I got some absolutely gorgeous roses from Fred. He called the local florist and ordered yellow roses, but the florist talked him into ordering Confetti Roses instead. They’re gorgeous, aren’t they?
Fred picked up some General Tso’s and egg rolls for dinner, and then we had a cake from P3ggy Ann’s Bak3ry for dessert, so all was good. Two thumbs up to my 36th birthday!
* * *
My parents really go all out for Christmas every year. They have tons of decorations – ornaments that have been around for longer than I have – and I took a bunch of pictures while I was up there.
My mother collects Santas, and last year (maybe the year before) I sent her a Thomas Kinkade Santa to add to her collection.
I remember these little elves from when I was small. I loved, for some reason, to tuck their legs under their arms, it was always a high point of decorating for Christmas for me.
My mother has a whole light-up village on her mantel. It’s much cooler in person.
There are electric candles in all the windows in the front of the house.
This ceramic tree lights up. I came thisclose to buying a tree like this when we were in Gatlinburg last Fall. I wish I had.
More Santas, on the built-in bookcase.
And even more Santas.
The village on the mantel, again.
The tree. Which looked much prettier in person.
I didn’t even come close to getting pictures of all their decorations. Not only do they decorate the inside of their house, they also put lights on the bushes in the front, and a tree as well. Putting up and taking down the decorations is a multi-day affair for them – when the spud and I left on Tuesday, they’d finally gotten all the decorations put away, and only the tree was left to de-ornament and put away.]]>
My mom has elves that look a LOT like that and I remember them from my childhood too.
Those roses are SO beautiful, BTW!
Robyn, why is it you seem to have written disGUSTING entries the day after your birthday (or at least the short blurbs you have here make me gag) for the past 4 years? Is it post-birthday let down? Do you crash hard the day after? This year was fine, though – thank you.
Bonnie – Aren’t they gorgeous? The flower delivery guy was so proud of them you’d have thought he grew them himself!
Mo – You know, I hadn’t noticed that until you pointed it out! Coming down off the sugar high must make me want to write disgusting things. Or maybe I just have a disgusting life. 🙂
Wow, my mum has those exact same elves!! Glad to hear that you had a good birthday, your roses are lovely!
We had the same exact elves when I was little. I was thrilled when I found some like them at a garage sale so I could look at them and remember my childhood xmases. We also had little birds that would clip on the tree
It’s really weird–I thought my mother was the only one with elves like that…go figure!!!
Too funny! My mom had one of the elves when we were little- it was named… “elfy” and she would move it around when we were not watching- told us he was there to keep an eye out on us for Santa. We were forbidden to touch him- honestly, thought he was real for a VERY long time- we loved him!
Wow, I too had one of those little elves, except mine had blond hair. Like you I loved to tuck his legs up, I would sit him all over the tree, what a great memory. I’m 36 too so maybe that was just the ornament of our time.
From another 36yo… my mom had a scarecrow for Halloween just like your mom’s elves. He now lives at my house!!! I also have an elf that is similar which was given to me by a neighbor on a box of Russell Stover candies when I was about 3yo.
We had those elves too!!!!!! And I have that ceramic tree…my Gran made it for me. Does hers light up inside??
Your roses are beautiful!! Glad your BD was so nice this year!! Mine turned out better than I thought it would.
Those roses are sooo pretty. So does that mean you’ll get some more for Valentines Day? Lol.
Boy, I had no idea so many people had them! I’ll have to ask my mom where she got them.
Texas Peach: Yes, the tree does light up. It’s probably one of my favorite decorations that my mom and dad have.
Michelle: I can only hope! 😉
We had those elves when we were little too. I’m pretty sure that they came with one of those mini Whitman’s Sampler candy boxes tucked into them. I wish to heck my mom had saved them. I’m sure that I played with mine until it was junk and got thrown out.
Stupid me forgot to come back here and wish you Happy Birthday on Friday, so Happy Birthday 2 days late. My sister Denise would say that you are “that pretty age”. For some reason, she thinks that 36 “sounds” pretty. She told me that when I turned 36, and I said “Yeah, it only sounds pretty to you because you are 8 years older than me!”.
Here’s the spooky thing. Denise’s birthday was yesterday, I am 8 years older than you. And 36 DOES sound kind of pretty to me now!
I wish I was 36 again, but my mom had those same elves when I was little, too. My sister and I used to sneak into the living room and put them in crazy poses–hanging from the chandelier, etc.
Confetti roses are one of my favorites. They’re so beautiful! Hope you had a great birthday, Robyn. 🙂