
I was watching The Bachelor Monday night (y’all may just shut up this very moment – you KNOW that reality TV is like crack to me. Except for Fear Factor, which I loathe because of the nasty shit they always have to eat. Bleh.), and I was all horrified. "What KIND of man would do this?" I thought, aghast. "What KIND of man would go on a show where he had twenty five gorgeous women dying for him to fall in love with… Oh." What kind of man WOULDN’T do it is more the question, I guess. So, the show has caught and held my attention (big shock there, eh?), and I was happy to see the bachelorette (gag) I didn’t like go, and the one, two, three I did like stay. Apparently Alex and I have similar taste in women. Anyway, while I was watching the show, Shannon (a sweetheart, but maybe too nice) was using a straightening iron on her hair. It seemed to work really well for her, and I was awestruck at the smooth, shiny straightness of her hair. I have a hard time getting my hair as straight as I’d like, because it’s fairly wavy. So naturally, I made up a poll for those of you who’ve used a straightening iron to answer. Give it a go, would you?

Straightening Iron – good or bad?
Does a straightening iron work well? Yes, it works great. My hair’s never looked better!
Not bad, but it’s so expensive that it’s not worth the cost.
No, it doesn’t work worth a damn.
Come eat fried chicken in the dark with me, beautiful.

Current Results
Of course, it’s all really a moot point. The ones I’ve seen online are $70 or more, and I’ll only have the one-length hair until my 35th birthday, because then I’m CHOPPING IT OFF. That’s right, my 35th birthday present to myself is going to be having my hair cut like this. Ashley Judd’s ‘do, that is – not Hugh Jackman. In a perfect world, having my hair cut like her would make me LOOK like her, but I’m not holding my breath. Mother Nature is getting ON MY NERVES. It was almost 80 here yesterday. Today? 55. I guess I shouldn’t really complain, because 55’s better than 30, but still. Give me back my 80, you bitch! Ah well. At least it’s sunny. Fred bought and planted 4 rose bushes in our front flower bed yesterday. Now all that remains is to put down the black felt to prevent weeds, buy and plant some petunias, and put down mulch, and that bed will be all set. A guy came today to clean out the other flower bed (uh, we hired him to do it, it’s not like he was wandering by and decided to), and this weekend Fred’s going to plant more rose bushes there. I love the idea of planting rose bushes in our front flower beds, because they’re way more interesting to me than the boring green bushes that were there when we moved in. I still have to buy lily bulbs for the back yard, and I’ve ordered a couple of butterfly bushes with a coupon I had. One will go in the back yard somewhere and the other will go in front of the fence on the side of the house. I had thought of planting one in the front flower bed, but they really get too big to go there. Oh, and I want to grow tomatoes, too! Okay, enough of the gardening babble.]]>