
Woman objects to carrying coffin photo of crash victim. Tough shit, is what I say. Maybe she should have thought twice before drinking and driving, thus causing the death of an innocent man and putting his pregnant wife in a coma. If I were that judge, she’d sure as shit be serving more than 30 days in jail. Grrrr. (Fred said, “They should have provided a picture of him at the scene of the accident for her to carry.” Amen.)

* * *
So, I did a lot of shopping while I was in Maine, did I mention? I got lots of cool stuff (love those sales!), and since I took pictures or scanned a lot of it, guess what the rest of this entry is going to be about? You lucky readers!
Debbie bought this for me in Spencer’s. Can’t IMAGINE why she thought it would be perfect for me…
There’s this very cool store in Freeport called Cool as a Moose. They have funny t-shirts, funny magnets, and lots of funny postcards. I got to looking at the magnets, saw one with my astrological sign, read what it had to say, and laughed my ass off. I bought not only the one with my sign on it, but Fred’s and the spud’s as well.
I’m a Capricorn. Fred’s a Gemini. The spud’s a Scorpio. Also, I had to pick this one up. I’m not sure why I think it’s so funny, but I do. Happy Bunny! This is a reusable window cling. It cracks me up. Another reusable window cling. A mint container. Hee! I dumped out the crappy peppermint mints and refilled it with cinnamon altoids. A notebook for my purse. Another window cling. I don’t know, y’all. I went a little crazy with the Happy Bunny stuff. Magnet. Magnet. One of my favorites. By the way, you can get Happy Bunny magnets and tons of other Happy Bunny stuff at Blackjackinc.com. I think I need an air freshener for my Jeep.
So, in Bath there is a store called Reny’s. It’s a little discount store, and you never know what you’ll find there – my mother found a huge basket for something like six bucks, and she jumped on it and carried it around, worried that someone would try to take it from her. I was looking around, and I thought I saw some cat paraphernalia, so I went closer. “Oh,” I said. “this looks like it will be kind of cute…”
And then I turned it and looked at its eyes. Eeek!
FUCKING creepy! Ick! Ew! ::scream::! And then I looked to my left, and almost screamed.
Creepiest fucking thing EVER. So naturally I bought them. I’ll probably to have to give them away, though. They creep me out, just being in the house. ::shudder::]]>

11 thoughts on “2004-01-11”

  1. I love those happy bunny things you bought! They are hillarious. 🙂 Thanks for the link, I’m going to have to go have a look-see. I’m also a scorpio so I enjoyed reading the spud’s magnet. It pretty much describes me. 🙂 It’s so good having you back, have I mentioned that? 🙂

  2. I think when you make the decision to drink and drive, if you kill someone, it is no different than if you had pulled out a gun and shot them in the head.
    It is disgusting and WRONG that she only got 30 days in jail.
    On a happier note, those cats are cute. Just paint the eyes!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Bee-yotch!!
    Me and my girlfriends use that term, er, quite ALOT!!! I would not know why either.
    I love the bunny stuff also. I was checking it out over Christmas when we were shopping. There were way too many cute ones for me to decide so I left them all there.

  4. Hey Robyn, dedicated fan Rachel here. I completely agree with you and Fred about the drunk driver. Tough freakin sh*t.. that poor family. And I saw a cat named Monkey who looked like Miz Poo.. same sneer and same cuddly personality. Alright thx for all having this journal!

  5. Do you have a link to the horoscope magnets? I would like to see what it says for my sign (Aries).

  6. Nicole – there’s this url on the back of the magnets, but there’s nothing online about them. You could order a catalog for $4, but that’s a tad pricy, I think!
    Oh, wait – I just found one of the Aries magnets by them on eBay, here. (Click on the picture at the top to get a bigger-sized version)

  7. Those kitties are scary.Have your cats reacted at all to them? You wouldn’t think they would, but one of mine puffed up and slinked around for 20 minutes when I brought in a garden statue of a cat (I was curious to see what she’d do!).
    Maybe they have eerie powers. Maybe the hypnotic eyes are telling you, “Must.Buy.PsychoKitty” See? You bought one!
    I’ll get to be in Cincinnati tomorrow thru Thursday, but fortunately I don’t have to fly in. A 5 hour car ride isn’t fun either though….

  8. Hey Robyn- I followed your link and had to buy a few Happy Bunny things- and used one of the pics on my homepage- personally, I love the “it’s all about me. deal with it.” for the site- and “it’s so cute you think I’m listening” for the kids- lol. I credited you on my site, but didn’t do a link over here- I think I remember you not wanting just anyone reading this one, compared to your weight loss one- anywho- just wanted to say thanks- cute entry.

  9. OH MY GAWD!!! We LOVE Cool As A Moose! Everytime we go to Maine (summers) we HAVE to go in that store! My oldest son has a T-shirt- “Dances with Moose” a spoof on the dances with wolves thing. He loves it and he is only 8! I could but every tacky/cool thing in that store! Now I want to go to Maine!!!!!!
    Creepy Kitties……
    “My what big eyes you have….”
    Glad to have you back posting!

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