Bitchypoo logo for November – this one by the lovely and talented Kathleen!
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I have a bunch of links for y’all today, but don’t forget to come back when you’ve checked them all out!
If you live in the Austin, Texas area and would be interested in a cute, fat calico cat, check out
this page.
Also, there are still kittens available
here, if you’re in the Lubbock, Texas area.
I have new crafty stuff up on
Not Terribly Crafty.
Pet store kitties are
Fred’s just signed a contract with a national distributor, which means that in some number of weeks his book will be available in a bookstore near you. In the interest of making room, he’s put the book on sale. If you live in the US, you can get a copy of the book for $11, and no shipping. Go
here for more details or to order (that price is only if you order through us, though – Amazon still charges the full price).
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The Tubby Pee Situation continues. When Tubby peed again Friday near where he’d peed Thursday, we decided that maybe he did need to go to the vet. The vet wasn’t able to get a urine sample, but gave us the medicine to treat a UTI, just in case.
When Fred and the spud were watching a movie Saturday afternoon, Tubby came downstairs and stood near the kitchen, meowing bitchily. I went to see what he was bitching about, and he turned and stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked expectantly at me.
“You’d better follow him,” I said to Fred. “He’s trying to tell us something. Maybe Timmy’s trapped in the well!”
Fred followed Tubby upstairs, and Tubby just looked at him and meowed bitchily again. Fred picked Tubby up and put him in the litter box, and Tubby peed a gallon of pee before going back to lay in his usual spot under my dresser.
After much discussion, Fred and I decided that perhaps Tubby is getting too fat to get in the litter box comfortably. Not that the litter box is too small, but if you’ll recall (or refer to your Bitchypoo Manual), the litter box sits in a larger box, since Spanky has the habit of peeing over the side of the litter box. There’s a hole cut in the box that the litter box is sitting in, and there’s not a lot of room to get through the hole and then up over the side of the litter box for a fatass like Tubby. (Yeah, I know – pot, kettle, black.)

At regular intervals for the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday, Fred picked up Tubby and set him in the litter box. It’s kind of like potty training a toddler, where you put them on the potty and sometimes they happen to have to go at that particular time and you make a big fuss (“Good, Tubby! Good GOOD Tubby!”), and sometimes they don’t have to at all and they just look at you with a blank face.
We’re currently working on a way to make it easier for Tubby to get to the litter box while still protecting the wall from Spanky’s pee.
Fun times, folks. Fun FUN times.
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Last night after watching 10-8, Fred and I decided to go upstairs and read until bedtime. As Fred went to turn the TV off, an advertisement for some interview or another with Jessica Lynch came on.
“Jessica Lynch!” I said. “Isn’t she the only POW we’ve ever had in all of history?”
Fred smiled. “Yes. Yes, she is! And I think
Todd Beamer rescued her!”
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Put something on the counter, and chances are good that a portly Poo will come along to sit upon it.
Looking beany.
And even beanier.
A year ago: Obviously that’s made a big impact on my life.
Two: I don’t want to hate the carpet on my stairs
Four: Like sit on my lazy ass.]]>
Ooooohhhh… Going to hell for being sarcastic about Jessica Lynch and Todd Beamer.
But we’ll get to meet each other there, I’m sure, as I made this comment to my S/O on the way to work this morning:
“Hey, see that old man crossing the street in front of us? I bet he’s on the way to shoot the crap out of his lawyer!”
Amanda —
You sure he wasn’t headed for a farmer’s market? 🙂
The beanie is looking dead again. At least you propped his eyes open this time.
Poor Tubby. Maybe he should have his very OWN litter box?
Hey Robyn – a friend of mine who has multiple kitties (and has just introduced a kitten) recommends Fellway spray and plugins. It apparently mimics kitty pheromones and helps them to chill out. Of course, if Tubby’s size is the issue with the peeing thing, then kitty pheromones aren’t necessary. But I thought I’d pass that info along.
Hey Robyn – Completely unrelated to today’s entry, but check out the link on Say’s site for… therein lies the answer to Shizzle my Nizzle!
Hey Robyn – Completely unrelated to today’s entry, but check out the link on Say’s site for… therein lies the answer to Shizzle my Nizzle!
Just wanted you to know I had a hugely fat cat, name aptly enough “Tiny”…a female that had problems getting into a regular size hole in the cat litter box.
I changed to a small litter box, then she would turn it over when she’d put her front paws on the edge while doing her thing. At last though I got the right size litter box, and had no more trouble — at least not with her using the box. She was so fat though that she couldn’t reach around to wash her…uh, ass…so guess who got to do that every day with damp paper towels? You got it. I know you are laughing right now, but it IS true and NO, it wasn’t fun. *SIGH*
Ye Gods, the things we cat lovers will go through being slaves to our cats! 😉
apparently VERY excited about that – sorry!
You need blacktoe so Beany has someone to play with!
Robyn? If he’s having trouble getting up and through the hole, maybe cut the part of the outer box off where that handle is. Sure, it’ll make the box kind of wiggly, but you’d still have the sides to protect your walls. He’s not so fat that he can’t jump up on chairs, is he? He just doesn’t fit through the hole?
I was going to suggest what julie said. also, you could put something next to the box maybe? But then he’d get stuck in the box, which would amuse me greatly.. him, not so much.
Amanda – whoever gets there first, save a seat for the other one!
Kate – He’s NOT dead. Although when he was attacking my feet at 5:30 this morning, I was kinda wishing that he was!
Fitchypoo – We do have the spray, but I think I’m going to look into getting the plug-ins. Maybe it’ll help ME chill out too, ya think? 🙂
Tara – I saw that! Heh. I still kinda wished we’d named Stanley Shizzle. He’d be a Shizzle-bean!
