urkey!” song. I think Liz was there, too, and we all laughed ’til we cried.
17. If you could get plastic surgery, what would it be? Everything. Seriously, a neck lift, upper arm lift, boob lift, tummy tuck, upper thigh lift, and possibly even an eyebrow lift. If you hadn’t noticed, the operative word here is “lift.”
18. What do you get complimented about the most? My kitty pics!
19. What do you want for your birthday? I… do not know. Surprise me!
20. How many kids do you want? Just the one, thanks.
21. Do you wish on stars? Not really, but only because it doesn’t occur to me.
22. Which finger/s is/are your favorite? I… have never thought about it. I love all my fingers equally.
23. When did you last cry? Monday night, reading
this book.
24. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? I don’t get embarrassed by the CDs on my shelf. Some might be embarrassed by the Vanilla Ice CD, but not me. All right, stop! Collaborate and listen! Ice is back with my brand new invention!
25. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Probably I would find myself too annoying to be friends with.
26. Have you ever told a secret you swore never to tell? I’m sure I have, but nothing comes to mind.
27. Do looks matter? In a general sense? Probably.
28. How do you release your anger? Swear, throw my hands up in the air (like I just don’t care), and stomp around.
29. Do you trust people too easily? I’d like to say no, but most likely I do.
30. Favorite toy as a child? Er. I don’t know, my stuffed frog, maybe? I still have it, even.
31. Where were you 6 hours ago? Sleeping and probably being kneaded and licked by Sugarbutt.
32. Who will be your next kiss? Fred, unless the cats count.
33. Anything pink within 10 feet of you? I have pink handled scissors in my pen cup. That’s it, though.
34. What are you wearing right now? Land’s End cotton pants, a long-sleeve Mossy Oak t-shirt (in size large!), and black socks.
35. Last sporting event you watched? I don’t remember when it was, but I’m sure it was figure skating, since that’s the only sport I bother to watch.
36. What is/was your favorite class? I liked most of my English classes.
37. How old are your parents? 63 (Mom) and 65 (Dad), I think.
38. Do you miss anyone? My sister! (But I’ll be seeing her in less than two weeks!)
39. Were you an honor roll student in school? HELL no. I was too lazy to do the work required.
40. What do you know about the future? It’s so bright I’ve gotta wear shades.
41. Do you have a tan? No; I’m always too covered up to get much of a tan.
42. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I was 20.
43. Last time you got stopped or pulled over by an officer? It’s been several years – I was stopped for speeding, and we lived in the other house at that point, so it’s been at least five years – maybe more like six or seven, I don’t remember exaclty.
44. How do you like your drinks? Non-alcoholic.
45. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes.
* * *
Aside from going to get my thyroid ultrasounded (which took about ten minutes and was utterly painless. I always want to fall asleep during ultrasounds.) yesterday afternoon, I also got a package mailed off to my sister and one to my parents, which means that the sending stuff out portion of my Christmas season is taken care of. I ALSO got the Christmas tree put up (it’s only been knocked over once so far, knock wood!) and a few decorations put up as well.
Noelle must have heard me typing about her and decided to be contrary, so she came over and stood by me for a good long time, letting me pet her. She didn’t climb on me (only Merry and Kringle are doing that at this point), but she stood there and withstood some torturous petting and even sniffed my foot for a moment.
I think we’re making progress.

Do not be fooled by the slightly alarmed look on her little face. She was LOVING the petting.

“You tawkin’ to me?”
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: It’s hard to resist a chunky little orange kitty.
2004: (I’m not that much of an asshole. But it sure is fun to imagine!)
2003: Yet another meme.
2002: But I’ll say this – if your kitten is suffering from anal leakage, y’all, TAKE IT TO THE VET.
2001: No entry.
2000: “Why does it smell lemony fresh down here?”
1999: Martha Stewart would take one look at my tree and sob loudly, I’m sure.]]>
I’m so glad that Noelle came to get petted. I was hoping “peer pressure” would kick in! ha ha! I was hoping the kitties would be with you long enough for Noelle to see her bros and sis’s gettin’ loved and want in on the action. Yipee!
How you are going to be able to resist these precious kitty babies, I’ll never know. It is like a fuzzy mini version of the Poo and Sugarbutt.
I got my card Monday! I was ROFLMAO, my family was like what? Why does he hate you? LOL
Robyn, I had to tell you that I received my Xmas card from you on Monday. It is, by far, the best holiday card. EVER.
Thank you and please thank Mister Boogers for tolerating that damn hat on his head!!!
This batch of foster kitties are soooo cute! I bet they will be adopted quickly; people seem to love the fuzzy-wuzzy longish haired kitty babies! As for myself, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a cat I didn’t think was gorgeous, in one way or another.
Kringle is GORGEOUS. Can you ship him to New York? 🙂
I can’t thank you enough Robyn for your most generous donation to my kettle fund! 😀
And those kitties? I want to stuff ’em in my pockets. They are SO cute.
Now that our kittens are big and not as cute we were wondering if we could exchange them for Kringle and Noelle?
If you start shipping kittens I want one too!!
18. What do you get complimented about the most? My kitty pics!
let’s just say i’m 12 at heart – and now have coke all over my keyboard 🙂
They’re so FLUFFY!!
Be careful with the upper thigh lift. I had it done about 5 years ago after losing 80 lbs and I still have discomfort from it today. It was a long recovery from it too because of the stress on the incision. I never did get the upper arms done because of how much pain I had from the thighs. I HATE HATE HATE my upper arms. How I dream of wearning sleeveless shirts! 🙂
These are the cutest litter of kittens ever! Not that they all aren’t too adorable for words, but this group is exceptionally gorgeous!! Good luck parting with this crew. Was so happy Noelle came around, she is my favorite.
I received my Christmas card today and THANK YOU! That Mr. Boogers is one funny guy and I loved the card!
We had a cat that looked almost exsactly like the fluffy orange kitty.[i’d show you if i could send images] His name was Meatball and he was the best cat we’ve ever owned. He went missing last Christmas and we hate not knowing if he was stolen, baited, or ran over somewhere! [he wouldn’t have run away as he had it far too good here!]
I miss Meatball a lot and your photo made me a bit sad :o(
Noelle is teh cutest!!
I love her wavy “chest hair.”