learned from her mistakes, and good for her. Now isn’t there anything we can do to force Joey Buttafuoco back into obscurity?
I should add that I was MIGHTY sick of hearing about the whole Amy Fisher thing back when it was happening. I mean, they made THREE MOVIES about the whole thing. To my chagrin, I actually bought the version starring Drew Barrymore for $5 at Wal-Mart. If I ever watched it, I’ve blocked it from my memory, though.
* * *
I realized yesterday that if I don’t want people staring at my chest, it’s probably best not to wear t-shirts or sweatshirts with something written across the chest. Simultaneously, I realized that people weren’t staring at my chest yesterday because I have such spectacular boobs, but rather because I had “HAPPY” written across my chest in huge white letters.
What a blow to the ego.
* * *
I’m so damn glad
American Idol is back. I sure did miss that show. That redheaded kid who did the Dean Martin impression and then sang for real was just amazing. And adorable. I’m looking forward to seeing more of him. I liked Scooter Gal, but she needs to tone it DOWN just a tad. I also liked the Daddy’s girl, the blond with the bluesy voice whose name I cannot recall.
Survivor starts in a week and a half (!), I’m going to be in hog heaven.
We watched the first episode of
My Big Fat Obnoxious Fianc� Monday night. NOT a big fan of that Randi chick – get OVER yourself, princess! – but then I would bet it’s probably edited so that any halfway negative thing she said about him was left in, and any halfway nice thing she said about him was edited out. But that girl takes herself WAY too seriously. For crying out loud, he’s obnoxious, but he’s also kind of funny. Ah well, we shall see how it goes. I’m betting that even if her entire family doesn’t stay for the wedding, she’ll end up with the money or at least part of it.
The guy – Steve – looks an awful lot like Matthew Perry, at least to me.
* * *
Kat, who apparently has a camera installed somewhere in my house, suggested in my comments yesterday that I use blogrolling to organize the GFY page. At the very moment she posted that comment, I WAS ON THE BLOGROLLING PAGE. How freaky is that? Only I was on the blogrolling page to check it out for myself – it hadn’t occurred to me to use it for the GFY page. What an awesome idea!
That Kat, she rocks.
So I’m signed up for blogrolling and I’ve started adding links, but here’s my question that hopefully one of you can help me with. I want to add the 1-click blogrolling to my link bar, but when I try to drag it up there, it shows the circle-with-a-line you-can’t-do-this symbol. I’m running Internet Expl0rer version 6.0. Help? Anyone? Can you help a clueless sister out?
* * *

This picture of the Bean absolutely cracks me UP. He wasn’t actually yawning – he was licking his lips. (Another fabulous picture taken by Fred.)

The Bean loves his Daddy, but he has a special place in his heart for the Momma. Especially when she’s laying on the couch and providing acres and acres of flabulous softness upon which he can lay his little head.]]>
I was just saying to hubby yesterday how funny Steve was and how he looks ALOT like Matthew Perry. I’m glad someone else saw it too!
Watched my first American Idol the other night. I, too, enjoyed the red-headed “boy” and Scooter girl.
“Randi” is a school teacher here in AZ, and about to get fired from her job for this show. Maybe she should be, eh? Her fiance’ does look like Matthew Perry, a LOT.
Love the Bean pics. Love the Bean!
Awww, I love that last picture of The Bean. My kitty does that all the time and I always feel so much like a Mommy. My cat, Mr. Evil, weighs 16 pounds so I can only enjoy it for a few minutes. My guess is Tubby does’t do that?
He’s an Elvis kitty!
I am a little slow on the get go. I kept looking at Steve saying “Why does he look so familiar?”
Once again, you hit the nail on the head Robyn!
Right there with you on American Idol and Survivor. Red-headed guy rocks!
Our 60-pound Doberman jumped on me in bed last night in much the same position as the Bean. Rather than purring though, Penny just groaned and yawned what I call her T-rex yawn, while I struggled to move my limbs and breathe. I’d love a little tiny pet that wouldn’t love me til it hurts.
Oh, and I think dude looks like a fat, younger Tom Hanks.
Great, Katie saw the bean and now insists upon a grey kitty for her next Birthday….
I thought I’d never say these words, but I’m actually impressed with Amy Fisher. It does seem like she’s grown up and learned a valuable lesson.