C.S – How weird is it that I told Fred this weekend that we should start calling Tubby Tiny? Tubby needs a little help in the wiping department every few days, too. That’s FRED’S job.
Me – That’s what I’m thinking!
Julie – We were thinking about doing that, but we don’t have the tools to cut through the top, since it’s so much thicker than the rest. Also, a crack has developed in the bottom of the container, so it was about time to replace it anyway. Fred’s going to take a trip to Lowe’s later today and see what he can come up with.
By the way, I put Tubby in the litter box this morning. I haven’t picked him up in a long, long time, and I swear I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to. It’s like he’s made out of lead!
Dear Robyn,
My parent, Kalli, who I secretly refer to as “my bitch” also seems to take issue with the fact that I hang my butt out the cat litter hole to pee. What is the problem with that? ANYhoo, she bought one of those under bed storage containers on wheels, lines it with fresh newspaper each week when she remembers to change my litter, and this allows plenty of room for me to make “mistakes”. Sometimes she rinses it out with the hose when it’s really bad.
Your friend,
Sebastian the cranky 20 pound siamese
I forgot to mention that she places my extra large covered litter box inside the underbed box… with out the lid on, of course.
I have a fat little kitty that can’t groom herself so well. Thank goodness she has a sister that takes care of that for her. (I don’t call them my little lesbians for nothing!)
>>f you’ll recall (or refer to your Bitchypoo Manual),
I hacked a big hole into the door leading to the garage and installed a pet door so that the cat boxes could go out there. It was the best piece of door-ruining I have ever done.
Robyn, I purchased the Felway plugin last weekend for my new kitten (we finally named him Qbert btw) and I can already see a difference in the way my OTHER cat is acting…she is normally very high strung but all weekend long she was purry and lovey dovey….and Qbert hasn’t peed anywhere but in his sandbox since…that stuff costs WAY too much but so far it’s been worth it..although one plugin only covers so many square feet (600-700 sq ft I think??). Also, what a GREAT idea for a catbox “protector”…I’m going to make one for mine are such a kitty pro.
Awww!! Poor, poor Tubby. Its almost kinda funny. But its sad too *giggle* Bless his fat lil heart 🙂
Okay, um, I know I’m going to sound like an ass here. But you COULD all just keep your kitties from getting so darn huge. Iams Weight Control formula works wonders, and won’t hurt your other cats to eat it, too. It’s not healthy for them, blah blah blah. I know. But someone had to say it. 🙂 Please don’t hate me! I have a big cat too! And I put him on that food and it helped him, and I just want all our kitties to live a long time and be able to use the litter box!
Hows about putting some of that stick on tile stuff on the walls behind and beside the box? That way it can be cleaned, and ya wouldn’t have to have that huge box. Just a thought=)
My 35-lb male kitty Sparty has litter box issues too, so I just put his litter box inside a child’s pool and it works fine.
Fay – the vet recommended that we not.
Person who didn’t leave a name (Debbie? Is that you?) – it’s odd you should say that – Fred bought some of those tiles today and is going to completely tile the inside of a box. We don’t want to stick them to the wall directly, because they’ll be hard as hell to get down when we move out of here the day after Danielle graduates from high school (or thereabouts).
DON’T put stick on tiles on the wall! In addition to not looking very good and being hard to take off, there will still be a miniscule crack between the tiles. That’s all it takes for the pee to seep through and ferment behind the tiles. Think how lovely THAT would be after a couple of months…or years!
Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking, Laurie. When we moved from our previous house, the laundry area in that house, no matter how much we scrubbed, still smelled like cat pee. Just nothing nastier in the world, than the smell of cat pee.
Does this make me Austin reader #2???
My grouchy husband says no more cats. grouch.
We are suddenly having the same hideous problem with our big fat Stew. He recently , after 8 years, decided to start crapping all over the damn house. He is not only about 25 or 30 pounds ,but also has only one front leg and he is mental and scared to death of EVERYTHING and everyone (except my husband and me).
We have the extra large electric cat box. Which used to be fine with him. A couple months ago my husband spent about 300.00 (yes 300.00) on “the worlds greatest cat litter and the Litter Robot” It is a big black thing that kind of looks like Cartman on Southpark and it has a little hole in the front and after the cat uses the bathroom ,in ten minutes ,it spins around like a clothes dryer and empties the stuff in a little drawer.
Well Stew is way to big to even fit in that hole . But now he is apparently too afraid to go in the laundry room PERIOD!
I don’t know if it’s that or if it’s because our 7 month old kitten attacks him or what.
Any suggestions? We were getting ready to leave for a trip last week and he actually layed down on the bathroom floor and crapped!
I have said many times that Tubby is NOT one of my favorites (I’m a Poo girl) but I certainly don’t wish him ill, either. I think it is freaking HILARIOUS that he has yall PICKING his tubby ass up and putting him in the litter box and THEN he gets his ass wiped! Pretty soon I see him sitting in a high chair being spoon-fed his $1/can cat food with one of you standing next to him to wipe his chin should he dribble.
I know I shouldn’t say anything as my cats are spolied rotten but the thought just cracked me up.
ROFLMAO at Bonnie’s visual of you spoon feeding Tubby and dabbing at his chin…lol!!
I feel your pain over the litterbox fiasco. We have doggies over here, and it is a different type of craziness….but it all boils down to THE THINGS PEOPLE DO FOR THEIR BABIES….be they kitty or doggy. I hope that you find a solution so poor ole Tubby can have his self-esteem *snort* returned to him hehehee
I just had to know what a Litter Robot looked like (I was thinking of a cat-poop-covered Alfie), so I googled it:
Disappointing. Though very iMac.
First time poster so…HI!
Could you build Tubby a ramp so he could at least get into the litter box? Also, a shallow Rubbermaid container may work, for him at least.