* * * Stolen from Janet. Janet, is it okay to link you? Do I Remember 1. When John F. Kennedy was shot (Nov. 22, 1963) Nope, I was 4 1/2 years away from being born. 2. When Mt. St. Helens blew (May 18, 1980) Only vaguely – I remember being surprised that it could happen. 3. When the space shuttle Challenger exploded (January 28, 1986) Definitely. I was sitting in my english class (it was my senior year) before class started, and my teacher came in and said “Did anyone hear something about the space shuttle exploding?” We hadn’t, and he ended up going to the library and signing out a TV so we could watch the news. The drama queen sitting in front of me had once upon a time gone to the school where Christa McAuliffe taught – she didn’t know her, had never met her, but had gone to the school where she taught – and was in hysterics. 4. When the 7.1 earthquake hit San Francisco (October 17, 1989) I remember a guy who was on the bridge when it started falling being interviewed by Dan Rather. Dan kept pressing the guy – who was pretty freaked out still – for details. The guy said something like “There were dead people everywhere…” Dan kept pushing and pushing, and finally the guy snapped “I saw someone’s brain pulsating out the top of their head.” Dan stopped pushing. (And suddenly I’m wondering whether I’m remembering the right earthquake…) 5. When the Berlin Wall fell (November 9, 1989) I was amazed – I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. I held the spud – who was only about 9 months old – up to the TV and said “This is history.” 6. When the Gulf War began (January 16, 1991) I was supposed to go to class (I was taking classes at New Hampshire College on the navy base in Brunswick), but I stayed at home and watched the news. The spud was 2 1/2 years old and playing in front of TV, and I said to her “We’re at war.” I was worried to death that my then-husband would have to go to the Gulf (he was in the Navy). He never did, but his ship headed that way a few times. 7. When OJ Simpson was chased in his White Bronco (June 17, 1994) Debbie and I were at her friend’s house out in the country. We were all shit-faced, when her friend’s husband came out and told us about it. We all went inside and watched it on the TV, but I was so drunk I had no clue what the hell was going on. Luckily, they replayed it 100,000 more times over the course of the next two days, so I don’t feel like I missed anything. 8. When the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed (April 19, 1995) Definitely. I remember sitting on my couch watching the footage thinking “What the hell happened?” 9. When Princess Di was killed (August 31, 1997) Oh, how I loved Princess Di. It was a Sunday morning, I walked out into the dining room (we lived in an apartment at the time) and looked to see what was on the front of the Sunday paper. I said “Oh, no!”, and Fred came to see what was going on. We turned on the TV and flipped around the news channels. You better believe I cried during her funeral. 10. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on their classmates at Columbine High School (April 20, 1999) I was home from work reading, when Fred told me to turn the TV on and tell him what was going on. It was horrifying, to say the least. 11. When Bush was first announced President (November 7, 2000) Noooooot really. 12. When the 6.8 earthquake hit Nisqually, WA (February 28, 2001) God, this is awful. I don’t remember at all! 13. When terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center (September 11, 2001) Of course. I was sitting in front of the computer putting off exercising when Fred called and told me to turn on CNN. “What are they showing?” he asked. We talked for a few minutes and he said at one point “This is going to get some air traffic controller in the deepest shit possible”, and while he was on the phone, the second plane hit. “I think another plane hit,” I said. “Are we at war?”

you always manage to crack me up…you have a way with words you do….:-)
have a great Monday
While Spanky looks like Harvey, Spot acts more like him. Have I even TOLD you the horror that was his reaction to me poking him in the back with a KNITTING NEEDLE? He really liked it. I mean, REALLY liked it – and I didn’t notice like FOREVER because I was also watching tv at the time. I’m still tramautized over the fact that I turned on my cat.
Spot looks, in that photo to be saying “How YOU doin’? Touch my monkey!!”
Pervert kitty!
Jake used to curl up beside me wherever I was and the minute I would think he couldn’t be anymore adorable I would see that Damn Red Dinger Of Death.
I think boy kitties should have to wear pants. Hee!
Hey Robyn!! The Spud is 15, isn’t she??? I’m amazed she still ALLOWS your mother to pick out any of her clothes!! My SD wouldn’t have been caught dead in any of the clothes I picked out for her at that age!! In fact, my own 8 year old daughter will rarely wear something I’ve picked out for her. WHERE HAVE I GONE WRONG??? Ha ha.
Robyn you HAVE to tell me how you got the Spud to do her own laundry!
Cam comes to me every Sunday night after I have done all the laundry and still has “special requests”.
I always wanted to see this put on a t-shirt.
“You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”
Yeah, I am all elementary school like that. HEE!
