
now’s your chance. The price isn’t going any lower, and once the book is sold out, it’s gone for good – there’ll be no reprint. Also, you can have it sent via Priority Mail ($6, 2 – 3 days) or Media Mail ($2, slow boat to China (can take up to 30 days, but doesn’t usually)). We’re a full-service company, yes we are. That, or we just want to get rid of the rest of the damn things. The loan we took out to pay for the publication of the book is now paid off, and all we want to do is get our house back, with no stacks of books taking up place in the library. The cats will probably be pretty pissed that they’ll no longer be able to get up on top of the bookcase, though. Perhaps I can convince Fred to build them a little staircase… (Probably not)

* * *
So, I had my annual visit to the gynecologist yesterday. I had actually been looking forward to this instead of dreading it as I usually do, because Seasonale became available in October (November?), and ever since I started seeing blurbs about it in magazines a few years ago, I’ve been seriously looking forward to getting me some o’ that. I mean, having your period four times a year instead of twelve – does that rock, or what? I asked my gynecologist about it, and she was happy to prescribe it (which is a dumb thing to say, I guess – what’s she going to do, refuse? Oh, wait. We’re in Alabama. I wouldn’t be surprised if gynecologists regularly refused to prescribe birth control). PLUS, she had a free sample for me! And not ONLY did I get a free sample:
(That’s three months of birth control right there!)
But the sample came in the cutest little canvas bag!
(That information about Seasonale on the side is a sticker that peels off)
Cute, no? I love it! I was so excited that I actually called Fred and squealed excitedly in his ear about it. He suggested that I get a life. Bastard.
* * *
So. I have something a wee bit embarrassing to admit. I’ll just say it straight out, and then if you are horrified you can shake your head and then quietly delete me from your bookmarks folder and unsubscribe from my notify list. But don’t send me an email telling me what a lame old lady I am and make me cry, okay? Because then surely the only thing that would ease the pain of being so very lame would be to adopt another cat, and then Fred would divorce me, and then I’d be homeless with six cats (make that five; I’ll leave Tubby with Fred) and I’d have to come live with you, and none of us want that, because you really don’t want to see me first thing in the morning. Mm’kay? Okay, here goes. Now I’m going to tell you: I bought the CD by Bob “Bachelor Bob” Guiney. And I like it. A lot. Especially “Girlfriend”. Let us go forth and speak of this no more.
* * *
Oh! New The Bachelorette premieres Wednesday, starring the woman I hoped Bob (I understand he has a CD out. Of course, I’d know nothing about that…) would end up with, Meredith! Meredith’s nothing at all like Trista (whom I love, but MAN the baby-talk has got to go), and it’s going to be fun seeing her with her pick of guys. It’s interesting, is it not, that there have been four Bachelors and none of them ended up in marriage, whereas there’s been (so far) one Bachelorette and that did result in a marriage? I’m so disappointed that Andrew and Jen broke up, though. Maybe if we all hope really hard, they’ll get back together… (Yep. Working real hard on getting that life.)
* * *
I got these baskets when I was in Maine. The idea is for me to put my cross-stitch stuff in them and put the smaller one on the bigger one. But you know how Miz Poo is when you put something on the floor… Also, the Bean is rather fond of meowing at the bigger basket until we open it. Then he climbs in and waits for us to close the lid. Then he lays in there for five minutes or so, at which point he begins meowing for someone to let him out. He’s such a goof.

24 thoughts on “2004-01-13”

  1. You know what’s better than four periods a year? NO PERIODS a year! Bwaaaahhhaa! Oh, and no pap smears. Ever.

  2. Hey, I bought Clay Aiken’s American Idol CD AND the American Idol Christmas CD, so if someone has to live with shame, it should be me…lol.
    Nah, I love the cd’s. LOVE THEM!! And I’m damn proud of it, as you should be with your cd 😉
    My only concern with birth control that makes you have fewer periods is that I wouldn’t be sure if the birth control is really working or not. Is it the birth control doing it, or am I really pregnant? Lol, I hate periods, but they are a check for me.

  3. I would be the last one to criticize your musical preference considering my insatiable lust for all things country music.
    I understand the whole Bean-in-the-Basket thing. Any empty box left lying around my apartment is quickly filled with the black mass that is Kitty (I lost the battle to name her.I was going for something more original)

  4. Kate – pap smears = EW.
    Robyn, I did my part in helping free you from the stacks of books. Had it sent Media Mail. It only took a couple of days. I was very surprised. Haven’t read it yet ’cause I had to read The DaVinci Code first. Fred will understand, no?
    Have a great day.

  5. Hey Robyn, just wanted to let you know, the folks in All Star Survivor (hee! that spells ASS) have been announced, it’s gonna be so cool, check out the (three!!) tribes at cbs.com. Hope some of your faves are there! Remember it starts Feb.1 after the Super Bowl, whatever time that is.

  6. i just had to tell you.. because the pics reminded me… they have wicker litter boxes… no joke..
    only they’re like 100 bucks from skymall…
    i still am trying to find a way to make them myself…

  7. Alice – I can’t WAIT! I’m so excited to see Colby again. And Rupert! Whee!
    Kristen – $100 for a litter box cover? Good lord, are they made of gold, or what? 🙂
    Lisa & Amy – That’s his natural satanic evil showing through!

