
* * * People, who broke the internet? I spent the morning on the verge of a stroke because I couldn’t connect to my email and couldn’t connect to Stamps.com, and if I can’t connect to Stamps.com I can’t print out postage, and by 10:30, with my foot bugging the shit out of me (it’s more swollen than yesterday, goddamnit) and my FUCKING EMAIL CLIENTS BEEPING AT ME BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T CONNECT I was ready to put my fist through the monitor, and so I got up and walked away from the computer and vacuumed and mopped the dowstairs floors. And my foot hurts. I’d blame my crankiness on yesterday’s tetanus shot, but I usually respond poorly to frustration, and so I cannot. In retrospect I should have hopped on the stationary bike and worked off my frustrations. Although, that never really works, because I just pedal and think about everything that’s pissing me off, and it makes me madder. And my upper arm hurts where I got jabbed with that damn shot. I’m a mess. But at least the damn floors got mopped for the first time in a month.

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Me, earlier today: “I swear to god, I’m going to go on a shooting spree!” Fred: “Who will you shoot?” Me: “THE GODDAMN INTERNET!”
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Fred is swearing at the Paperclip in Microsoft Word, which is only trying to help him write a letter. Hee!
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On the up side, Fred pointed out that Paypal has a feature wherein you can create a printable packing ship, and he further pointed out that it was ridiculous to create a new Customer: Job in Quickbooks for each and every order, and there was no reason we couldn’t create an invoice per day for all the customers that day, and lo! it was a good fucking idea, and lo! it hath my life easier, thankyajeezus.
* * *
While I was in Maine, Fred went out and bought Weird Al’s latest album, and last night as we were driving to the post office (which will be a regular part of our routine for the time being) one of the songs came on. It was a sweet, sad song… I was watching my TV one night when they broke in with a special report About some devastating earthquake in Peru There were thirty thousand crushed to death, even more were buried alive On the Richter scale it measured 8.2 And I said, “God, please answer me one question… Why’d they have to interrupt the Simpsons just for this?” What a drag, ’cause I was taping it and everything And now I’ll have to wait for the rerun to see the part of the show I missed. Which is when Fred hooted and said “From now on the name of this song is “The Robyn song!” Weird Al is a funny motherfucker.
* * *
As much as my email response rate (ie, me responding to your emails) has sucked before now, it will suck even worse in the new few weeks, so bear with me. I’ll read your emails, but as far as responding, well, packing those damn books is keeping me busy and I’ll get back to you when I can. You still love me though, right?
* * *
The squirrel, under the platform feeder (good pickin’s under there, I guess). Coming out the other side. Two seconds before Miz Poo exploded out the cat door after him. He’s not nearly as scrawny as he was before he started dining at the And3rson buffet on a regular basis. ]]>

10 thoughts on “2003-08-12”

  1. The internet? I was trying to get to your site, or Fred’s to buy the book and from sometime last night until now at 8, you guys pages were not available. just wondered if ya knew? Now I think I will have to wait to buy the book, because of major bills that came in today, so maybe it was a good thing.

  2. According to my hunny, the Internet was under massive attack yesterday by a new worm that some script kiddies unleashed on us. Spayshul!

  3. Yeah, that damn worm had our sites up and down all day. I think those damn script kiddies should be strung up by their toes!

  4. Hey, I sear at the stupid paperclip…or I just change him to a cat…but even the cat irritates me…so Fred has a paperclip-swearin’-friend…and you tell him I said that! 😛

  5. You can make Mr. Annoying Paper Clip go away by right clicking on it and choosing “hide assistant.” Since “kill assistant” is not an option, sending him into hiding is better than nothing…

  6. What tune was Weird Al singing those lyrics to? Doesn’t he always take popular songs and then change the lyrics?

  7. Silly Stephanie. Simply clicking to make the Paperclip go away isn’t nearly as much fun as swearing at it! 😉
    Martha – he usually does, but he also does songs that he wrote himself (music and all), and this song was one of those.

  8. Argh..I hate that paperclip too. It drives me crazy..always jumping up and opening its mouth when I don’t need his help. I switched it to the cat but he does the same thing. It is harder for me to swear at a cute little kitty though!
    I read about that worm in the paper this morning. Maybe that was why we had some trouble on here yesterday. Scott was going crazy trying to do things and not being able to and the email was soooooooo slow. But I WAS able to get my book ordered and I cannot wait till it arrives and I can start reading!!
    Hang in there Robyn..you’ll be the packing/taping expert by the time you are done!!! And yanno we all still luv ya!!!

  9. Somewhere online – I wish I could find it, but a quick search turned up nothing – I once saw the most hysterical thing. It was a screenshot of word, with that damnable little paperclip popping up and saying, “It looks like you’re writing a letter. Would you like me to bollocks it up for you?”

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