
* * * We’ve taking Miz Poo off the Elavil. After four days on it, she turned into a total zombie. Instead of harassing me 14 times a day for love and affection, she’s been sitting around staring off into space, never purring, never chirping, and just plain not acting like herself. Since the constant grooming had pretty much stopped by the time we started her on the Elavil, we’ve decided that it was really the essential fatty acids that helped, by getting rid of the dry skin and thus the need for grooming. After being off the Elavil for two days, she’s starting to perk up a bit, and did quite a bit of chirping this afternoon. Of course, if the constant grooming and scratching starts up again we’ll rethink our decision.

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Since I’m feeling amazingly uninspired, writing-wise, these days, let’s fall back on some FAQ questions, shall we? Reader Liz asks: And, oh and does fred annoy you? Not any more than I annoy him, probably. 🙂 The lovely Andrea asks: I already know this, and I know you wrote an entry about it somewhere, but maybe people want to know how you & Fred met? I did write about it, but it’s been a few years (two and a month, to be exact), so you can find that here. It’s a tad sappy, be warned! Okay, after re-reading it, I’m back to warn that it’s not a tad sappy. It’s dripping with sap!
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On Christmas day, Fred, my father, and Brian went for a hike to double-check a geocache Fred had placed. While they were hiking, they found a roll of film that someone had dropped. Naturally, they brought it home, and it sat on my desk for a month before I finally sent it off for processing. We were all a-twitter, wondering what could be on it. Porn? Death, destruction and mayhem? Childbirth? Cats? We were thrilled with the possibilities. Yesterday, the developed roll of film arrived in our mailbox, and we excitedly ripped the envelope open. Leafing through the pictures, our eyes widened and our jaws dropped. “What is that?” I said, and then turned the picture sideways. “Is that….?” Fred said, holding another picture under the light. Eh. You know what? It’s getting late and I don’t have time to scan them before American Idol comes on. Come back tomorrow to see them, y’all. Mean? Me?]]>