
GET a hallelujah??

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After all my bitching about hearing constantly about Jessica Lynch and how I wish the media would just shut the fuck up, what did I do today? Why, I bought the Jessica Lynch book, of course. My excuse is that I thought Fred wanted to read it. I guess another good excuse would be that I usually like the stuff Rick Bragg writes. Yeah, that’s the ticket. I saw that it was by Rick Bragg and didn’t know what it was about until after I’d bought it! Yeah!
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So, I believe I mentioned that That Bastard Tubby peed on the floor in our bedroom a few weeks ago. We did what we usually do, which was to blot up as much urine as possible, saturate the carpet with Nature’s Miracle, and go about our business. Except that earlier this week, I noticed that every time I walked into the bedroom, I was greeted by an odor. The odor of fish. It smelled like someone had left a dead fish somewhere, and it had started to rot. And it was coming from the corner where Tubby had peed. Now, look. I know that Nature’s Miracle takes time to work, and it does all that cool breaking down of enzymes, but when walking into one’s bedroom – the room where one SLEEPS – makes one gag, it is time to stop waiting for the Nature’s Miracle to work. Fred dumped a huge-ass container of Febreeze on the area, waited to let it soak in, and then sucked it up with the steam cleaner. It worked for a brief amount of time, and then the smell came back with a motherfucking vengeance. I did a Google search and discovered that for the most part, the opinion was that the smell would never come out, that the carpet and pad would need to be yanked up, and the subfloor would need to be bleached and then sealed. Fred and I discussed having the carpet replaced, but if we have anything done in there, I’d much rather have hardwood floors put in, and Fred’s sure that’s mighty expensive. Especially since we have no desire to live in this house for much longer than it will take the spud to graduate from high school. But that’s four more years in this house, and I’ll be damned if I’ll spend those four years sleeping surrounded by the stench of dead and rotting fish. Last night, I dumped about five pounds of baking soda on the area and covered it with tinfoil (so the cats wouldn’t try to use it as litter or tromp all through it). Believe it or not, it helped. Today, I went to Sam’s and bought four 12-pound bags of baking soda and a huge-ass pack of tinfoil. I stopped by Target and bought an air purifier. When I got home, I vacuumed up the baking soda I’d dumped yesterday, dumped another four pounds of baking soda on the area and covered it with tinfoil. I plugged the air purifier (it’s a plug-mount purifier) in the outlet directly over the area. It’s not a big purifier, but since it’s directly over the area, I’m hoping it captures any smell that might arise. I also have both windows open (and the temperature outside is in the high 40s, thus the house is fuh-REEZING), which is helping, too. I’m going to vacuum up the baking soda every few days and throw down some new, then cover it with foil. I’m hoping like hell that this works, at least until our order of Cat-Off arrives. I’m not holding much love for Tubby at the moment, believe you me.
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New movie of the week up, finally! Click on the “movie of the week” link over there to the right, under the “about” section, and if you’re going to watch it over and over again, please right-click and save it to your hard drive. It’s a big one, about 7.5 MB. Sorry about that, those of you on dial-up. This one’s a movie of Miz Poo and the Bean getting into it. If you turn your sound way up, you’ll be able to hear Miz Poo growling, the Bean’s war cry, and me laughing so hard I’m about to pass out. Those kitties sure do crack me up.
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Spot, about to freak out and run away. Cameras scare him. Dust scares him. Silence scares him, noise scares him. You get the idea. Oh, “meh” yourself, you Tubby bastard.
A year ago: He’s a gem amongst men, is what he is. Two: Is it just me, or was Reese Witherspoon totally channeling Christine Taylor’s Marcia Brady? Three: Fred thinks I have the hots for DA Richard Bay Four: Sometimes I just can’t find the time to drag my ass away from the couch and junkfood to update. You know that’s what you love about me.]]>