Hello and welcome, readers who are finding their way here via iwilldare.com. The information you’re looking for – the information jodi was referring to – is available in the comments. “The Outlaw” was NOT my husband, Fred, but rather a man named Timothy Hensley who was married and pretended not to be – I’m pretty sure Jodi will corroborate this. Like I said, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “comments” until you see the comment about who Timothy Hensley is. Also, please stop searching my site for things such as “Fred married” and “The Outlaw”, because there’s no such information available on this site. Thanks!
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Pet store kitty pics are
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Rumor has it that
Timothy Hensley is a lying c*nt. (Word censored not because I’m afraid of it, but because I don’t want to be inundated with porn seekers. Any more than I already am, that is.)
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So I got a birthday check from Fred’s parents – they always send money for our birthdays, and it’s always much appreciated – and that along with the money I got from my parents for my birthday AND the money I’ve been halfheartedly saving for a few months meant that I could buy something I’ve really been wanting.
Kitchenaid mixer!
I mean, I know that I don’t really use the mixer all that much, but I’ve been absolutely drooling over the Kitchenaid mixers ever since we went through a spell of watching Em3ril a lot a few years ago. So I went on Amazon and ordered the mixer, and I couldn’t quite decide which shade of yellow to order. (You knew it was going to be yellow, right? Some day I’m going to have a kitchen with plenty of cupboard space and various yellow appliances) Lemon seemed too bright:

Sunflower seemed too gold:

I decided on Majestic Yellow, which seemed like a nice, clear shade of yellow, but not eye-poppingly bright the way the Lemon seemed to be.

I placed the order with Amazon, opted for the free shipping, and sat back to wait. Every now and then, I’d look at the color I’d chosen and decide again that I’d made the right choice. Visions of the cookies and cakes and muffins and mashed potatoes I’d make with the mixer danced through my head, and I could barely stand the excitement.
Last Friday, it finally came. But as I was bloated and full and sleepy from having pizza for dinner, I wisely decided to wait until the next morning to wrestle the mixer from the box. I’m weird about stuff I really, really want. I’ll really, really want it for a long time, I’ll save up the money to buy it, or put it on my wish list until I have enough money to buy it, I’ll be extremely excited once I’ve ordered it, or have enough money to go to the store to buy it, and then once it’s in the house and it’s mine all mine, I don’t want anything to do with it. I leave it on the counter and circle it for a few days, think about opening it, until finally at some point I just open it.
So Saturday morning I took it out of the box and looked at it.
“Huh,” I said. “This is not quite what I was expecting.” Fred came out of the computer room to look at it.
“Huh,” he said. “It’s kind of like the yellow version of avocado green.”
And he was right, it was. It was yellow, but not the clear, light yellow I’d expected. It was more of a gold-yellow, and in fact the color of a shag rug you’d find in a house that was stuck in the ’70s. I tried to convince myself that I liked it. I made a special spot for it on the counter. I said “Isn’t it great??” to Fred (his reply: “Uh, sure. If you say so.”). I imagined using it to make cakes and cookies and muffins.
But when it came down to it, I just didn’t like it. And considering how expensive it was, it was ridiculous, I decided, to keep it if I didn’t absolutely love it. So I’m exchanging it for the lemon one. It might be too bright, but at least it’ll make me happy when it catches my eye.
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I finally got off my ass (or rather, sat down ON my ass) and began organizing the GFY page. Ho-LY shit, is that going to be a serious undertaking. I mean,
go look at the current page. And then think about the fact that I have to alphabetize all of that by journal/ blog name. Ugh.
I’m shooting to have it organized and up in the new spot by February 15th. Let’s see if I actually make that goal.
Oh, and that reminds me – does anyone know if Krista, formerly of Holy Shenanigans, is around and blogging elsewhere these days? I miss her!
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While I’m asking for help, I know y’all can help me with this. There’s a video I’ve seen twice on VH-1 (because I am ooooooooold). In the video, there’s a guy and a girl, and they’re apparently breaking up (she may be packing her bags, I don’t remember), and she leaves in a cab, and he pauses and then starts running after her cab. The cab gets into some sort of accident and he’s standing there and what appears to be her spirit gets out of the wreck and walks over to him and kisses and hugs him, and all is right in his world, and then the camera pans over a newspaper, and we see that he was killed in an accident on a bridge.
My question to you: What’s the song, and what’s the group? Both times I saw the video, I thought
Oh, I like that song, what is it? and waited to find out, and no sooner had the name of both the song and the group went in one brain cell and out another. What makes me even more stupid is that BOTH TIMES I found out the name of the group, I thought
Oh, I like all the songs by them that I’ve heard. I should put their cd on my wish list.
Won’t you help an early-onset Alzheimer’s-having sister?
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“Hey, Momma, want to share some of that ice cream with me?”

