
* * * When Fred got home from work yesterday, he shoved a teaspoon full of vitamins (with essential fatty acids!) down Miz Poo’s throat, and then followed it up with an Elavil chaser. She spent most of the evening hiding under the couch, poor baby. Speaking of cats, one of the little bastards peed on our new chair in the computer room. I didn’t realize it until the spud asked me what that stain on the comforter that sits on the chair was (so actually, whichever little bastard it was peed on the comforter, and it soaked through to the chair), and I realized it was CAT PEE, which is the worst-smelling stuff on earth. Except for Fred’s farts. I bought Nature’s Miracle, and some stuff to repel the cats, and if they ever pee there again, I’ll strangle all of them, I really will. Whenever something like this happens, I always try to blame Tubby, and Fred always tries to blame Miz Poo. Heh. Of course, it could be worse. As I was leaving the pet store yesterday after buying the bottle of Nature’s Miracle, one of the employees told me of how she’d had to hold her cat down and give it some medicine, and the cat responded by going on a shitting rampage through the house. Man. Better her than me!

* * *
I can’t get my friggin’ mail from Hiwaay.net, and it’s pissing me off. I don’t know why I care so much – probably 60% of my mail is spam – but it’s driving me nuts! I’m thinking about just creating new email accounts on bitchypoo.com and robynanderson.com and trashing the hiwaay.net account. We shall see.
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We’re trying to decide where we’re going to go for Spring vacation, which is at the end of March. Right now we’re considering DC, Las Vegas, or the Bahamas. Could we get any further apart than those three? Time’s up. That was 7 minutes.]]>