
* * * So, my sister’s friend Kristine has adopted two adorable little gray kitties, and is having a hard time coming up with names for them. One is light gray and white, and the other is a darker gray tabby with white. Oh, and they’re both girls. Got name suggestions? Leave ’em in the comments! Debbie, if you love me you’ll borrow Mom and Dad’s digital camera and take pictures of them and send them to me. Because I love the little kitties, dontchaknow.

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Reader Kat sent me another absolutely hilarious “cup of shut the fuck up” picture. Go check it out. I think it’s the big smile that makes me laugh until I wheeze.
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The hummingbirds are apparently going to stick around for a while – I’m fairly certain they’re nesting in one of the trees in our neighbor’s next yard. There are at least two of them, and one of them is always chasing the other one away from the feeder. I have no pictures to share at the moment, because I’ve been too busy watching them to actually take pictures; they’re so freakin’ cool. Fred must certainly love me a lot, because I think I’ve said “Oh! He’s eating… Oh! The other one chased him off. DAMN they’re cute!” approximately 45,000 times, and Fred hasn’t killed me yet. He’s probably just tuning me out.
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Have I mentioned that the spud goes to a youth group at the church every Wednesday night? Well, she does, and no – we don’t know where we went wrong. Last night we picked her up from church, and as she got in the car, she said “Guess what the subject was tonight?” “What?” Fred and I chorused. “Homosexuality,” the spud said, and then went on to tell us the many wonderful things the youth minister had told them about homosexuality, and how god cried when the Texas courts overturned the law against sodomy. Fred lectured the spud that it was GOOD that the law against sodomy was overturned, because what two consenting adults do in their bedroom is no one else’s business, especially not the government’s. (Though personally I think there should be a law against noxious farts)(And in the interest of full disclosure, I’d be doing jail time at certain times of the month) It’s at times like these that I’m thankful my husband has such a keen analytical mind and knows the Bible so well, because he can pretty much counteract the teachings of Anthony the youth minister when necessary, whereas if it were left at me, I’d probably end up spluttering “Yeah, well FUCK Anthony!” As we pulled into the driveway, the spud said “Anthony said a gay guy came on to him, and Anthony felt really sick and thought he was going to throw up!” I think Anthony needs to get off the farm a little more often.
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Jeez. I just did a virus scan on my computer and it took almost 90 minutes. There’s something wrong with that. But hey! At least I didn’t have any virii.
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I haven’t had to vacuum the bed even once since I put these cat beds on the bed. Spot does seem a bit cramped in the small bed, though. I might need to buy one last big cat bed. “Get OUT of my face, or I will chew your eyes out!” The word “addled” comes to mind when I look at this. It also makes me giggle a lot. Damn he cracks me up.
Previously 2002: What I’ve been doing. 2001: I’m wise to your stalker ways, Margaret! 2000: No entry.]]>