
* * * Damn that Rob Rummel-Hudson. Damn him straight to hell. He gave me The Pink Eye! I read his Pink Eye entry and thought smugly to myself “Iit’s been a while since I’ve had the FUCKING PINK EYE, glad it’s him and not me!” That’s what I get for being smug, I s’pose. I hate The Pink Eye. (It isn’t as painful as it looks) I also hate that it took 45,000 tries to get two halfway decent pictures. I am blinded for life, and I apparently have the biggest fucking schnoz known to man. Seriously, I don’t know how the hell I can see around it well enough to walk down the street. “Oh, was that an 18 wheeler? I couldn’t see it around MY BIG FUCKING BEAK!” Actually, I like my nose. I just hate the pimple the size of Mt. Katahdin that’s grown on the side of it. And as I say every time I contract a case of The Pink Eye, I need to get some new glasses.

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No hummingbirds on the feeder yet, but I did see a finch checking it out. He flew off before I could get a picture. In the back yard, there were tons of grackles, joined by some finches, and our cardinal: And also a robin: I imagine I’ll need to take the screen out of the window to get better pictures in the future.
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I was up, showered, and out of the house by 8:30 this morning, heading for Lowe’s. The Gladiolus bulbs I got a week and a half ago really need to be planted, and since I’ve taken my “I’ll never dig in the yard again!” vow, I needed to get planters to plant them in as well as soil. Lowe’s had the planters – not the ones I wanted, but ones that will do – and the soil, but when I went looking for hanging planters (more on that in a minute) they were nowhere to be seen. After wandering around for a good half hour, I finally gave up and checked out with my planters and soil. Then I went over to Home Depot, which is less than half a mile from Lowe’s, and both are less than a mile from home, which fucking ROCKS. I found hanging planters and found a couple of planters that I liked more than the ones I bought at Lowe’s, so I bought those as well since they’re plastic, and fairly inexpensive. When I got home, I got out two of the planters – the ones from Home Depot – and planted bulbs in them. I managed to fit 10 bulbs in each planter, and I think I’m going to go ahead and plant bulbs in the other two planters. We have room at the end of the driveway by the house to put a couple of planters, so that’s where I’ll put the uglier planters. I have to go back to Lowe’s to buy more soil, though. So the reason I needed some hanging planters is because we’ve decided to plant catnip this year. I thought about planting it in a pot and putting the pot on the front steps, but I imagine that would attract the neighborhood cats, and while it would be fun to look out the window and see cats rolling around on the front porch, the mess would probably outweigh the fun. So we’re going to plant two hanging planters with catnip seeds, and hope that that keeps it out of the reach of the cats. Fancypants likes to walk along the top of the fence, though, so it wouldn’t surprise me to look out the window and see him partaking of the kitty pot. I also, while I was at Lowe’s, bought another plant for inside. I didn’t realize it when I bought it, but it’s a Coffee Arabica plant, and in a few years it’ll actually grow coffee beans, which is kinda cool.
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I guess I need to keep an eye on it, too. According to the page I linked above, it can grow up to 60 feet high!
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Okay, that’s it for today. Move along, nothing else to see here… Have a good one, y’all.]]>