
post for yesterday and immediately tried to put your fist in your mouth? My fist, in case you were curious, is far too big for my mouth. Is it because I have a tiny little mouth or big man hands or perhaps a combination of the two? Who knows?

* * *
So, I bought a small round seedless watermelon at Target the other day, and finally got around to cutting it up to have with my lunch. I feel like this is possibly a very Jessica Simpson-y question, but how is this: …a seedless watermelon? Are those not seeds? Or are they the “safe” kind of seeds that won’t grow into watermelon plants in your stomach? (Just kidding on that last part. Really!)
* * *
Nothing but cat stories and pictures from here to the end, folks. If you’re a cat hatah, you’ll be wanting to give this one a miss. I’ll probably be going back to just one or two cat pictures per entry in a day or three. We’ve named the kitten, finally. I was pushing for “Shithead” (pronounced “Shy-theed”, of course – someone suggested that over in Fred’s comments, and it made me giggle), but the perfect name came up last night, and once we heard it, we decided it was just right. Introducing… Stanley And3rson. Who is not afraid of that can of compressed air at ALL, unfortunately. Stanley likes to use his claws to climb up the side of the bed. Stanley likes to hang out on (and knock shit off of) The Momma’s desk. Stanley likes to hang out in the cat bed and have his belly rubbed. Stanley likes to smack at the camera lens cover. Stanley got his ass kicked for trying to eat out of the same bowl as Miz Poo. It’s okay for him to drink water out of the other bowl while she’s eating, though. Stanley likes to follow Miz Poo around. Stanley was stretching, not about to go jump on Miz Poo. Stanley has jumped on every one of the other cats at one point or another. The night before last, as Miz Poo was snoozing on a pillow on my lap, Stanley jumped up on the couch, ran over and put his arms around her neck, and began licking her ear. I would guess she let him do it for a good minute, minute and a half before she smacked him upside the head and hissed at him. I still can’t believe she let him do it for that long – she must have enjoyed it. Last night, he ran across the room and jumped on her. She hissed and smacked at him, and he smacked back and knocked her over. I’m afraid Miz Poo’s reign as Queen Shit may be coming to a close. ]]>

30 thoughts on “2003-10-15”

  1. I must have that kitten.
    Um, are you, Fred and Spud planning any overnight trips anytime soon? I’m just asking. Just curious. Just interested. Uh huh.

  2. I like the name. But every time I see it or hear it I think of “Stuttering Stanley” from The Sixth Sense.
    But he does look like a Stanley, good choice.

  3. I love the name! Really! I do! Of course! It’s perfect! It’s incredible! It’s wonderful! It’s fantastic!
    PS: Rick has a gun to my head right now. Hee!

  4. Marcia, NO overnight trips. Never! 😛
    I forgot to mention that when the spud heard we were naming him Stanley, she thought we should name him Stanley Yelnats, after the kid from Holes.
    Nance: I bet he does. Hee!

    Stanley is the PERFECT name for this fella. And I have a great knack for naming critters (Frank, Harvey, and the Oz-man all agree!)

  6. Stanley is perfect! He has the cutest face… I want a kitten so bad after seeing his pictures; but three cats in a one bedroom apartment is too much. Keep the pics coming! 🙂

  7. I like Stanley. The name and the cat.
    Is it just me, or did the caves from yesterday seem awfully “squared?” Eerie.
    Gizmo is driving me CRAZY. I was sitting in my very comfy chaise lounge, TRYING to read. But she MUST be between me and the book. MUST. I put her down about 30 times before I gave up. Which is why I am here reading the bitchypoo.

  8. Hey, we did name our kitten “Shithead” but instead of Shy-theed, most of the time she is call Shit Head even though we did have the intentions on calling her Shy-theed. My history teacher a few semester ago told us that one of her students had acutally named their child that….spelled that way. Oh lord, that is just not right.

