
Okay, by popular request (see yesterday’s entry), here they are:


Those were the five that sprang to mind. "Tits" (which I hate) always makes me think of the ex, whose greatest compliment to me (oh, the romance!) was: "You got some nice titties."

Hard to believe it didn’t work out.

Libraries are just the shit, aren’t they? I visited our local library for the first time in about 3 years and checked out Anne Rivers Siddons’ Low Country on audiotape; I listen to audiobooks when I walk in the morning, and I’m about to finish Dean Koontz’s Dark Rivers of the Heart (which I highly, highly recommend, by the way), and since I’ve been listening to Stephen King and Dean Koontz books for months now, I decided I needed something a tad lighter. It was between Low Country and Bill Bryson’s A Sunburned Country, and since I’ve read and liked Low Country, it was the winner. This time, anyway.

Aside from the audiobook, I also checked out volume one of Pride and Prejudice (the miniseries), so I can see whether all the brouhaha about Colin Firth is justified.

And I was wandering toward the front desk to check out when the title of a book caught my eye. I picked it up, leafed through it, and liked what I read. So I took that as well. The title? Something’s Wrong with Your Scale: A Romantic Comedy. Like I ever could have passed that one up!

My butt hurts. I got all ambitious and rode my bike for 5 miles this morning (not that impressive, I know, but remember that this is only the second time I’ve done any riding at all). And then when Fred got home, we drove over to a greenway on the other side of Madison and I biked from one end to the other and back again, which was a total of 4 miles. I’ll probably be lucky if I can even walk tomorrow.

Oh, my achin’ ass.
