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Pet store kitty pics are hither.
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The Bean, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned, is on antibiotics. We took him to the vet emergency room in Huntsville last Tuesday because he felt hot and was lethargic and not acting like himself at all. We found that his allergies – and I’m sorry, it still makes me laugh that cats can HAVE allergies – had turned into an infection, and he had a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. They gave him a shot and then gave us a bottle of antibiotics to give him. Thus, every morning Fred had to shove half a pill down the Bean’s throat for his allergies, and follow that up with a squirt of liquid antibiotics.
The Bean, as you can imagine, does not care for this at all. Luckily, he hasn’t quite figured out that if he shoved at Fred’s arm it would in turn shove the pill/ antibiotics away. Instead, he uses his little paws to shove at the arm of the person (usually me) holding him, and that does no good at all, though if he catches me hard enough with his claws it does make me swear loudly at him.
(I know I could wrap a towel around him. I don’t want to, because the house is messy enough without a towel laying around cluttering up the place.)
Anyway, sometimes Fred gives the Bean a little tiny bit of milk to get the taste of the medicine out of his mouth, and so the Bean has mentally linked Fred in the kitchen to the tiny bit of milk Fred sometimes gives him, and when he sees him there, he jumps up onto the cupboard and looks expectantly at Fred.
The other night Fred took advantage of the Bean’s presence to shove the medicine down his throat, and while he was doing so, Miz Poo jumped up to see what was going on. The Bean, licking his lips and swallowing and just generally looking disgusted, turned and stuck his nose up Miz Poo’s ass as far as he possibly could.
I walked into the kitchen to hear Fred singing “A snootful of butt smell helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go dooooooown!”
Have I mentioned that he’s under the impression he lives in a musical?
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Oh, how I like it when you update your online journal thingy.
YOu know, I contacted that person who was looking for support with Angel and Stevie, but haven’t heard back from her at all. Do you have any updates on how those kitties are doing??
Mo – Last I heard, the woman who had Angel and Stevie was very close to the amount of money she needed. She was also pregnant and about to give birth, if I recall correctly, so she may have her hands full right now. If I hear anything, I’ll post it in the journal. 🙂
And here I thought I was the only one who has an ex-husband stupid enough to make the child support payment check out to the kids. Aaarghh! Even when ordered by the courts to make it out to me, he still didn’t just to spite me.
Thank god, the kids are grown now and I don’t have to bother with the jerk anymore.
And don’t you just {hear} these men when they think that child support is taking care of that child 100% and they are doing so much more by having to pay a weekly amount? Not that I pay rent, utilities, insurance, wants and needs, school lunches, clothes, braces, haircuts…etc… etc… etc..
Yep that $50 a week doesn’t even pay for 1/4 of this crap!
Let me add that I pay a $18 fee a month to get my child support through our Child Support Clearinghouse because I have never been on welfare and HE broke the court order on paying so I have to pay to keep him found?
um {heart} not hear HEH.
Robyn you should take a looksie at my entry today. Bottom of the page. It’s a pic that cracks my shit up!
::Sigh:: Ex’s and child support. I know right where you’re coming from. Do you ever sit back and think, “Him? Him? How could I have been with that…that…thingy?” Fortunately I have blocked out most of my former marriage and hope it never surfaces again. At least I don’t have to deal with my ex in any way. I feel for ya.
Congrats on the Spud’s permit acquisition. I won’t be in AL anytime soon. Take care,
Go, Spud!! So what kind of car are you going to get her? :p
I love a good musical entry! heee. butt smell.
See, Robyn? She didn’t need to study. Heh!
Oh the ex thing – how about when they call a day after their birthday to say “Happy Birthday”, or they give a 15-yo a Rugrat CD for Christmas. I could write a few 100 pages full of stuff.
Miss Poo sure is the most curious cat I’ve ever heard of. I take it she thinks everything is her business.
I walked into the kitchen to hear Fred singing “A snootful of butt smell helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go dooooooown!”