  8. I’m glad I’m not the only Bachelor/Bachelorette fan out there! And believe me, I’ve got a certain bachelor’s CD on my wishlist – which, I don’t know how that could have gotten there ;).
    Meredith was one of my favorites, too! Yay!
    And I do hope that Bob and Estella work it out.
    Yes, obviously, I need a life too!

  9. actually, seasonale works just like any other birth control pill – it’s just that all the pills are the active hormones instead of the week of placebos at the end of a regular cycle. you can always skip your period on the pill by just skipping the placebos and starting a new pack. seasonale just makes it easier to do that.
    i hope it works out for you, robyn! sometimes switching brands can be tricky. that’s awesome that you got 3 months free!!!

  10. Laura – yeah, I actually tried the thing where I took the active pills back-to-back and skipped a period (this was a few years ago after I read about it in Self; it honestly never occurred to me before that that you could do that!). My doctor was reluctant to prescribe the extra pill packs to me, because (and I quote), “That can be confusing to some people.” I only did it for one three-pack block, because I had extra-bad PMS when I went off the pill to have my period; I think my body, on the pill for so long, was confused about what exactly was going on. I sure hope I adjust well to the Seasonale. And if I have a little extra PMS rage, well, the vows DID say “For better or worse”! 😉

  11. Oh, and I also meant to say that I think the makers of Seasonale hit a goldmine with the packaging of regular old birth control pills in the three-month package. I’m betting it won’t be long before we’re seeing other makers go for that market.

  12. Since I’m VERY allergic to cats,I live vicariously through your and Fred’s stories and pics of your felines. It’s almost as good as the real thing and never ceases to bring on the first smile of the day.
    I heard Bob on his tv commercial and he has a good voice.
    Did anyone see Average Hoe,’cuse me,Average JOE II,where “the dorkiest guy” sang a song he had written to his lady love ?? He was fair to middling AND the song was good! I betcha with his talent and INTERESTING looks he would be great in a band! HEre’s hoping that the national exposure gets him a gig !

  13. personally i have mixed responses to the whole ‘lets only have our periods 4 times a year’ dealy.
    i was told by a gyn that not having a period when you are supposed to can lead to other health problems.
    but for me its more about the whole thing of.. and excuse me if this doesn’t sound right.. when we grow up we are told what an inconvienence our periods are, and how they are messy, and goddess wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have them. we were told to hate our bodies for yet *another* reason.
    i missed my period for about 3 months due to another medication that was fucking with it. i actually came to miss it. after becoming a part of a community where it isn’t seen as a pain, where being a woman and all that we are is celebrated instead of hated (in the very passive agressive way that is now done in western society), my moon became something that i identified as being important, a monthly reminder of what my body is capable of doing, and what, at my tender age of 30, i am able to do with that capability.
    yes, periods can be painful.. my last period was hell.. but for me it was that monthly reminder that my body was in tact and moving continuing to work as it should.
    at 13, 14, 15, 16.. i would have crawled through the worst conditions possible to get rid of my moon.. but at 30, i simply find it a blessing.

  14. My sister and I were talking last night- she’s in Indy and I’m in Ok. Anyway I said ‘I betcha money Robyn is going to announce she’s pregnant soon’ She said why? I said well she took down her site, whatshisbutt is at his ideal weight’
    Dang you made me lose a bet with this post! 🙂
    Your the Jennifer Aniston of the journeling world…(explain: people always want her to be pregnant)
    Then I realize we need to get lives if we have nothing to talk about but your life!!

  15. Rugbypet – I didn’t see it, but I hope he gets some attention for whatever talent he has! I’m all for the Average Joes, y’know. 🙂
    Brooke – interesting point, but honestly – I’m looking forward to only have to deal with the pain-in-the-ass aspects of having my period only four times this year. 🙂
    Okiechick – bwah! That’s funny, it never occurred to me that anyone might be thinking that way. Heh! Sorry I made you lose the bet. 😉

  16. Robyn,
    Re: Seasonale, I hate that you are so much more proactive than I am and damnit, I MUST CALL MY DOCTOR.
    Re: Bob Guiney. You are dead to me.

  17. Don’t feel bad. When my niece was crazy about the New Kids on the Block (Remember them? They were popular in the late ’80’s early ’90’s)she would play one song of theirs “Cover Girl” to distraction.My sister said it made her ears bleed.But I LIKED IT! I STILL like it.I had my daughter burn it to CD for me. Yes, I am the queen of cheesiness!

  18. I got to present the other side on the whole period thing from Brooke, I’ve been on Depo for like, 10 years and haven’t really had a period in all that time, and I’m sorry folks, but it just ROCKS!!!
    “Evil Patriarchal Propaganda” vs. “The Blessed Goddess” issues aside my dears (and not being bitchy, I was a practicing Pagan in College). not stinking, cramping and bleeding like a stuck pig for 7 days out of each month…
    At 34… I DON’T MISS IT, not even SLIGHTLY… I LOVE IT being gone. I take my soy and my calcium and do my weight bearing exercises. And if I am risking possibly ending up with a little bone loss… I dunno, at this stage in my life, can’t say I can I find that maybe a fair trade from NO PERIOD…Period. 🙂
    Just my 2cents.

  19. OK did my part in clearing up your place…I am cheap what can I say. Bean comes with head lights? Pretty nifty can’t beat a cat that glows in the dark. I have yet to ever write about my gyno trips…ew. Not that yours is ew but mine is ew because well I can’t go on any hormone birth control and not like the world wants to know what it is like to get fitted for a diaphram :0P

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