“How ’bout if I come really close? Interested in sharing now?”]]>
The video is by Nickleback, I think the song is called “Someday” or something like that.
Ooh. I am glad someone knew it. I love Nickleback, but I haven’t seen the video. Love Love Love my Kitchenaid, but need to get the bigger one. But…not in yellow.
Hey, I am typing this on my fancy-ass new computer. Bwah!
Oh, and Launch.com
I’m jealous – I want a red Kitchenaid mixer! The video is awesome – did you get it? It took me watching it twice, but I like it.
Krista contacted me on IM a few months back nothing really more than just to say hi and that she is alive. As far as I know she hasn’t come back yet 🙁
Nickleback! I knew it was a group I liked. And I DO like all their songs I’ve heard. Thanks, Mary Ellen!
Kate: Brat. I thought you had to wait two weeks for it to arrive!
White is the only way to go for appliances. It always looks the way it does in the catalog. I have a Kitchenaid and LOVE it. Don’t use it every day, but keep it out on the counter. When I first got it, I made everything in it.
I just had to tell you that I had a dream about Tubby last night. VERY STRANGE!! I dreamt that you had pictures of him up with candy cane all over his face, he looked really cute but very strange why I was dreaming that! I think I read your journals too much!!! heee heeee
Heh,as I read your mixer color choices,I thought the lemon would be your choice.
The Tubster is looking absolutely SVELTE these days! He may need a tummy tuck though(a Tubby-Tuck ? Hee!).
Who is Timothy Hensley? The site you linked to says that the website has reached its max bandwidth for the day, try again after midnight! You piqued my curiosity Robyn.. I am going to go google him I think.
Rugbypet – It’s the angle, trust me. I don’t think he’s really lost any weight. 🙂
Rachel – Timothy Hensley is a man who met a woman named Joanne Dillinger online. They fell in love, he had her move to where he lives, and 4 months later she found out that he’s married, and he’d told her a whole boatload of lies. Definitely check back, because the site is worth a read!
I love that song! I have not seen the video, I will be looking for that!
Just slap some smiley stickers on that lemon yellow one and it will be right at home.
Gah I hate the mustard yellow and avocado green of the 70’s! Blech!
Okay, that makes 4 times today I’ve heard Alzheimer’s mentioned. Is someone trying to tell me something? Should I be worried?
What were we talking about?
I just bought myself a KitchenAid with my Christmas money, and I love it! I went with the grey, because I thought it would hide the dirt better 🙂 , and also because that’s the color that Martha uses.
I like the lemon yellow one better too!
Robyn, I am soooo jealous of your KitchenAid Mixer. I registered for one for our wedding 2+ years ago…it was taken off our registry…but we NEVER received it! So now I’ve been mourning it’s loss. I could have gotten one this year with my birthday/Christmas money, but I decided to check out the Lane Bryant 2 for 1 sale…and that was that. Boo hoo.
nickelback played here in kelowna last night and my friend and i attended an “after the concert” party that was invite only. had a blast. didnt get to see the concert live but they had it on the big screens at the party venue. better seats if you ask me.
lol …yeah i know how to spell the name of my country lol
I would like the copper color- it’s about twice as much as the other colors, but it’s sooooo pretty.
But I’m not sure how much I’d use it because I haven’t made a batch of cookies in about two years, since before I went on Weight Watchers. Because I am powerless before cookies and I would eat them all. And my other half really doesn’t need to eat them all to save me from myself.
But I used to make some really bitchin’ chocolate chip oatmeal dried cherry cookies- which were basically the recipe on the back of the Baker’s or Tollhouse chips package plus 1/2 c of oatmeal and 100g of dried cherries. They are really good.
I caved in and FINALLY bought the KA stand mixer I’ve been wanting for ten (!) years. Empire Red – I wouldn’t have even considered accepting any other color. Glad you’re getting the exact color you want, too.
Tubby is not only looking svelte lately, but he’s looking mellow and laid-back.
Otis…the orange kitty in your pet store pics looks like a Maine Coon…do you know if he is? He is beautiful!
I got a cobalt blue Kitchen Aid for my birthday last month and while I love it, my husband luuuurves it. lol He had it out of the box and set up 10 minutes after I unwrapped it. So for Christmas I got him the shredder/slicer attachment. I figure I got the best deal out of it. I get to look at it and eat what he creates from using it!**Timothy Hensley sounds like a gem. Not. Good for Joanne to alert other possible victims!
For the GFY page: set up an Excel spreadsheet, put column headers (name, url, etc…) type in the info, then hit sort by name, or URL or whatever. Then you can cut and paste for the html form. 🙂
Thats not Tubby is it?
Oh shit, I’m a dumbass. No, that’s not Tubby, it’s Spot! Heh – I guess I wasn’t even paying attention when I said it was the angle. 🙂
Robyn, why not use blogrolling to manage the GFY ‘burb? That’s what I use to semi-manage my unmanageable list of fitness blogs, and it’s relatively painless.
Kat: Okay, HOW the hell did you know I was ON the blogrolling page at the very moment you commented? (It hadn’t occurred to me to use it for the GFY page, though. GOOD IDEA!)
Hmmm…..I liked the first yellow mixer too…so glad you didn’t settle for the yellow that the 70’s left behind. 🙂
Robyn, I understand your fascination with appliances UNTIL they arrive. I have a rice steamer, food processor, AND a bread machine, all in their boxes, never opened.
heh……….could it be because they aren’t yellow??
…….I can never figure out the damned instructions…and I am not a stupid woman! I just don’t have the patience to read 37 pages….ya know it always has that important looking first paragraph that warns you to PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY BEFORE USING…..all I really need is someone to come over and just SHOW me….
kathy, the show and don’t tell girl