LOOK at what the recipient is going to do with it!! Want to help us pay it forward?
Very, very cool, that.
* * *
The spud is just fine and opted to go to school today even though she didn’t have to. I swear to god, when I was her age I would have jumped at the chance to stay home from school, but not her. She doesn’t want to miss her French test.
If she didn’t laugh so much like her father, I’d suspect they switched babies on me 18-plus years ago.
* * *
So I’ve been meaning to write about this for forever and a day. One meellion years ago I was bitching about not being able to find a decent bra, and a large number of you gave suggestions via comments and email, because apparently the “bra that fits” issue is a hot-button issue amongst my readers.
Stacey left this comment:
Also take a look here about measuring for a bra. I wore a 38C for years and just thought all bras were uncomfortable. I saw that link somewhere, measured according to their instructions, and it told me I was a 36DD. I said, “Ha! Hahaha!” and went out and tried on and bought a 36D, which fit better than my old bras, but then recently I gave in and tried on some 36DDs and what do you know? They’re comfortable. (I can’t find a bra in that size that doesn’t look like an orthopedic device, but that’s another story. At least they don’t hurt.)
So I went to that page and followed the directions for measuring myself for a bra. According to them, I was a size 34DDD. And I said “That is an utterly ridiculous bra size, I cannot POSSIBLY be a 34DDD, that’s not even a REAL bra size, it’s a PORN STAR bra size!” And I opened up the latest issue of Playboy to see the centerfold’s measurements, and sure enough – she was a perfectly respectable 36D.
(She also had some ridiculously tiny waist measurement, but we won’t go into THAT.)
I rolled my eyes and went about my day and kept on wearing my Lane Bryant Cacique soft-cup bras, size 44DD (I think), even though I could tell they weren’t even close to what I was supposed to be wearing.
When you’ve been in the Cacique soft-cup bras comfort zone as long as I have, it’s not easy to break out of it.
The problem with wearing bras that are too big for you is that they are NOT COMFORTABLE. I can’t speak for y’all, but when a bra is too big, I tend to fidget a lot trying to make them comfortable, and it just wasn’t working for me.
So I tried going to JC Penney’s to be fitted for a bra, and I don’t even remember what size the woman who measured me came up with, but I tried some bras on in that size, and the band size was too big and the cup size was too small and that flabby fat I’ve developed on the sides of my boobs (under my arms) hung over the bands and I took one look in the mirror and I said “Oh, JESUS. I don’t THINK so!”, and I changed back into my crappy oversized bra and got the hell out of there.
I spent a few weeks pouting and wearing the oversized bras I already had, wishing someone would swoop down from out of nowhere, drag me off to the store, and fit me properly for a bra that would look halfway decent and would give me perky boobs.
Then one day I ran across the link that Stacey had suggested, and I measured myself again, and I got 34DDD again, and I thought
Well, fine. I’ll order some 34DDD bras and try them, and when they don’t fit right, I’ll go back to my CRAPPY BRAS WHICH I HATE. And I will email those people and tell them how WRONG they are!
I ordered four or five different bras from that site, KNOWING all the while that there was no way on earth they’d fit me.
The bras came, and I put the package on my dresser and went about my life. When it comes to things like bras, I have to live with the idea of trying them on before I actually try them on – new things scare me, I guess – and the package sat there for about a week until the day I came out of the bathroom after my shower and saw the package and thought
Yeah, I’d better try those on so I can get them sent back and have my credit card credited.
First bra? Didn’t fit. Second bra? Nope. Third? Ditto.
And then came bra number four, lovely lovely lovely bra number four, the
Olga Perfect Fit Full Figure Underwire Bra #35069. The strap fit around me. The cups were perfect. And the best part? The bands on the side were big enough that they held in all that flabulousness and yet were just the right degree of firmness; firm but not tight.
I figured that this was too good to be true, so I wore the bra for the entire day, and it was comfortable and I even forgot for a while that I was wearing a new bra. And my boobs were just as perky as they could be. An underwire! Me in an underwire! For the first time EVER, I was wearing a COMFORTABLE underwire!
And so I ordered another six bras, because I needed enough to get me through a week at a time (even though I do laundry more often than once a week), and about a month ago, after I got all the bras I’d ordered, I trusted my new fancy bras enough to do the unthinkable:
I threw all the Cacique soft cup bras away. (No, I didn’t give them away because they were rather ratty looking by that point)
So that’s the story of my search for the perfect bra, and how I found it. For me, it’s the perfect bra. You might not find it so perfect, but boy, it works for me.
And look – they’re
on sale for under $20 at Breakout Bras right now!
(You can also get them at
* * *
What I love about the Christmas Kitties is that their personalities are really starting to emerge. Faith is the big baby who climbs into my lap at the first opportunity and lets out a bitchy “Woman, pet me!” meow every once in a while. I think she’d like it if I did nothing but sit and pet her. Merry is the feisty little biter who likes to sit on my leg and be petted until she’s distracted by my toes, which apparently misbehave and desperately need to be bitten on a regular basis. Noelle’s the shy girl who will stand next to me ’til the cows come home and happily let me pet her, but if I try to pick her up, she’s off like a shot. Jack Frost is the big baby who likes to swish back and forth (much in the way Fancypants used to; I can’t believe he’s been gone for more than three years!) and if I’m not fast enough with the petting, he lets me know it. Kringle is the love bug – he’ll climb into my lap along with Faith, play with her, play with my leg, play with whichever sibling is within reach, and then he’ll fall asleep.
Last night, I had every kitten but Merry asleep in my lap. It was seriously cute, and I wish I’d had the camera with me.
They may be going to the pet store this weekend, I’m not sure yet. Now I need to go snuggle with them and take a bazillion more pictures just in case they do!

