
Go Fuck Yourself“, after all.

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I forgot to mention this yesterday – that big picture I bought in Maine is here. After I got several inquiries about it, I knew I had to go looking for it, and after a half hour search on art.com, I found it. I also like this one by the same artist, but I really really LOVE this one. I love that last one so much, because that’s exactly how I envision the bedroom in my cottage. Except that the bedroom in my cottage has long sheer white curtains that blow in the breeze.
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I also forgot to mention yesterday that pet store pics are up here.
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I see a little silhouetto of a Poo, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, are you going to bite your Mama? Little teeth and paws are very, very fright’ning. (Little Poo.) Little Poo. (Little Poo.) Little Poo, Little Poo figaro Yeah. I hate it when songs keep bouncing around in your head and you have to make up your own words to them to stop the bouncing.
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So I only caught a few minutes of the Video Music Awards on MTV last night and missed the Madonna/ Britney slurpfest, but I’ve certainly seen enough pictures today to make up for having missed it. Does this mean that next year there’ll be two guys with their tongues in each others’ mouths? I nominate Viggo Mortensen and Olivier Martinez! Won’t happen, since neither of them has anything to do with MTV or videos. I can’t think of any male singers I want to see trading spit, though. Except maybe Snoop Doggie Dog and Eminem. Oh, god. That’s not even funny.
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1. Are you going to school this year? No, and I thank god for that every day. 2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate? I graduated from high school in 1986, and took some college courses in the late 80s and early 90s. 3. What are/were your favorite school subjects? I liked English and Psychology. 4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects? Any kind of math beyond the basic adding/ subtracting/ multiplying/ dividing gave me fits. I was also not terribly fond of Gym. Shocking, no? 5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite? Mr. Hall, because he was funny and he didn’t take himself too seriously.
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Tubby is laying on the living room floor, so I flop down onto my stomach to get some pictures. Before I can take a single picture, he’s up and on the move. He walks over to me and headbutts me in the side. He lays down beside me and peers at the camera. He gives me a Look O’ Love. He peers at the camera again, and this time we see that the Evil Poo has appeared. Miz Poo saunters over and sniffs around to determine what’s going on. She shoots an evil look at Tubby, who is laying far FAR too close to Her Mama. She walks over and sniffs at Tubby, then smacks him upside the head. Tubby retreats to a safe place.]]>