This might work, but no promises 🙂 Try right-clicking on the link you want to add to the toolbar, pick “add to favorites”, and when the box comes up that asks where you want it, add it to the folder that corresponds to the links bar – it’s called “links” in my version of IE. Hope that helps!
You are going to love your KA. I have had mine for almost 25 years. It makes making cookies sooo much easier.
The Bean looks like he’s winking at a hot kitty girl! Heh!
Love the Bean! His sweetness almost makes up for his rambunctiousness doesn’t it?
What was up with that guy on AI last night who cried? Dude! You sucked! Also, the gal with the black and white shirt who sang a song from Flashdance…what a diva for no reason!
Dead ringer for Matthew Perry… creepy almost.
I missed American Idol and could kick myself. I didn’t watch it last season and wanted to cath it this season.
Beany looks like he’s saying “Eehhhh, what’s UP Doc?”
YES! I kept trying to figure out who I thought Steve looked like, and yes, it is Matthew Perry.
And Randi deserves whatever she gets. When she started CRYING, I wanted to bitch slap her. So. Very. Spoiled.
Oh Robyn, how I love the Bean! I thought he looked like he was about to spit! Hee!
Speaking of lookalikes. Is it just me or does Scott Peterson kind of look like Ben Affleck?
I TOLD myself I wouldn’t watch AI this season after getting so involved in it last time. But I am a reality show bitch, there I was. With you on Dean Martin, Scooter Gal, and Daddy’s Girl. I also liked the redhead at the beginning of the show last night (reminds me a bit of Nikki Mckibbin-with a whole lot better voice) and Elvis. I also watched My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance…it was better than I thought it would be, definitely.
Here on Long Island we know that Amy has gotten her act together – a long way from that creepazoid Joey. I faintly recall that Mrs. Buttafuoco couldn’t get away from him fast enough!
Another place some of you may have seen Steve from Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance is the Hungry Man frozen dinner commercial where he & another dude are in a locker room discussing what each had for dinner. Steve is the one that had (I think I can remember) a “tea sandwich with just a sprig of parsley”. Then, the other dude accidentally turns the blow-dryer towards Steve, and Steve flys backwards into several rows of lockers & crashes into the wall.
It is interesting to know that he resembles Matthew Perry so closely, though!
That first picture of the Bean looks like he’s doing an Elvis Presley imitation “hmm thank ya very much”. OMG, that cat has taken over me…I just love him. Hmmm and no i don’t like cats damnit…. 🙂
Robyn, The first pic of The Bean looks like his thought bubble might read… “No more for me thanks, I’m driving !”
Cool pics as always. I agree he looks like Matthew Perry!! It’s almost scary how much they look alike. Also, wanted to put in a quick thank you for “listing”(?) Jo’s site I’ll be reading her ! So thank you :o)
Be good,
~Denise~ in Georgia
The Bean is my favorite, but there is also a large part of my heart devoted to MizPoo. They are keeping me company until I can be reunited with my Kitty, who is living with my dad until I get back from university.
Why yes, yes I do have a camera. Which is how I know that at this very moment you are watching The Bachelorette and screaming “Who the hell doesn’t like BASIL??!!” at the television.
Kat – I know! What a freak! He’s adorable, but WAY too high maintenance!
I think that ‘daddy’s girl’ was actually called Lauren, she was the one that sang the song from Porgie and Bess. I can’t believe the number of people who think they can actually sing. Haven’t they watched the past 2 Idols to know that they are going to be told the truth?
I have a book list on my blog I thought you might like to do since you are the queen of readers.
Not sure you get the Hungry Man dinner commerical in your area, but we have this commerical running in the NY area of 2 men in a locker room, one guy saying he ate chicken and cheese potatoes and the other guy saying he ate lettuce (or some other diet meal, never pay attention to what he says..too focused on the cheesy fries..lol) and the big guy who ate the hearty meal turns the hair dryer on the other guy and he then goes flying over the lockers, across the room. Well, I think that other guy is the person who’s playing the big fat obnoxious fiancee’. Anyone else see this commerical?? Yeah I know I read too many journals and watch crap TV… *sigh*
Jami, it’s not just you. I have been saying that for two years. My hubby doesn’t think so, but I am convinced they were separated at birth!
Sorry to comment so late – re: Very(Very!) well said. In situations like these I like what John Lennon sang…”you wanna save humanity but its people that you just can’t stand”…so sad and so true.
Glad you’re cutting these people free, they so ain’t worth it. I dig it and you guys!