
smiling. I hope this whole thing just goes away; I’m sooooo sick of hearing about it, and of course the more I hear about it, the more pissed I become. I will say this, though: why’re they waving all the cuban flags? Aren’t they, um, AMERICANS? So, welcome to my new subscribers! Two new ones today and one yesterday brings the total up to 31! That means, aside from myself, there are 30 people in this world who are sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for the next nugget of wisdom to come from the brain o’ bitchypoo. 30 people waiting anxiously for me to update. 30 people, sitting there, thinking to themselves "I wonder what Robyn’s doing right now?" Man, too much pressure. Is it about time to stop my journal? 🙂 Just kidding, of course. Mostly. Anyway. So yesterday was my last "official" day at work, though as I’ve mentioned I’ll be going in every day next week for a few hours each day. And on Friday, there’ll be some sort of going-away party for me, which is as it should be. I don’t care to be the center of attention much, but I have been at that company for 3 years and much as I may have been a lazy-ass do-nothing kind of office manager, it’s only right that they pay homage to me and give me presents. Have I mentioned that the world revolves around me? So early this morning as I was ready to walk out the door to get groceries, Fred called down to me: "Bessie?" in his you-did-something-wrong tone. "Yes?" I responded. "Did you get me any creamer this week?" Shiiiiit. There’s only one kind of creamer he likes, and I’ve only been able to find it at Office Depot, and Sam’s. All week long, I’ve been swearing I’d stop at Office Depot and pick some up, since he was all but out, and naturally I forgot. I’d forget my head if it weren’t stapled on. Tense negotiations ensued. I offered to pick up a different kind of creamer at the grocery store to get him through the weekend. I offered to get groceries, drop them off, and go to Office Depot when it opened at 9. He didn’t want to wait. Finally, we decided I’d run to the office, since they use the same creamer there, and borrow a container of it, which we’d pay back Monday when I actually got off my ass and went to Office Depot or Sam’s. So I hopped in the Jeep and headed for the office. Rachel had mentioned earlier this week that she’d be in to work over the weekend to make up the time she missed by leaving early Friday, so I didn’t consider it a problem that I didn’t have a key to the office (I gave it to her). Naturally, she wasn’t there. I called Fred on the cellphone and told him of the situation, which he found humorous. Finally, he agreed to make do with Cremora through the weekend. So I went off to Publix to get groceries. I hadn’t picked up anything for the spud for Easter, and most of the Easter baskets, candy, and toys were half price, so I loaded up. Yes, I’m an awful last-minute-shopping Mommy. I got into a conversation with a lady who worked there, and later she found me to ask if I wanted a big stuffed bunny which had been marked down to $1.50. Naturally this was a bargain I could NOT pass up. And naturally I ended up paying MUCH more than I’d expected or wanted to pay for a week’s worth of groceries. As usual. So we’re having a turkey for Easter dinner, since I am not a big fan of ham, and it will only be the spud, Fred, and I for dinner. It should be an excellent meal, so long as Fred makes the devilled eggs. May the Easter Bunny bring y’all lots of treats! —–]]>