unfried chicken), and I said “Do you mind having corn again, since we just had it on Saturday?”
He allowed that corn twice in one week would be okey-dokey with him, and he stood up and rounded the bed, heading for the corner of the bedroom, which he’s turned into a writing corner of sorts.
“There’s most of a bag of corn in the freezer,” he said. “Left over from Saturday. I don’t eat much corn when we have it, just a spoonful -”
And because clearly I am far too stupid to fully comprehend the concept of the spoken word “spoonful”, he stopped and faced me and pantomimed holding a spoon in his left hand and a bowl in his right, and he carefully spooned a SPOONFUL of nonexistent corn with his nonexistent spoon from his nonexistent bowl to his nonexistent plate.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t believe I quite understand. Could you explain this “spoonful” word to me via pantomime again?”
And so he did.
* * *
The Bean seems to slowly be getting the hang of the cat door. As long as you pull the bottom of the cat door up a little so that it doesn’t touch his face, he’ll go out through it. When he comes back through it, he’s always hauling ass. We thought that he was coming through so fast because something had scared him, but he comes through that way every single time, so I’m thinking that he just likes to do it that way.
He was full of piss and vinegar this morning, chasing the other cats around. When I got up, I made a hissing sound at him and waved my arms around, and he galloped from one end of the house to the other and back again, his ears back. He cracks me up.
Miz Poo’s lip has gotten big and swollen from her recent constant grooming, which means she’s due for another steroid shot to lessen the swelling. I don’t blame her for grooming constantly; I’ve been scratching a lot lately. My skin isn’t reacting well to the change in the weather and we ran out of Lubriderm lotion, and the Curel we had was too thick so I wasn’t using any lotion at all and as a result was doing a lot of scratching. But I bought some more Lubriderm yesterday and I’m all lotioned up today… but still feel itchy. Ugh.
I wonder if this entry could possibly get any less exciting.
* * *

This is in response to you OFB entry, I can’t believe that! It’s people like him that make us feel useless. I met my boyfriend’s/now fiancΓ©e’s family over my spring break, and I was so worried they would tell him he’s out of his mind because I’m a size 18-20. Instead, everyone told me I was beautiful and his uncle said, “God love those big women! We’d be lost without them!”
I wish I had a husband I wanted to hug till his guts shoot out his eyes. Damn, you’re lucky – and I’m not kidding.
Robyn, puleeze. You are never boring to us. You could make a list of items in your pantry and you’d still find a way to crack us up.
Re the OFB entry…I’d live forever happy if I was a size 16. That woman has issues that go beyond her body – especially if she is asking Playboy for advice on body image.
As far as THEIR response, I have personally always been attracted to BIG men, even before I was really overweight and I know many, MANY women who feel the same. Blows their theory out of the water.
Elvis-cat….thank ya; thank ya very much!
Robyn you are never boring to me. π
Hated to hear about the corn story, and I had so much respect for Fred until then! HEH
Is it just me? I don’t know. I’m wondering how on earth they propose to end this “Survivor” in the same amount of time when they started out with 18 instead of 16 people. And they are wasting a week by having a recap? Hmmm.
Oh, and Robyn, I agree totally. You couldn’t be boring if you tried π
A big smile for the “pantomime scene” and an even bigger AMEN for the OFB.
Your journal is something good EVERY day π
Hmmm…. “Itchypoo?”
Robyn, my skin has been terribly itchy lately, but I think it’s because we switched to cheaper laundry products and my lilly white sensitive skin isn’t able to tough it out and take it. LOVE the Miz Poo pic.
Also, my husband fell in love and married me when I was a size 28 and he still loves the size 32 me…even though I don’t…but that’s another whole issue. Thanks for OFB!
Robyn – love your site. On the OFB topic, that guy is an idiot. What if he had a “slim and fit” girlfriend and her face became disfigured in an accident? Would he stop loving her because she didn’t fit the perfect image? He just makes my blood boil. I am the same size now (size 16) as when I met my husband two years ago. He has never had a problem with my weight, and always tells me how beautiful I am, even when I get down about the weight. It is truly a good feeling to have found someone that loves me for what’s in my heart. He is somewhat overweight, but that’s of course never been an issue with me. We are happy together and even if he grew two more heads and seven warts on his nose, I would love him just the same. π
I know you like Lush stuff–have you tried their “Sympathy for the Skin” lotion? I looooooove that stuff, and I have horribly dry/sensitive skin, so I know whereof I speak. π
Damn! Men won’t look at me when I’m a 16? And here I was, all sassy because I’ve gone from a 28 to a 20. Right now I’d almost kill to be a 16. As a matter of fact, it is a goal of mine to BE a 16 by the time I see my husband again (July, August? who knows…) and I’m sure he’d be thrilled to see me that size too. Not because I’ll look better but because he’ll know I feel better.
Then we’ll drive home and fuck like bunnies!
Hey Robin you mentioned Kevin James!! Does that mean you and Fred are watching “King of Queens” again?? I know you guys said you weren’t because Carrie puts him down by making fat jokes, but I still love the show despite that! I think it’s hilarious!! Btw Awesome entries on both sites!!
I just read your latest at OFB. This should be published. It fucking ROCKS. I would like to syndicate it, or at least throw up a link…is that ok? Really, it was phenominal in both passion and style. Brava!
Bonnie – Don’t tempt me – I just might make a list of what’s in my pantry. π
MS7168 – good question! I’ve been wondering how Survivor will end in the same amount of time, too. Maybe they’ll eliminate two people, two weeks in a row? Oh! Or maybe they’ll have a final FOUR for people to vote for instead of a final two. That would be interesting!
bafleyanne – I haven’t tried the Lush stuff, but I may give it a shot! π
rowEn – Heh. Go to it!
marti – no, we haven’t started watching it again, but I do think he’s a cutie. Maybe this summer when everything’s in rerun, I’ll check it out again.
Kate – Of course you can link to it. π
Yes, JS has many problems besides her weight issue, why else would she write to a mens magazine that features stick thin women month after month?
As far as the jackass who answered JS’s letter, he was clearly in the wrong. Hopefully some real men will speak up in defense of JS and write in to Playboy that they like women with some meat on their bones.
I remember when Anna Nicole hit the pages of Playboy for the first time, I believe she was like a size 8 or 10 at the time, one of the biggest girls they’ve showed in Playboy, and look at all the men who oohed and ahhed over her! And what about Marylin?, she was no size 2.
JS if you happen to stumble across this, don’t listen to what some moron who believes that skeleton bones and silicone look good on a woman. Sure there are the guys who only like that look, but there are more guys out there who like the meaty, voluptuos curves of real women.