Date I started addressing cards: I can’t guarantee it, but I think it was somewhere around December 3rd.
Date I finished: The day after I stopped taking addresses, so December 22nd.
Total cards sent out (not including family): 320.
States receiving 10 or more cards: California (21), Illinois (10), Maine (11), Michigan (14), North Carolina (16), Ohio (16), Pennsylvania (11), Texas (17), Virginia (16), Washington state (12).
States who don’t love me and didn’t want a card: Hawaii, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, Washington DC.
Other countries receiving cards: Canada (16), New Zealand (2), Australia (9), United Kingdom (2), Sweden (2), Netherlands (1), Portugal (1), Germany (1), Finland (1), Scotland (3), Switzerland (1), France (1) and Israel (1).
Number of cards kicked back as undeliverable: Just one, because I’m a dumbass who forgot to put the stamp on the card. I put a stamp on the card and mailed it right back out; hopefully it got there before Christmas!
Percentage of probability that I accidentally sent out more than one card to at least one person: 96.837.
Was I terribly organized about my card sending this year?: Not terribly organized, not terribly disorganized. I’d like to say I was more organized than I expected to be, with the whole house thing going on and distracting me.
Did I have a lot of fun shopping for funny cards?: I did not. What I did have a lot of fun doing was creating a personalized card this year that was AWESOME. I don’t know how on earth I’m ever going to top that card, I really don’t. For those of you who hate me and didn’t request a card, this is what it looked like:
(Inside: But he loves Santa. Happy freakin’ holidays.)
I actually ran out of cards, and about 40 of you ended up with handmade cards wherein I taped that picture to the front of a blank card and hand-wrote the message inside. Thank god for Walgreen’s and their willingness to print out 40 pictures in the space of a couple of hours.
What I’ll do differently next year: Order more cards, probably.
Number of cards I’ve received: As of today, 153. I had them taped to the back of the front door, the door between the hallway and kitchen, and the door to the garage. Next year I’ll have to come up with a better way of displaying them, methinks.
Thanks, you guys, for the awesome cards you sent. They always make me smile! It’s amazing how many names I recognize when I’m opening cards.
I took a picture of the cards I’ve received, and they’re
here. I left the picture cards in the pictures I took, but blurred out all names. If your card is on that page and you don’t want it there, just say the word and I’ll blur the whole thing out, I promise.
* * *
When we were in Pigeon Forge, I think I mentioned that we did a lot of shopping. One of the things we did was to hit some of the factory outlets, and one of the factory outlets we hit was Harry & David. They had lot of stuff marked down to 50% off, and I saw some Christmas dishes I absolutely loved. I didn’t want to make an impulse purchase, though, so I decided to sleep on it.
When I woke up the next day, I decided I really wanted those damn plates. I mean, we’re planning on having Christmas (at least the morning part of Christmas) at our house next year, so we really needed Christmas plates, right?
I ended up getting not only the regular-sized plates I loved so much, but also appetizer plates that I fell in love with as well. And I ended up not having to pay anything for them, because my sister bought them for me, for my birthday!
My sister ROCKS.
The appetizer plates.
The dinner plates.
When we were in the Smoky Mountain Cat House, my mother saw some dessert plates she really liked, and she bought them. I don’t know if she bought them intending to give them to me next Christmas, or bought them for herself and decided it’d be too much of a pain in the ass to get them home unbroken or what, but she ended up giving them to me for my birthday (along with a Lowe’s gift card, which my parents decided would be funny to give me, ’cause I told them we got so many for Christmas that we would probably be able to finish out one bathroom with no cost to us!)

All in all, it was a very good birthday. And my birthday’s not ’til next Tuesday!
* * *
Tuesday night Fred and I were watching TV when the phone rang. He picked it up, looked at the caller ID, and handed it to me. It was the shelter manager, and I hoped she was calling to tell me she had some kittens for me. Instead, she asked if I was willing to take Moondance and Moonman – a couple of adult cats who’d been at the pet store for several weeks – for a couple of weeks. They’ve been in a cage together (they’re siblings), and it appears that they’re starting to get on each others’ nerves – something I noticed when I was at the pet store on Monday.
Of course I was willing to take them in for a couple of weeks, so yesterday morning I went to the pet store and got them. The boy – Moonman – was perfectly willing to get into the cat carrier, but the girl – Moondance – did NOT want to get into the carrier, and I had to chase her down and wrestle her into the carrier.
She’s got a very loud meow when she’s scared, and she howled all the way through the store, across the parking lot, and halfway home before she settled down.
At home, I let Mister Boogers and Sugarbutt sniff at them through the carrier doors (and Mister Boogers hissed and growled at them), then shooed them out of the room, set up the litter box and food and water bowls, and opened the doors to their carriers and left the room.
(I like to let the cats get a little acclimated to their surroundings before I get all up in their faces.)
About an hour and a half later, I went into the cat room, and Moonman was hiding in one of the hiding places (I don’t know what to call that thing. A pyramid?) and Moondance was sniffing around, and when I walked into the room, she froze. Now, they were always perfectly friendly at the pet store, so I expected them to come over and be petted, but instead they just stared at me and looked scared.
Moondance stood, frozen, in the middle of the room and stared at me. Now, here’s the thing about cats that I never really noticed before yesterday: when they want to look at something to the left of them, they move their whole heads, rather than just their eyes. Moondance, frozen in place, looked to the left of me by moving just her eyes instead of moving her whole head, and it was really kind of odd to see that happen.
I eventually sweet-talked her into coming over to be petted, and now she’s relaxed enough that if you go into the room she’ll freak out a little at first, then the lightbulb goes on over her head – “Oh, they pet me, and I likes to be petted!” – and she comes over for some lovin’. He, on the other hand, is a shy little monkey, and hides in his pyramid until he decides it’s safe to come out, whereupon he walks across the room, stretching, ends up in front of the food dish and casually says “Oh, look. It’s food! Why, I suppose I could have a bite to eat…” He’s only let me pet him a few times. Maybe it’ll take a couple of days for him to relax enough to come over and demand love the way she does.
Anyway, pictures!

