Roseanne (yes, it got odd over the last couple of season, but I watched and enjoyed it anyway, and you better believe I cried when it ended. If that show came out on DVD, I’d SO be buying it). I discovered the other day that the spud is also a Roseanne fan – it’s on every night, and if she hasn’t seen the episode she’ll watch it. I can hear her in her room sometimes, laughing out loud.
Clearly she has her mother’s good taste in sitcoms.
* * *
Michael Bergin may or may not have
had an affair with Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. I am absolutely stunned that… I frankly couldn’t give less of a shit.
She’s dead. Whatever she did while she was alive is over. Let she and her husband rest in peace, for the love of god.
That Michael Bergin, what a class act.
In what Bergin said was an effort to set the record straight, he reveals many personal details about Bessette and their relationship in his book.
An effort to set the record straight, my Aunt Fanny. An effort to make some money off this country’s unfortunate fascination with the Kennedy clan and anyone attached to them, more like.
* * *
Ever feel like some people are just put on this earth to work your nerves?
I’m so damn glad we stopped selling what’s left of Fred’s book from our home, that’s all I’ll say.
* * *
The spud knocked on my bedroom door after dinner yesterday.
“The school pictures are back,” she said. Her school has a photographer come to the school in the Fall and again in the Spring to take pictures. I didn’t like the pictures that were taken in the Fall, so didn’t buy any, hoping that the Spring pictures would come out better.
“Okay, put the envelope on my desk,” I said.
“I don’t think you’re going to want to buy any,” she said.
“Oh, not a good picture?” I said.
“I didn’t know it was picture day, so I didn’t dress up or anything. I’m just wearing a sweatshirt.”
“Well, just put the envelope on my desk and I’ll look at it later,” I said.
I did look at it later, and I actually think she looks pretty cute.

(Pardon the bad scan)
* * *
(Picture taken by the Frank formerly known as Fred)

This picture cracks me the hell up, mostly because of the look on the Bean’s face. To get the full effect, check out the
full-sized version. Hee!
That’s a cute pic. With the background, it makes her look like a college girl! How old is she again?
Susan – She’s 15; she’ll be 16 in October.
Roseanne wants her show to be out on DVD, per
So Michael Bergin wanted to set the record straight? With a friend like him, she didn’t need enemies. “Telling all” about her flakiness making up her mind about men, selfishness, abortions, social climbing, alleged drug use, ill temper, and vanity. God, and he waited until AFTER she was dead.So she can’t even defend or explain herself? I’m not a huge fan of either her or the Kennedys. Frankly, she had a horse face and I’ll be damned if I know what JFK Jr. saw in her. But still, this book was a low blow.
Spud is growing by leaps and bounds!
I think what she is wearing looks cute with the background. It is casual and natural.
I think Spud looks as cute as a button! And Bean! I love those dainty little fangs of his.
You have to look at the Bean full-size. You see his fangs hanging out! I agree – the picture is very good. Like you, let the poor JFK, Jr. and Carolyn rest in peace.
That Michael Bergin needs to move on with his life. I guess he needs to pay some bills so this was an easy way to sell a book. I feel sorry for her family.
Oh my god, the fangs!!
Too freaking funny.
hehe The Bean looks like a little furry dracula. I think the spud’s pic is cute. I always seem to like the pics of my daughter best that she her in her “natural state”. Where she looks like she looks every day. Not when every hair is in place and all her clothes are just perfect.
Y’all picked the wrong “S” name- I think the Bean is a Spike. Jamie worked with somebody who had two Pugs named Spike and Buffy. Hee.
Roseanne had me in stitches I was laughing so hard. Loved the story about her being referred to as Rosie O’Donnell.
The Spud is perfect in that outfit with that background as already mentioned. If she had been “dressed” for pictures she wouldn’t have looked right. She’s definitely a cutie.
My cat Nouveau actually has her top two eye teeth sticking out all the time. Just a little mind you, but I still call her “Fangs” every now and then.
Hey Robyn…
Just wanted to tell you how pretty I think the spud looks. You must look at her and be so happy that it all turned out okay! Just wondering if you can tell me the best sporting good stores in the states to visit,My Parents are going on vacation and I want them to do some shopping for me… let me know any help would be appreciated.
Melanie – what sort of sporting goods will they be looking for?
I agree with the first Leslie in that Michael Bergin is a classless act! How does anyone know his book is anything but a load of @&*#? What a jerk.
I also agree with the others who think the Spud’s pic is cute!
Ooh, ooh, ooh…Michael Chiklis was on Ellen today – I DVR’d it and haven’t watched it yet. I hope you remembered to DVR it too!!!
I agree that Michael Bergin sucks! I boycotted his interview(s) and will not read his book. It looks like Beanie just finished sniffing Spots butt. At least, that’s the look my guys give when they smell something “wonderful.”
Robyn, i too LOVE Roseanne – but I didn’t see the last couple of seasons so all I have to go on is how weird the last couple were. I’ve seen all other episodes a million times, I swear. And if the show ever comes out on DVD, I’m all over the sucker!!
That cat is so damn photogenic!
Michael Bergin. What a jackass. I’ve only seen snippets of the interviews. There’s no way I’d watch them. He’s an actor. He knows how to cry on cue. It sickens me.
On the other hand, that’s one cute, fangy cat.
The Spud looks adorable. The background, however, is hideous!
Bean looks like he’s saying “Yes, I killed him. You’re next.”
Looks to me like the royalties from ‘Baywatch’ ran out on Mr. Bergin. I agree with the other comments – let them rest in peace, for heaven’s sake. If they had been “meeting when JFK Jr. was on trips” and such, the media would have been all over it. He’s nothing but a non-working actor in L.A. looking to make a quick buck. I can’t stand people like that!
I found your site quite by accident last week while looking for funny cat pictures. (I have way too much spare time, apparently) I have been having a blast reading your journal entries. Robyn, you are too funny! BTW, the spud is perfectly cute in her picture….
Love the pic of The Bean – he looks like he’s saying, “I vonder who my next victim vill be, hmmmm?!?”
I’m very glad that I stumbled upon your site – you now have another faithful reader!
I love Roseanne’s show, too, up until about the 5th season or so (I’m not even sure how many it was on). I’ll watch the reruns whenever I come across them. Actually, since I’ve been reading you & Fred, whenever I watch Dan & Roseanne now they sometimes remind me of you guys. I’d be all over her DVD series, too.
Love the pic of Spud..she’s too cute!
I love the picture and wish that my school pictures looked that nice.
Hi Robyn,
Do you thing cats of the same color markings could be related in some way? My cat (Stinky) Sneakers has the same color markings as the Bean and even has the same fangs.
I watched the interview with Michael Bergin on A&E last night… and actually, I kinda feel sorry for HIM. I do agree that he may be doing this now for some extra money. But it sounds like she really jerked him around and he really loved her. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for those big, brown puppy-dog eyes of his…
Hey I guess I should have said that huh.. I want the to buy me some Nike Shox running shoes at the best price possible. Does that help?
I love Roseanne too! I bawled my eyes out with the episode where Darlene had her baby premature. And I agree about the whole Bergin thing – pretty low to talk about someone having abortions, etc. when they’re not alive to defend themselves.