All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: I probably have a brain tumor.
2004: I swear, my Grinchly heart grew three sizes right then and there.
2003: A tree with glass ornaments? In a house with five cats?
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: I told Fred we should hire her out to the local police agencies and she could tell them when someone looks like a “drug person.”
1999: Fred and I came to an agreement last night. The end of March, I’m going off the birth control, and we’re going to start trying to get pregnant. (HahahahahahaHAHA! My, how times have changed!)]]>
Robyn, the Christmas kitties are all SERIOUSLY gorgeous!! They should be adopted very easily and quickly. I just can’t get over how cute they all are. 🙂
Jack is my personal favorite…what a handsome boy he is.
Thanks for the bra info. I don’t believe that I’ve ever worn the proper size to hold up the girls. Guess it’s time to check them out.
That’s the cutest damn batch of kittens I’ve seen in a long time — and I’m a cute-aholic!
I bought some underwire Cacique and they do not fit. I’ve worn them maybe 5 times in the hopes that they would but no. No dice. 38F and because of the cut of the cup, they don’t work and I overflow. I am currently wearing a Lilyette 958 and love it. I am wearing a 38DDD and the cup fits the best I’ve ever worn but the band could use a size up. But I refuse to since, you know, I am going to lose weight and all.
But each time I measure myself, I get a different size ranging from DDD-I
Robyn, I think you’ve convinced me to finally measure myself the right way and get a damn bra that fits. Time for me to leave the Cacique comfort zone, too, I’m afraid. (But Cacique has really pretty bras! *whine*)
Yay! I keep evangelizing to everyone I can about bra sizes. I love Olga bras–I ought to order some from Breakout Bras because I can’t find them at JC Penney anymore.
That Playboy model? She SO is not a 36D. Those magazines are full of women who, according to the stats they print, are totally wearing the wrong size bra (probably because they can’t find one in the right size!) Anyone that skinny is does not need a 36 band size; I’d betcha anything she’s really something like a 32DDD.
Thanks for the bra sizing link. I NEVER believed that you had to measure your rib cage and ADD inches to come to the bra size so I never did it. I’m sure I’m in the wrong size and have the pain to prove it. I’m sending the link home.
I hope you get to keep the kitties a little longer for Noelle’s sake. Otherwise, bye bye kitties – have a great life!
Thanks for the bra info and link. I have very large breast and have never found a bra that fits me comfortably. I’m rather sick of looking like I have 4 boobs due to them spilling out over the top of my bra. Can’t wait to measure, althought I’m deathly afraid of finding out I’m a size 42JJJ or some weird size.
I want Kringle. It’s my birthday and I am home with 2 sick kids (flue also) and I WANT WANT WANT Kringle. I need Kringle.
LOL I totally thought to myself when I saw the look on Jacks face … “The boss wants his money see …and the next time we come around …it won’t be the litter-box we re-arrange”
What a cutey patootie
I have been trying all week to convince my fiance (who is on vacation this week) to drive to Alabama from Michigan and get me Kringle for Christmas, but he keeps saying no! He claims the 3 cats I have are enough…I told him I will never win the title of crazy cat lady with just 3!
I’m seriously going to weep from the cuteness!!
Ahem. I wear a 34DDD and I assure you that I am most definitely not a porn star! Have you looked at Edith Lance bras? They are ridiculously expensive and a little hardcore as regards underwire, but I like how they fit and they actually seem to be able to hold on to all of me where others have failed. They minimize partly by allowing excess, um, flesh to use the side of the bra rather than be squished down and shoved to the bottom. But they do take a little getting used to. . .
Go you Robyn, underwear that fits is a wonderful thing!
You would never know to look at me that I am a 30H, but that’s what I am right now. I only take a UK size 12-14 on top, because cup sizes are relative to back sizes. (To be fair, I was only a 30G before I got pregnant.)
I’m a Freya girl myself, and I only buy at Bravissimo – I don’t think they sell in the US but they have been life-changing for me, my sisters, and a couple of friends. The right size bra is nearly always smaller around the back and bigger in the cup than you think, and I agree – you are SO GLAD when you find it.
Thanks Stacey & Robyn for the info on how to get the right size bra. I hate shopping for bras.
Kitties are so cute. Such beautiful fur and eyes.
Sorry! I forgot to say that the first time I read your blog was the story of FancyPants having poo on his feathery tail and Fred and you cleaning him up. It was hilarious! I was hooked from then on. thanks for the many laughs!
(Edited so as not to ruin the surprise for everyone else! (But hilarious picture, Jenn! 🙂 )
I went for a bra fitting. I thought I was a 36 C. I was told I am a 32 C or D depending on the bra. What I noticed is that the back strap is to sit much lower than most women normally think it belons. it which is why when I tried on other bras I did not think they fit. My friend who has naturally large breast on a very very small frame has a F cup size but all her bra straps needed to be altered (they do it for free). Unfortunately you will rarely find your bra size once your properly sized and have to order them or go to a store like Intimacy and spend 500$ for 6 bras. One of the bras I bought was 140$ but its absolutely beautiful. I love to wear beautiful lingerie it just makes me feel good.
Okay, enough with the double and triple D’s. Some of us never grew up in that department. Got any sites that sell comfortable A’s & B’s?
I went to Kohls yesterday and purchased the exact same Olga bras. I have had it on all day and it really is one of the most comfortable I have ever worn. They were on sale for 14.99 each and you got a mail in certificate for a free one for every 2 you bought. You just cant beat that!
Doesn’t Jack Frost appear to be impersonating James Cagney. I can almost hear him say,”You dirty rat you…” Hesh tawkin outta the shide of hish mouth like a wise guy. Ha!