Moondance (the girl).

Moonman (the boy, obviously).
I’ll try to get better pictures of them. The pictures don’t convey just how pretty they are!
* * *
Miz Poo has claimed the basket by the computer room window as her own. She’s spent the bulk of the last two days curled up in the basket. Tommy likes to sleep in the basket upstairs in my bedroom. I think the baskets are a hit!
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: Links.
2001: What sad, sad lives y’all must have led, to never experience the delight of whoopie pies.
2000: I’m feeling like total crap.]]>
THAT is the BEST christmas card ever and I could just kick myself for being to much of a busy/lazy/forgetful procrastinator to put my name on the list. To hell with myself. I hate me too.
Miz Poo is such a pretty girl.
Moondance and Moonman are gorgeous!
Indeed that was THE best Christmas card I received this year! And I went and sent you one that looks quite similar to it i.e., the black and white card with the cat wearing the Christmas hat in the first set of pictures. After I had received your card I was pissed I sent the one I did. Heh!
Your Christmas plates are absolutely adorable!! 🙂
And da kitties are so cute! They don’t know exactly how pampered they’re going to be in the Anderson household just yet, it appears! 😉
P.S. When I try clicking on a Christmas card, Flickr is telling me I don’t have permission. Am I doing something wrong? 🙁
Those dessert plates are so cute!
I sent a card, but I don’t see it, and it could very well be that 1)I’m blind from workout high, 2) it was eaten by postal machines because I believe the one I sent actually has a strand of lights on it. I love the card you sent out and thanks a lot for it. I hope Mz Poo will be on a card soon, she’s awesome.
Did you ever decide in the best sports bra?
Just wanted to let you know I bought a new car finally, went with the Nissan Versa, I love it!
My kids loved your card, as did my dad. It was the first one anyone went to when they were checking out my collection!
The card you forgot to put a stamp on was mine, which actually turned out great. It came between Christmas and New year and as I was struck down with pneumonia on Christmas Eve and spent much of the following days holed up alone in my flat, getting a Mister Boogers card all the way for the US of A was fantabulous!
So call it fate missus 😉
I’m having the same “permission denied” problems on Flikr. I even logged into Yahoo (which they never asked me to do before) and it still didn’t work.
I LOVED the Christmas card. I can’t tell you how many people asked me who the heck Robyn, Fred and the Spud were! 🙂 Thanks!
oh I’m lovin those cat dessert plates. My sis would love them even more. Is there a designer or brand name on the back that might help me find them on line? Thanks!
Tuxedo kitty! She’s so cute!
Sorry about that, you guys – I had the Flickr pictures set to “private”. I’ve changed them back to “anyone can see”, so you should be able to see them now!
Barb in KS: They’re Oneida Fiddlestix Holiday Cats plates. Good luck! 🙂
Your new plates are so cute. I’m going to save your card, we loved it. I didn’t see the card I sent, so hopefully you got it and I’m just blind. Or it’s the Post Office’s fault.
Did you get many duplicate cards? I’m always amazed that I only seem to get 1 or maybe 2 duplicates, though I get nowhwere near the number you do.
It’s always so much fun to get your card and then look forward to your Christmas card wrap-up! I just love seeing the card I got you in amongst all those other cards your “fans” have sent. Hopefully you enjoyed them all (and mine most of all! I sent you my very favorite card from the Hallmark store where I work!).
Happy holidays, and thanks again for being such a fun part of not only the holidays, but the rest of the year as well!
I was just checking to see if anybody had nicknamed the new kitties “Moomoo” and “Danceypants” yet. Not that I would suggest such a thing.
That is a BEAUTIFUL picture of Mizz Poo. And you can totally tell which one is the boy – he’s the one that looks kinda dumb. My boys look like that too. Poor guys.
I got all excited when I saw the card I sent you, like, ooh ooh there’s Tigger in a x-mas hat!
It’s the simple things in life isn’t it 😉
I’m so excited that I finally got a new computer at home – ever since I got firewalled at work I’ve missed you!
Awww, I don’t see my card either, which probably means the damn post office machines ate it.
But I did get yours and everyone who’s seen it, including myself, loves it.
I love all of those plates but I don’t think I’d be able to eat off the top ones though. They’d make me dizzy.
ooh i just spotted the card I sent ya’ll, whew!
Moonman sure is a handsome boy and his coloring is especially pretty.