cancer Diet Coke. His idea of a relaxing weekend is doing a little hike like this one, maybe. (For the record, my idea of a nice hike is one that includes paved paths, like this one) This past Sunday, as I was sitting in front of my computer, cooling off from my workout, he started making his usual “If I don’t get OUT of this house, I’m going to LOSE MY MIND” noises. I said nothing, hoping in vain that he would get over it and wander off to read or watch TV. Silly me. “Want to hike up to Three Caves?” he suggested brightly. The last time he suggested hiking up to Three Caves was early this past summer, and on the way I got pissed at the fact that we never did ANYthing FUN (like go to the movies or go shopping or sit on our asses on the couch – NONathletic things, in other words), and started a fight. (It all worked out well, though – that was the first time we went to feed the ducks and geese at the lake by the university.) Because I knew that there’d be no shutting him up until we hauled our asses up the mountain once and for all so I could see the goddamn caves, I immediately agreed. A few minutes later he twigged to the fact that I was only agreeing to shut him up. “You’re agreeing to go just to shut me up, aren’t you?” he said. I smiled. He got out the map and showed me where Three Caves was located. “We could take the hard hike,” he drew his finger along a long trail that ended at Three Caves. “Or we could take the shorter route.” “How long of a hike is it?” I asked. He traced the route and calculated. “About half a mile.” Well, hell. Even I could do half a mile of hiking, followed by a short rest, a drink of water, and another half mile back to the car. We decided to leave in about half an hour, and both headed upstairs, he to tell the spud we were going for a hike and if she wanted to go she needed to be ready at 11:30, and me to take a shower. Not long after 11:30, after packing everything but the kitchen sink in his backpack (GPS, map, flashlight (no lights in the cave, dontchaknow), 3 bottles of water, and other assorted things), we were on our way. We got to the trailhead around noon and stood around while Fred changed out the batteries in the GPS and marked the location of the Jeep. We headed up a fairly steep trail, and it wasn’t long before I was breathing pretty heavily. Fred kept asking if I wanted to stop and rest, but I was in “Get this the fuck over with” mode, and refused. That whole line of crap about enjoying the journey rather than the destination, by the way, only holds true when the journey is ENJOYABLE. Yeah, yeah, enjoying the journey is a decision, blahblahshutthefuckupcakes. The trail evened out after ten minutes or so (there were some cool sinkholes, but we forgot to take pictures of them), and it wasn’t so bad for a little while. Fred and the spud took turns leading the hike, breaking the spider webs with their walking sticks. Another trail crossed the one we were on, and it occurred to me that we’d surely gone at least half a mile. “How much further?” I asked finally. “Oh, I don’t know. I didn’t mark the location of the caves on the GPS… Oh, wait!” A flash of brilliance came to him. “We can look on the map and see where that other trail crosses this one, and where the caves are!” He dug the map out of the backpack the spud was carrying (they were taking turns), and opened it up. He showed me the path we were on, and then found where the other path crossed. “And where are the caves?” I asked. He showed me, and I gave him a look that, by all rights, should have made his brains leak out his ears. “So, not even halfway.” “A little over halfway!” he LIED. Bastard. We kept going. Soon, the path turned into what was obviously an old stream bed, lined with rocks designed to make me lose my balance. It also went from fairly flat to a pretty seriously downhill path. As we walked, Fred and the spud leaping nimbly from rock to rock, doing pirouettes in the air as they leapt, I tripped along, silently shooting Looks O’ Hatred at his back and wondering if we’d ever get there. He would turn and say “We’re almost there, I can feel it!” with a big grin on his face, and I would wonder how hard I’d have a throw a hickory nut at his back for it to cause pain. He stopped occasionally to pick up hickory nuts to bring home and crack open, and we saw a few cool-looking lizards. “If you want, you and the spud could wait at the road by the cave, and I could hike back to get the Jeep and drive down to pick you up,” he said. The idea cheered me up more than I can express, and I was happy to agree. We reached the path that loops around the caves – amazingly enough named Three Caves Loop – and followed it for a bit before we ended up at the top of a very high cliff.

