
Teddy Bear Factory, where the spud made a Teddy Bear for herself, and Fred made one for me (which he named Bessie Bear (his nickname for me is Bessie, I think I’ve mentioned)), we were on our way. We got home sometime after 2:00 our time (there’s an hour time difference between us and G’burg, which may have screwed us up more than we realized) and dragged all our stuff inside, gave the cats some love, unpacked, and went swimming. I’m so so SO glad to be home. The house we stayed in had a weird musty, unused smell, which permeated our clothes and all our stuff. By comparison, home smells like, well, home. I’ll be hard at work tomorrow doing laundry, so I’ll have time to start getting some sort of page of my vacation pictures put up – and there are a LOT of pictures. I’m one picture-taking fool, let me tell you. My stomach muscles got a workout while we were on vacation, because Fred did all the driving on those narrow, scary, treacherous roads, and more often that not there would be, on my side of the road, a FUCKING scary drop of, oh, twenty million feet, and it always seemed – at least to me – that we were on the verge of plummeting over the side to our sure deaths. Therefore, every time I looked out my window, I’d gasp involuntarily, tense my stomach muscles – because that really helps stop a car from falling off the side of a mountain, dontcha know – and grab the dashboard. I just thank god I wasn’t driving. ]]>