* * * One of my pet peeves is when people refer to things – usually FOOD-type things – by their wrong name. Like when Fred calls Diet Coke “Coke.” No. NO, it is NOT Coke, it’s DIET Coke. He also tends to refer to English muffins as just “muffins.” “Can I have one of your muffins?” he says, and I perk up. I have muffins over there? When the hell did I get muffins, and NO you cannot have one of my muffins, they’re MY MUFFINS, I didn’t know I had them, but I’m not sharing! Then I realize they’re ENGLISH muffins, which are a different thing altogether, and I’m all disappointed. Because I’m a freak, obviously. (This little bit of information brought to you by the fact that the spud put “Pepsi” on the grocery list. Except I don’t buy her PEPSI, I buy her DIET Pepsi. Hmph.)

She also said it looked “weird” because our lawns are differing lengths. I’m not quite sure how mowing another eight inches to the left will make it not look weird. 🙂
And she called me “dude.”
Dude, for God’s sake.
I found this and thought you might relate.
What is a cat?
1. Cats do what they want.
2. They rarely listen to you.
3. They’re totally unpedictable.
4. When you want to play, they want to be alone.
5. When you want to be alone, they want to play.
6. They expect you to cater to their every whim.
7. They’re moody.
8. They leave hair everywhere.
CONCLUSION: They’re tiny women in little fur coats.
Seeing your cats on your patio reminds me of my kitties. We only let them out on harnesses and leads because we live in a densely populated apartment community. When I tried to take Daisy out for the first time, she freaked. She jumped and bounced and cried. So I brought her back in and she stayed away from the patio door every day until…Sunday when Maisey was out there all day on the lead and Daisy couldn’t figure out why she didn’t get to be out there too. Hee.
I think Fred should mow 8″ inside of your property line and see if they mow your lawn or leave it so your lawn spouts a long hairdoo! I’m betting on the long hairdoo!
Please think happy thought for my kitty – Terry. He’s at the vet having his thyroid removed as I type. 🙁 Poor guy!
Muffins! LOL! I thought my husband was the only one doing that! hee.
What I hate is when businesses spell words wrong thinking they are being cute….like “Burger N’Chix” and “Tastee Freeze” and ‘value pak’. For God’s sake, it’s NOT cute and I refuse to even utter those words out loud. I would go into a place and explain explicitly what I wanted to order rather than say “I want one SuperDuper MumboJumbo blah blah blah….I know, I am a freak too.
I wonder if there is a name for our little afflictions of not answering doors and not wanting to talk on the phone and the not calling things by the proper names.
Let me know if there is treatment. I have it too! Heh.
I’m the same way! I think it’s called hermitism.
I absolutely piss off my man because I refuse to answer the phone or door. It’s not a phobia but it’s pretty darn close.
I’m lucky in the neighbor department, on all three sides. We all take turns with the mowing a little onto the others’ lawn. On one side it’s an actual island of grass (our driveways go up and then connect at the back yards) and almost all of it is mine. They’ll mow the whole thing and not just their 3 strip part, my part is at least 7 strips. So they really make my day when they get to the mowing before I do.
I agree with the lawn mowhawk, and if that doesn’t work get those gaudy little wire fence things to seperate it but leave the mowhawk on their side and if they mow it be sure to let them know that they are mowing on your side of the line 🙂
I am always screening my calls and it po’s my mom because she never, ever leaves a message and then it po’s me because then when she does get me on the phone she’s always asking me where I was. Get a life woman!
At least its just a lawn mowing issue – our neighbors had the brilliant idea of actually just putting up their fence in a straight line…which is not too cool on a diagonal property line.
Val – happy thoughts for your kitty! Hope everything goes well.
Our kitty Walter is in the hospital too with a bad infection…he could use some happy thoughts too.
Our fabulous neighbors have taken to watering the area between our house and theirs – our property – and leaving their hose there for days, so that when they move it, the grass is yellow.
So far, I’ve been a wuss and haven’t said anything, but I don’t walk between the houses, staring at the hose, either!
The ‘Coke’ thing is usually a Southern thing. I call all soft drinks cokes.
But calling Diet Pepsi – Pepsi? Just wrong. 😉
Re: the lawn. Buy a BIG bottle of vegetation killer. Find out EXACTLY where the property line is. Pour the vegetation killer down the property line so it is clearly defined and no one will have to worry about mowing it.
When the neighbor-kid’s ball used to land in our yard, I’d confiscate it. He finally learned. Thankfully, we now live in a neighborhood with almost no children.
We call it Pepsi- it’s just default now. Even when himself knows that we happen to only have Diet Canada Dry Gingerale (most of the time it’s Diet Pepsi) in the house and I open the fridge, he’ll say “Can you Pepsi me?” But he’s a strange boy.
Val & Melissa – I’m sending good vibes toward both your kitties!
The lawn mohawk – heh. Good idea!