chicken vindaloo and some Shield-watching. Hopefully they’ll appreciate the show as much as we do.
Speaking of food (see: chicken vindaloo, above), Fred’s stepfather made a big batch of seafood gumbo over the weekend, and they offered some to us. We went to their house yesterday to visit with them, play with their new cat (who looks so much like the old one it’s scary), and pick up a bowl o’ gumbo, which we had for dinner last night. My GOD was it good, and I’m sitting here craving it. I’m going to make turkey stew later this week, and send some over to them in the same bowl. It won’t be as good as the gumbo they gave us, but I don’t think anything could be.
* * *
From time to time I go through my “My Documents” folder, reading stuff I’ve written and getting rid of stuff I’ve saved for no apparent reason, like old addresses and the like. On my most recent foray through the folder, I found something that amused the hell out of me, but I have no recollection of having written. I mean, I vaguely remember the story idea, but I don’t recall actually writing down this one-page beginning.
Since the entries have been boring as hell lately, I typed it up for y’all, and you can see it
I wish I’d kept going with the story when I did write it, though. I’d like to have seen where it went – like I said, I only vaguely remember the idea.
* * *
Did you hear that
Tubby was a hero over the weekend? Who’d’ve thunk it? Fancypants always acts like he’s the big badass, but when it came to defending house and home, he was hiding upstairs.
I’m sure Tubby was just worried that the other cat would eat some of his food.

For the record, the quilt Tubby’s sleeping on is the one someone (I have my suspicions) peed on last week, and which I washed twice (with bleach). I took it out of the dryer, folded it, and put it on top of that container (which holds Christmas wrapping paper), and in less than 5 minutes Fancypants had sniffed it out and was sound asleep on top of it. Damn cats.
* * *
The spud informed us over the weekend that she doesn’t believe people have really gone up into space. She has no solid reasoning – or even unsolid reasoning, no reasoning whatsoever – but has decided it’s all a big lie.
Yep. Apparently I’m raising a freakish conspiracy theorist. Hopefully she’ll learn to have some reasons behind her beliefs in the future, rather than “I just don’t believe it.” Because really, you can’t argue with that.]]>