Yeah…I’d have married him, too. LOL
Hey Robin,
I was just adding 21 Grams to my rental queue on NetFlix (based on your recommendation) and saw that season one of Penn and Teller’s Bullsh*t is about to come out on DVD.
Just think, you and Fred, on a DVD, available for rent in your local Blockbusters. Cool?
Marcia – Considering that 23% of girls get into accidents in the first year after they’ve gotten their license, we’re thinking “cheap and crappy.” My first car was a $1,000 Chevette. I still miss it… ::sniff::
Lori – you’re right! Heh.
Mindy – yeah, she was getting clothes 4 sizes too small for her until I sent the ex a letter telling him what size she actually wears!
Also, everything IS Miz Poo’s business! 🙂
Lisa – Woot! I guess that’s a DVD we’ll definitely have to buy. 🙂
We made my stepdaughter drive our old van (full-size, not a minivan) as her first car on the grounds that she couldn’t afford enough gas to go far, it would probably win in an accident, and if she could park that monster she’d be able to drive anything…
Would you believe that my other and I just had a conversation two nights ago about implementing an official unit of measure called the “snoot”?!!
Sometimes I think I live in a parallel universe…
Congratulations to the Spud on passing her driving test. Kind of makes me glad I don’t live in Alabama anymore. LoL Just kidding. I’m sure she’ll make a great driver. So when’s the road trip to the beach?
Fred, is that you?
Robyn, just wanted to tell you I loved the entry in your other journal today – it was just great. (I hope it’s okay to mention that here?) Also, I wanted to ask you -how are you liking that vacuum after you’ve had it a few months? I am in the market for a new one myself.
Robyn..I know you must get tons of cat questions..sorry but I wanted to see if you have any advice.I may be taking our cat Yoda to the vet but I thought I’d ask first!
He is a healthy male cat..overall good health,loves being help,cuddled,etc.He’s a kitten..not yet a year old.He was small but he’s gained a little weight now.The thing is..he is ALWAYS hungry.Most cats I’ve ever had & the other we have now..eat a little at a time & they didn’t lke people food AT ALL.He loves people food..begs for..tears into boxes of food,knocks over cups/bowls & just seems to be starving ALL the time.Even our Lab mix dog doesn’t act like this about food!! It’s scary..you can’t even eat dinner because he is CONSTANTLY trying to get to the food.I know we are spolied because our cat we’ve had for 5 years..female named Patches doesn’t get on the counters,table or anything.It isn’t that he gets up on those..he also will crawl,leap,scratch,etc his way to get some food..even a lick of leftovers..lol!He’s always been inside so he’s not used to being outside…eating stuff! I once took in a cat for a friend for about 2 months..he wasn’t like this but he would eat people food..however he was homeless ((sad)) & had to eat whatever he could.Yoda has always been inside..eating his food.He’s been wormed..I am worried it’s that though..tape worm or something.
Have you ever heard of this? Know anything that it could be? I want to tell the vet about it either way but I’d like to know if you or anyone has dealt with this.
Again..I hate to bother you but I know you love your cats & have a lot of knowledge about their health.We just love Yoda..he loves to cuddle,dances with my son who just turned four & sleeps on my husbands chest..we all love him but he’s driving us bonkers about the food.It’s like we can’t leave ANYTHING out..he’s on the watch!! We feel bad for him too.
I forgot to say CONGRATS to the spud!! I also hope Bean is all better soon.I also think it’s too too funny that cats get allergies. lol
Congratulations to the spud!! Robyn- The OFB entry was awesome. On a similar vein…have you seen the promos for that show “The Swan”? They make over ugly ducklings in order to participate in a beauty pagent. I am all for plastic surgery if someone is so inclined, but how many people can afford it? I am starting to feel like these shows will cause young girls to feel like they have to be some plastic model…like they are not beautiful just as they are. Sorry to post this here, but your entry at OFB got me thinking and I felt the need to share. 🙂
Robyn, I too wanted to comment and give kudos on your OFB entry on 3/23. It prompted me to share some of my own thoughts on the subject in my journal. Thanks for the fodder!