Nance and Jane have both done – I am a lemming, you should know that by now – and a few cat pics, and call it an entry. Oh, except that I will tell you that I went to the doctor’s office this morning. See, I’m taking Toprol XL for heart palpitations (don’t give me that surprised look – I told y’all about it when it happened, and I can’t help it if you don’t keep copious notes about my life like you SHOULD) and my prescription ran out a few months ago, so I’d call and leave a message asking my doctor to call in a refill, and she’d have the nurse call in one month’s worth, and I’d be all “What the fuck? WHY IS SHE MAKING ME CALL EVERY MONTH AND BEG FOR A REFILL? Why doesn’t she just call in six months’ worth?” Well, last month when I was close to running out, I called and left the usual message, and later that day the nurse called me back. “We’ll call in one months worth of the Toprol,” she said. “But you need to come in and have your blood pressure checked.” “Oh,” I said. “Okay.” And immediately forgot. While I was in Maine, I realized I didn’t even have enough Toprol to get me through the weekend, so on Wednesday, I called and left the usual message begging for a refill. Later that day, the nurse called me. “I can leave you a week’s worth of Toprol at the front desk,” she said sternly. “But no more than that. You need to come in and see us. Do you want to make an appointment for today?” “Well, no,” I said. “I’m in Maine right now, actually.” She laughed. “When will you be back?” “I’ll be back tomorrow, but I’ll call the office later today from my parents’ house and make an appointment for Friday.” “Okay, but if you can’t get an appointment for Friday, let me know and I’ll leave you samples at the front desk to get you through to next week.” So I made an appointment for 9:30 this morning, and when the nurse called me back to take my temperature and all that fun stuff, I said, flat-out, I’m not stepping on that scale. “You’re not?” she said, eyebrows raised. “I’m not. I just spent the last 10 days eating my way across Maine. I have no desire to see what the damage is.” She laughed. “I can understand that!” My blood pressure was fine and my doctor popped in for a few minutes to see what was going on in my life, and ended up giving me a prescription for Toprol, one for Synthroid, one for Seasonale, and then when I mentioned that I’d brought a cold back from Maine with me, she checked my ears, nose, and throat, and told me my ears were swollen. She ordered a blood test, and told me to wait until they did the CBC, because if it showed that I had an infection, she’d give me an antibiotic. So they drew the blood and told me I could hang out in the waiting room until the CBC had been completed and shown to the doctor. I waited in the waiting room for about five minutes, and while I was there, do you know what I read? AARP The Magazine. And I really enjoyed it, too. I think this means that I might be turning 38 on Monday, but mentally I’m about twice that. (Yes, I have the beginnings of a double ear infection, and she prescribed Augmentin. Ugh.)

Welcome back! I was bored shitless without having your blog to read. 🙂
That look on Tom Cullen’s face reminds me of my Mr. Bigglesworth. I really miss him.
Pink kitty toes! Love ’em.
Welcome home, Robyn!
Kitty toes! love the little kitty toes!
What is it with cats and suitcases?
After checking my copious notes, I realized that you just did this meme on December 15th! I thought it sounded familiar…
But you know what, I enjoyed reading it just as much the second time. Glad you’re back!
Well. NO WONDER it seemed so familiar. I am SUCH a dork. Can I blame it on the cold?
Welcome back and M O O N did miss you too!
Yeah! You are back!
Hee,I got a membership package from ARRP and I’m only forty-six.
Okay this is getting weird:
We both got married on October 31. You & my husband have the same birthday (January 9).
If you tell me Fred’s birthday is May 12th, I am going to believe we are identical couples trapped in alternate universes!
Shelly: Fred’s birthday is May 26th! Close enough, I think. 🙂
That’s wild! We are SO cool!
Welcome back Robyn! I went to the doctor today too but didn’t get the RX overhaul you got. But I DID get a papsmear. Go me! Whoot!
Everybody sing along: “Sugarbutt to the left of me, Miz Poo to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with youuuuu!”
Is it just me or has Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen grown?!!! I mean GROWN!
I missed ya too, Robyn!!
I can’t believe your trip is over so fast! Here *I* am…..stuck here with HER!
A very Happy Birthday to you, Robyn! 😀