Your pussy looks crazy. Like Ozzy.
Devil Cat! Eeek!
I wonder how long it’ll take Google to bring people searching for “full-size bush pic” here.
Hiking is so wonderful, when you can read about someone else doing it and not have to risk life and limb to experience it yourself. Tell Fred that that is what the Discovery Channel is for! Or Travel Channel. Or the OUTDOOR NETWORK! Ha! Glad you returned home safely. 🙂
I cannot believe that you call your husband names with swear words! I’m shocked! And Appalled!
I must go read my Bible now.
i know you love fred, but i would have thrown hickory nuts at him mercilessly for the long hike. 🙂
Your bush looks like chokecherry, but I won’t swear to it, since I’m not sure if they grow in your part of the country. Hehehe I said “your bush.”
I have nothing useful to add. I just want to say that I want your kitten.
Here kittykitty…
Well…….I’m sure we’re all dying to know the kittens name. Did I miss it somewhere?
Yeah Robyn, what did you name pawpaw? By the way, who the heck thinks up the names they come to the shelter with? Pawpaw?
The kitten has not been named yet, because Fred won’t make up his damn mind. Go over and harass him in his comments!
The lady who runs the shelter comes up with the names for the cats, although I think some of them probably come already named. Sometimes there’s a theme – they have several kittens named after Star Trek characters. They also have a cat named “Splenda”, because they already had one named “Sugar.” Heh.
The Gatlinburg Haiku made me laugh hard! …make Fred have a stroke…fudge…attitudinous…butt…
Y’all are funny 🙂 It was a long day at work. I needed that. Kitty boy’s eyes look WILD in that picture. He looks like the Green Goblin. I vote for Smokey. Someone else mentioned that name for him.
AHHH Togetherness. Personally I would have pushed the big scary rock on him- the bastard! Making you hike all that way, poor baby!!!!!
I think it’s a chokecherry bush too- we have those up here in the great northeast!
Kitty looks demented!!!!!
Sukey, Spacey, Scotty, Siesta, Slammer, Sico (hehe), Stacy, Sweetums, Slobber, Salem, Scotland, Sala, Salsa……….
DOH! I posted this on yesterday’s entry when i meant to do it on todays. My bad:
I suggested the following at Fred’s site but thought I’d put them here too:
Salsa? Sambucca? Oh wait, Sasquatch for the big feet! Or Scamp!
There is always Schotze, which I think means sweetheart in german. But I think that may be a little too nice. Shazam? Shitake, as in the mushroom. Scmoo? Sooty.
My personal favorite, Spartacus.
Oh and sputnik.
Posted by jackie at October 14, 2003 04:25 PM
Always one to keep a good gag running, I noticed in my email today something with a subject line of: Jizzled Dizzled for Shizzle on her Tizzles.
Now I know what all the fuss was about.
I am WILLING to bet that was a porn spam.
DON’T name that adorable kitten Shizzle! Tee Hee….you will be takng the poor thing to pet psychiatrists when she’s older if you do.
I never thought I would say this but…we NEED more kitty pics! That kitten is sooo adorable.
Hey Robyn…
When it comes to those men and their goddamn hikes… lemmie tell you, We went to Algonquin Park last year and my guy loves trains so he wanted to take to track and train trail (don’t ask) 9.7 km straight uphill only to see an eeenie weenie plaque that said: Blah blah blah… a railroad station USED to be here!!! yaÂ… you wanna go hiking? I think I’ll end up in prison for what will happen to you!
Hi Robyn, I am a big fan of your journal. Your new kitty looks so sweet and soft.
Does anyone know what the name of those little white flowers with the yellow middles are? Next weekend, a shopping trip! Hey, hiking around the mall is exercise!