
* * * So, we were watching The Restaurant Monday night (which we taped Sunday night), and there was this scene where Rocco and the general manager Laurent were walking down the street discussing whether Laurent was going to quit or not. We watched the scene to it’s conclusion, and then I said “Hm.” “What?” Fred said. I picked up the remote and rewound the tape to the beginning of the scene, where they’re walking down the street being filmed from behind. “Do you see a camera in front of them?” I asked. Fred looked and allowed that he did not. I let the tape play a little further until the camera was in front of them. “Do you see a camera behind them?” I asked. Fred looked and said “Motherfucker! It’s a staged scene!” We watched to the end of the scene again, and Fred said “Maybe they just filmed them walking from behind and cut that in with the part where they were filming them from the front, and they really were having that conversation.” “Except that at the end of the scene where the camera swings around in a single shot from the back to the front at the end of their conversation, it all matches up,” I pointed out. “Motherfucker!” was Fred’s response. “Suddenly I don’t like the show as much anymore!” The staged scenes with Gideon in his apartment receiving the phone calls from work are just horrifically bad. I like Gideon, but he’s no actor. I’m not crazy about Rocco’s voiceovers, either. But hey, I still really like the show a lot, so I guess I’ll shut up about everything they’re doing that I don’t like!

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Hey, did I mention that we’re leaving for Vicksburg early tomorrow morning and that chances are good there won’t be an entry? Oh, and that I plan to take a thousand pictures so I can add them to the pile of Maine pictures I still haven’t gotten around to organizing? Just thought I’d mention it.
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So, the spud had her thyroid ultrasounded, and all went well. We’ll get the results from Dr. Judy Monday, unless we can get her on the phone from the road tomorrow. The spud’s appointment was at 2:30, and we were out of there by 3:15, which I consider VERY good. I had never ever even once noticed any kind of lump on the spud’s neck, but now that Dr. Judy discovered it and pointed it out, it’s impossible NOT to see it. My eyes are just drawn there every time the spud is within view. It’s not huge or anything, but it does catch the light a bit. It was kinda cool to see the ultrasound, although I didn’t know what the fuck I was looking at. I think it’s a boy, though!
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Well, shitfire, I haven’t told y’all about Sarah and Simon, have I? Sarah is a longtime reader from Maine who one day emailed me and said “I don’t want to sound all stalker-y, but I think I live near your sister!” And by god, it was so. What are the chances, eh? So anyway, I told the notify list when I sent out an email while I was in Maine that I had met my first reader ever, but upon thinking about it, I realized that I’d met a reader when I did the 3-Day, and so Sarah is the second reader I’ve met. And Sarah has a cat named Simon, and y’all? I don’t know how to break this to you, but… I think he’s bigger than Tubby! (I cut Sarah out of the picture, because I wanted to protect her from all you psycho stalkers out there. You’ll just have to imagine the incredible adorableness that is she.) And SUCH a cute face Simon has! This picture really just doesn’t do him justice, though you can probably tell that he’s a cat with personality. SO CUTE!
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Well, let’s see. I have 10 minutes before The Amazing Race comes on, because I spent half an hour trying to make the house look halfway decent, since Fred’s dad and stepmother are going to feed the cats for us on Saturday. Making the house look decent after the week we’ve had is a losing battle, so I had to settle for vacuuming all the floors and leaving it at that. If they don’t know we’re slobs by now, they’re probably blind. Anyway… what can I add to this entry to make it complete, to keep y’all happy until Monday? Whatwhatwhat? Oh, I know!
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Illustrating the description “Dumb and happy”… Artsy Tubs. Pretty Tubs. Bitchy Tubs. Hope springs eternal.]]>