
* * * Remember this creepy-ass picture from October? Reader Amy sent me another FUCKING creepy picture, a picture that just gives me the heebie-jeebies when I even think about it. ::shudder::

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To wipe the horror of that image from your mind, here are some pictures of reader Stub’s (brother’s) adorable new kitten. His name is Poof (hee!) – remind you of anyone? I think I’m starting to like little gray kitties almost as much as I like little orange kitties!
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Fred keeps hinting – even outright SAYING – that he might accompany me to Maine this summer. This summer or “someday”, anyway. Not because he wants to see where I grew up and the state I love so much, and the ocean that calls to me, but because he wants to climb some damn mountain and fall off the side. When I try to pin him down on whether or not he’ll actually come to Maine this summer, he gets waffly “Oh, I didn’t SAY this summer, did I?” and I get disgusted, and I have decreed that he is no longer welcome in Maine. “You are NOT allowed in Maine!” I informed him. “Yes I am. You can’t keep me out of the entire state!” Please. Who does the man think he’s dealing with? After he bought the kayak earlier this year every time he saw the slightest puddle of water, he’d say “That’s some good kayaking water, there!” over and over and ad infinitum until I wanted to strangle him. Now, every time he sees any kind of mountain, he says “I could go climb that mountain!” And on and on. Yesterday afternoon, he started with the “I could go to Europe and climb mountains while you’re in Maine next week!” Then he got on Expedia and started looking up ticket prices. “We could go to Colorado this summer! We could go to France! We could fly to England and then take a hop over to France, and it would be cheaper! Let’s go to India! Let’s go to Libya! Oh! Let’s go to Honolulu!” “Would you SHUT UP?” I begged. He had the nerve to look wounded. “Honolulu has mountains for me, and beach for you!” “Yes, except that YOU know and I know that we will NEVER go to Honolulu, so STOP FUCKING TRYING TO GET ME EXCITED ABOUT IT.” Today he called and quoted me some amazing price for a 6-night stay in Cancun. Fucker.
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New movie of the week – this one is of Tubby and the Bean going at it (fighting, that is). I love the part at the end where the Bean jumps on Tubby and then gets pushed off, and Tubby’s laying there, all his legs in the air, bitching and hissing helplessly before he stomps off. Hee!
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The Bean is in fine form today, picking exclusively on Miz Poo. It might look like the Bean is getting the best of Miz Poo, but it ain’t so. (And that garbage bag is full of paper from the shredder – we don’t usually toss our garbage in the corner of the library. Really!) ]]>