
post for yesterday and immediately tried to put your fist in your mouth? My fist, in case you were curious, is far too big for my mouth. Is it because I have a tiny little mouth or big man hands or perhaps a combination of the two? Who knows?

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So, I bought a small round seedless watermelon at Target the other day, and finally got around to cutting it up to have with my lunch. I feel like this is possibly a very Jessica Simpson-y question, but how is this: …a seedless watermelon? Are those not seeds? Or are they the “safe” kind of seeds that won’t grow into watermelon plants in your stomach? (Just kidding on that last part. Really!)
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Nothing but cat stories and pictures from here to the end, folks. If you’re a cat hatah, you’ll be wanting to give this one a miss. I’ll probably be going back to just one or two cat pictures per entry in a day or three. We’ve named the kitten, finally. I was pushing for “Shithead” (pronounced “Shy-theed”, of course – someone suggested that over in Fred’s comments, and it made me giggle), but the perfect name came up last night, and once we heard it, we decided it was just right. Introducing… Stanley And3rson. Who is not afraid of that can of compressed air at ALL, unfortunately. Stanley likes to use his claws to climb up the side of the bed. Stanley likes to hang out on (and knock shit off of) The Momma’s desk. Stanley likes to hang out in the cat bed and have his belly rubbed. Stanley likes to smack at the camera lens cover. Stanley got his ass kicked for trying to eat out of the same bowl as Miz Poo. It’s okay for him to drink water out of the other bowl while she’s eating, though. Stanley likes to follow Miz Poo around. Stanley was stretching, not about to go jump on Miz Poo. Stanley has jumped on every one of the other cats at one point or another. The night before last, as Miz Poo was snoozing on a pillow on my lap, Stanley jumped up on the couch, ran over and put his arms around her neck, and began licking her ear. I would guess she let him do it for a good minute, minute and a half before she smacked him upside the head and hissed at him. I still can’t believe she let him do it for that long – she must have enjoyed it. Last night, he ran across the room and jumped on her. She hissed and smacked at him, and he smacked back and knocked her over. I’m afraid Miz Poo’s reign as Queen Shit may be coming to a close. ]]>