Aurora Greenway and screaming “MY BABY IS IN PAIN, MAKE IT STOP!” at the nurses, when it went away for a little while, and the spud was able to doze. The doctor finally came in, did a physical exam and seemed to be leaning toward the idea that it was a stomach virus, which they’ve been seeing a lot of lately. She ordered IV fluids, blood tests, and a urine test, and went along her way. As they were taking blood and starting the IV, her friend and boyfriend showed up to see her. I went into the waiting room for a while so they could both hang out with her (they limit how many people are in the room at one time), called Fred, and read. Her friend left after half an hour or so, and so I went back into her room. They gave her Phenergan for the nausea and started a second IV bag of fluids, and it was just a matter of cooling our heels while the test results came back. The phenergan knocked the spud out and Tyler was watching the Sci Fi channel so I took my book out and read. The doctor came in around 6:45 and said that the test results had come back and it looked like the spud had herself a stomach virus. Since she’d finished her second bag of IV fluids and was feeling much better, the doctor thought she’d be okay to go home. The doctor said the nurse would be in momentarily to disconnect the IV and give us the discharge papers, a doctor’s note for school, and a prescription for Phenergan. 45 minutes later I finished my book, realized how long we’d been waiting, and said “Think they forgot her?” to Tyler. He had just said “It looks like it!” when the nurse came in and apologized for taking so long. It was about 8:30 by the time we dropped Tyler off at home, dropped off the prescriptions at the drug store, and got home. The spud ate a piece of toast and drank some Gatorade, then went upstairs and crashed. This morning she’s feeling much MUCH better. She didn’t need any more Phenergan overnight, and she had a bowl of soup for breakfast. I suspect she’ll be okay to go back to school tomorrow, but we’ll see about that. I also suspect that I’ll be next to suffer from this stomach virus and I can’t WAIT. Woohoo! Fun! *Yes, I know what you’re thinking. She’s not.

Glad to hear the Spud is feeling much better today.
More more more fuzzy kitty pics. I love them!!!!
Me, too … glad it was only a short-term stomach virus. As I was reading the entry, I was sure this was heading toward an appendectomy adventure!
Also – my understanding is that the vast majority of stomach viruses are caused by some external exposure to bacteria/virus and are not contagious from person to person. Maybe she touched something yucky at school or elsewhere and somehow ingested it. She should probably wipe down places she touches often (steering wheel, bathroom doorknob, etc.) to avoid reinfection.
I’m probably a freak, but I NEVER handle things like gas pump handles (I grab a paper towel as a barrier) or shopping cart handles (I carry pop-up antibacterial wipes in my car and wipe down the cart) … I HATE being sick … colds or stomach viruses.
Poor Spud! I’m so glad she’s feeling better.
I’m glad the spud is doing well….I’m glad she’s not, but I never thought about that. I thought you were headed for aa appendix adventure too.
I too thought it was the appendix until you mentioned the pain coming in bursts of time THEN I thought what you thought I thought. Ha.
LOVE the fuzzy kittens. It looks like your little demanding boy gets messy when he eats. Our fuzzy kitten Chloe used to too until she got better at grooming herself. We used to have to comb poo from her butt hair because of the fluff.
I was actually thinking appendix or gallbladder, so I’m glad it was just a virus. The other thing never crossed my mind!
Eeeeee fuzzy kitties!! I just love them. Glad they’re letting you give ’em some lovin’ now.
I’m so glad Spud’s feeling better and it was a stomach virus. The whole time I was reading I was thinking of my SIL who was just in the hospital for stomach and intestinal pain. They sent her home after a couple days with the possibility of it being an intestinal infection, that was a couple weeks ago. She just went back to the doctors the other day with more pain so now they’re thinking it’s Crohn’s Disease. A mild case but still nothing to sneeze at. So again, I’m so happy it was just a virus and that’s she’s better.
I want Kringle so much. Out of all the kittens you’ve had I’ve never really wanted one until now but my husband says I can’t have him so quit thinking about it. Meh! I’d love to have Noelle too, she’s just too damn precious
I was going to say kidney infection which was what I had and was misdiagnosed as appendicitis only AFTER I was transported by ambulance to the hospital from urgent care, but pre Gall-bladder removal.
Glad it’s nothing serious- nausea sucks. And by the way, the other thing never crossed my mind- how old is the spud anyway? lol
Love the kitty pics, could they be any cuter?
Stomach viruses suck!
I was worried about the spud’s appendix, too–so glad that’s not what it was (although stomach viruses are no fun, either). Hope she’s feeling much better by tomorrow.
if it’s anything like the stomach virus I had right after Thanksgiving, I have 2 words. Charmin Care. Be kind to yer behind. (sorry everyone for the visual)
Oh – and for the record – I gots bloggers dibs on Jack Frost – oh those eyes!
Poor Spud, stomach virus is making its rounds from what I hear. I’m glad she is feeling better. Love the kittie pictures,they are so cute.
Glad the spud’s feeling OK!
I sent off your card today…hope you find it as endlessly amusing as I do! 🙂
I wasn’t thinking that. I sure hope you don’t get the bug spud had.
Those kittens are so adorable, very fluffy 🙂
poor spud, glad she is feeling better..Nothing worst than seeing your baby sick..
thanks for the card..
Must…squeeze…kittens!! Cute with a capital Q! Lovelovelove!!!!!! 🙂
Feel better Spud!
Love love loved the x-mas card Robyn, it totally rocks.
I want Jack Frost, like now, how far away is Indiana from Alabama?