Re:The booger topic…I have to learn not read online while eating lunch.lol
The Spud’s cat pics are cute… I always love the yawning kitty pics the best.
Why are your cats always yawning? The two dots on Spots nose make him look like he has crooked nostrils.
Mo – isn’t it horrifying? I mean, he’s FIXED. We shouldn’t have to be seeing his little kitty penis pulsating all over the place!
Nance – I’m imagining us trying to put pants on the kitties. Hee!
Michele – You know, I think the spud’s just not all that into clothes. Kinda like her mother. 🙂
Kay – I just showed her how to do her laundry (the separating and the running of the washer) and told her that Saturdays are her day to do her laundry. We’ve since amended the rules so that she has to be done with her laundry by 9 Saturday night, or she’ll let it go through Sunday. But she does a pretty good job of it, aside from the times she’s left tubes of Blistex in her pockets. That stuff leaves stains that are impossible to get out!
Martha – they yawn so much because we bore them, of course! 🙂
Love the Spanky pics the Spud took, he’s such a cutie! That pic of spot makes him look a little like a pig with crooked nostrils.
When the Space Shuttle blew one of the popular girls was one of the first to hear, she had been working in the office during her free period and it had been on the radio. When geometry started she comes into class telling one of her friends about it actually laughing. She was sitting there giggling, I wanted to deck her. What a c—, and I don’t say that lightly, I can’t stand the word, but there is no other way to describe her.
funny that it didn’t occur to Miz Poo to yowl WHILE she was locked in the room!
Oh, my God, I remember once when I was petting Jordan. He’d rolled over so that I could stroke his tummy, which I was doing while watching TV so I didn’t really pay much attention to the act itself until I realized that I kept running my hand over some lumpy thing at the end of each stroke. The lumpy thing was his little thing. I was giving my cat a handjob — EWWWWWWWW!
12. When the 6.8 earthquake hit Nisqually, WA (February 28, 2001) God, this is awful. I don’t remember at all!
Hell ya, I remember that one. I was at the YMCA and the entire building started to shake. It sounded like jack hammers on the roof. Since we had only recently moved to Washington, and I had no idea how frequently earthquakes happen around here, my first thought was, “Holy Shit! Mt. Ranier is blowing.”
Love the Spud’s photos…just wondering why we needed to see the one of Spanky licking his privates. Hee. Thanks for sharing though! There is never TMI with you, Robyn. 🙂
so, next that dr guy is going to tell us not to wash our hands after using the bathroom right?
please tell me you don’t work at that poop stink place anymore!
I remember where I was during the Nisqually earthquake vividly! I had just gotten done cleaning the bathroom when it hit and it seemed the whole house was coming down around me. Things went flying left and right, the bedroom dresser fell over, the TV on it went flying. The worst part was that the dresser fell directly onto the bed, where moments earlier one of our cats had been sleeping. I had no idea whether he was under there or not (he wasn’t) and had to run to my neighbor to get him to take a look. The cat showed up a couple of hours later; I have no idea where he had been hiding. We were lucky, nobody got hurt and nothing much of value was broken. Even the TV survived its tumble, since it landed on the bed also.
All in all, it was a scary thing. Almost as scary as when I totaled my car by running it into a concrete wall in reverse at 60 mph. But, that’s another story.
pulsating puddy penis?
I don’t remember that Nisqually earthquake either. But I wonder why I was home from school the day the Challenger exploded. I was a senior in HS, too. And of course it’s a-ok to link to me. xo
Of course you know – when Nixon resigned in ’74, Mom sat Randy and me in front of the TV and told us “Watch this, this is important, this..this..this is….HISTORY!”
I love the pic Spud took with Stanley..& his mouse..too cute!!
I am almost 48 yrs. old and I vividly remember when JFK was assassinated. I was sitting in the living room playing while my mom was watching her soap opera and ironing (that was before permanent press and people used to sprinkle their laundry and roll it and put in in the fridge before they ironed it by the way). Hiw assasination and funeral was all over the TV and I even recall seeing the tape they played a zillion times of when Jack Ruby stepped out of nowhere and shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the gut as the police were escorting him down a hallway. I never forgot how he went “OOOOF” and put his hands over his gut and bent over. Unfortunatly I also saw poor RFK laying on the floor bleeding from the head, and I was walking home from school when I heard about Martin Luther King being shot. I was a teenager during the height of the Viet Nam war and didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to it, other than to be opposed to it. It is funny now though…my companion is 9 years older than I and he served in Viet Nam so I have heard stories and read many books since I have been living with him….and it really educated me.
Thanks Robyn for putting this little thingy *ha* in here….it was kinda neat to reminisce, even if it was all bad stuff.