  9. I think Stanley is perfect!
    I had to laugh at the can of compressed air – we just discovered how effective it can be with our two kitties. 🙂

  10. Stanley is just the greatest name! 🙂
    and the whole watermelon thing: yes.. they are seeds… but unlike the black ones which are all hard and nasty.. the whiter kinda ones are soft.. and okay to chew and swallow.. etc… no need to pick em out..
    make sense?
    So.. they’re okay to eat!!! 🙂 Really!! and they won’t grow watermelon plants in your tummy..i pwomise.

  11. Staley is the perfect name.
    I approve!
    (Not that you need approval from random strangers on the internet or anything…)

  12. Stanley! HOW CUTE!
    As for shithead….a friend of mine is an ER nurse and one night came across a patient named “Shithead” and didn’t know how to announce THAT over the waiting area. Finally, she sucked it up, and annouced “Shithead” (last name long forgotten) however, his name was pronounced “Shet-heed” as his mother informed her, unhappily. Apparently he was Indian or something.
    and the nybor email….my aunt’s a Robyn and that’s her email too (sort of) and when I got mail from her I was like “nybor, WTF is that about?!” I was informed…and apparently its now the cool thing to do (all ya cool Robyns)
    Face Facts: You KNOW he’s gonna get called Stumpy. 😉

  13. Mira – oh, he’s already getting called Stumpy by Fred. I’ve been calling him Monkey Ass and Dipshit. Heh.
    Also, “Nybor” is what we Robyns fall back on when “Robyn” is taken! 🙂

  14. Yeah, I was gonna say, I’m just wondering how long til the nicknames start taking over for little Stan the Man, as they did w/ certain other cats in the household. Stanley works perfectly w/ his cute lil face.

  15. Sorry if this winds up double posting, my puter is all weird today.
    I’m not a big cat person (I’m allergic and my aunt had an icky cat that barfed ALL the time), but Stanley is SO cute! I love the name choice, too. Also, I need to get me some watermelon now. Yummy picture! 🙂

  16. I never would have thought of Stanley. Stanley is the perfect name though…he looks just like a Stanley.

  17. Stanley is so cute. He makes me want to forget my vow *NO MORE CATS*. I love his big snowshoe back feet.

  18. I can’t believe you picked the ONE name I didn’t think of….I really wanted to win that book.
    I did have a dog named Shithead, she was a pitbull and my husband allready had her when I married him. That name was her greatest shame. She was really more like a Fee Fee or a Foo Foo .Since I had 3 young kids ,they had to call her Spithead. It eventually morphed into Grull (prounounced like skull, my kids weird version of Girl) the only time anyone ever called her Shithead was at the vets. I told them that was her name just cuz it tickled me to hear them have to call their next paitent” Shithead Myers”
    it was also pretty funny to see that on a prescription bottle.
    Maybe I’m just warped.

  19. He looks just like a Stanley 🙂
    I read Wendy’s post, but I didn’t try to put my fist in my mouth cause I knew I’d get nowhere with that. I have a tiny jaw, so tiny that when I got a filling a couple of years ago, when the dentist tried to put this rubber block between my teeth he was surprised to find out that the adult-sized one wouldn’t go. So then he tried the child-sized one and messed around with it for a bit before pronouncing that he’d probably dislocate my jaw if he kept trying – eek! Apparently I have a toddler sized jaw or something, which makes me sound all freakish but you can’t tell from looking at me. No, really.

  20. Lena, email me please!
    Bonnie – We’re pretty sure he was born that way, but aren’t positive. It cracks us up to watch him wag his little stubby tail.
    Stacey – you freak of nature! 😉

  21. I do believe that the “seedless” in seedless watermelon refers to the lack of the little black seeds. I am pretty sure it’s okay to eat the white ones.

  22. Stanley!! Love it! Except now you need a sixth cat — named Stella. (Obscure “Streetcar Named Desire” reference there.)
    And, yes, I did immediately try to stuff my fist in my mouth. I could stretch it around my fingers, but that’s as far as it went. (Thank God.)

  23. I no longer want to put my fist in my mouth. I want to put THAT KITTY in there instead! HE IS SO CUTE I COULD EAT HIM UP.

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