
* * * As we were sitting in the examining room waiting for Dr. Judy to come in and tell us the results of the blood test (yes, they took blood to send out for a TSH test, too), I said “Are you still nauseous?” I had my suspicions, frankly, that she’d been nauseous for more than a few minutes, because people who are nauseated do not act CHIPPER and HAPPY and CHATTY. “No,” she said. “I’m not.” “Oh,” I said casually. “What time is lunch at school?” She went through a whole song-and-dance about how it was over at 12:30 no, 12:35, no 12:45. “So why don’t I drop you off at school so you can go to your last two classes?” I suggested. Which is when she explained that when she said she was “not nauseous”, what that meant was that she wasn’t “AS nauseous.” Riiiiiiight.

* * *
So while I was in Maine, my beloved husband ordered for me something that came last week, and which I love and adore. A signed picture of Paulie Walnuts and Silvio Dante! I love it! Once I get it framed and hung over my desk, I’ll take a picture of it. Fred picked up a line from the 3rd season of The Sopranos that he’s been shouting out at random intervals. It’s from the show where Paulie and Christopher are lost in the woods, and the line as spoken by Christopher is: “I’ll leave you here, you one-shoed cocksucker! You know how fast I can run!” Heh.
* * *
Friday afternoon I was sitting in front of my computer (o’ course), and I glanced up to see a hummingbird hovering in front of the hummingbird feeder. He dove in and took a taste of the hummingbird food. “Hm,” he said. “That’s pretty fucking nasty.” And then he tried the next hole. “Hm,” he said. “That’s pretty fucking nasty, too!” He went around the feeder, trying every hole, and the verdict was always the same: pretty fucking nasty. He hovered for a moment, made a face that clearly said “Fuck THAT!”, and flew off. As soon as he was gone, I went out and grabbed the feeder, cleaned it out, and put fresh food in it. The food that was already in there was pretty rancid, since I hadn’t cleaned it out and refilled it since BEFORE I left for Maine. I hoped he’d give it another chance instead of warning all his hummingbird buddies off. Today, I heard Miz Poo make a whiny sound as she stared out the front window. I glanced up and saw: Pardon the crappy picture. After partaking of the food for several minutes, he flitted over to the pot where my Four O’Clocks are, took a sip out of one of the flowers, and flew off. An hour later, another one showed up (could have been the same one, I suppose). I wasn’t able to get a picture of that one, though, because he didn’t stick around long enough for me to take the memory stick out of the reader, stick it in the camera, and wait for the camera to turn on and be ready to snap a picture. Hopefully word will go out in the h’bird community, and I’ll be able to snap a decent picture or two in the future.]]>

19 thoughts on “2003-08-13”

  1. I’m a pretty good worrier. Are you sure you don’t want me to worry about Spud? ‘Cause I can worry about her. I have no problem doing that. Just say thewordandI’llstartthen.
    Whew. I’m glad you’re not worried.

  2. I’d probably be more worried if I hadn’t been through the exact same thing at her age. Of course, I’d probably be LESS worried if I hadn’t googled “Thyroid Nodule”!

  3. If it makes you feel any better (not that you’re worried!), my friend also had the exact same thing. A lump on her thyroid, she went for tests and went on thyroid medication and it shrunk. It will all be fine.

  4. Hell, my husband doesn’t even HAVE a thyroid and he’s fine! Thank God for Synthroid.

  5. I’m going to start calling Fred “Mary Kate Galligher,” because he seems to like reciting things from tv shows.

  6. By the way? MEH! Nothing serious is wrong with the Spud, or your Doc. would have said differently. So no freaking out for anyone!

  7. OK first Fancypants disappears and now the Spudlet has a lump…I am NOT happy…oh well, now she can just be on Synthroid with the rest of us…

  8. I will keep your daughter in my prayers! Thyroid conditions run in the family..so I am sure it’s normal.Keep us updated!!

  9. I loved the commentary on what the Hummingbird was thinking to himself, it made me laugh 😉

  10. That particular episode of the Sopranos (Paulie and Christopher in the woods) is one of my favorites. Do you have ANY idea when the new season starts, Robyn?
    Good thoughts for the spud from me, too. My sister had the same problem and is FINE.

  11. My mom was exactly like you — NOT a worrier. She always thought we were being overly dramatic or malingering. I hope Spud feels better soon and everything checks out OK.
    And that picture — your husband is a doll. Best episode of Sopranos EVER. Paulie’s wild hair in that scene is enough to crack you up, but the sucking on ketchup packets kills me.
    And then Bobby Baccala shows up to save them in full outdoorsman hunting gear, complete with fluorescent orange vest. Priceless.

  12. Janet – I *think* that the new season starts in March. We haven’t seen Season 4 yet, so we’re hoping to catch it in reruns on HBO before March!
    Aidan – Bobby is starting to be one of our favorites, because he’s always getting yelled at. He absolutely cracks me up.

  13. Aidan- sucking on the ketchup packets! omg That was too funny. 🙂
    Thanks for the info, Robyn! xoxo

  14. About the spud, I admire your ability to be reasonable and come up with a plausible cause, and not go off half cocked like I would do in your shoes. So, if you’re ever anywhere and happen to see someone going around half cocked….that would be me!

  15. Hiya Robyn.. season 4 just can out for pre-orders today on Amazon ! Horrray, the email I opened prior to your notify was that one.. coincidental? I think not!
    Wow!! and Autographed pic!! That is soo way cool, da hubby looked at some on EBay for me.. but… I am infatuated with Tony Soprano and he was some $$$. (I am guessing you have guessed I am a Sporano’s Fan as well *giggles*) Have a great night!

  16. What an ass I am!!! Well wishes to the Spud.. I meant to send them really I did…I just got to goo goo over my Tony S. 😉 Take care spud and you’ll feel better soon!!

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