
* * * Speaking of Spanky, I feel like he’s stalking me. I swear, he follows me from room to room, purring and rubbing against things and looking at me like he expects something specific from me. Creepy little bastard.

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What’s the frequency, Kenneth? (Seriously – how many of you got the reference? Too obscure?)
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A few months ago Fred and I were laying in bed talking, and Fred said “I read today that Jayson Blair has a book and movie deal.” “Oh,” I said. “Yeah, I think the movie’s out, actually. I just read a review of it…” “Already? That was fast!” “Yeah. Hayden Christensen is playing Jayson Blair.” Pause. Long pause. “Bessie, Jayson Blair is black.” And so he is. What I had read the review of was Shattered Glass, the movie about Stephen Glass. I rented it last week because I thought it might be interesting, and since we’d watched Kill Bill, Volume 1 (not bad) on Friday night and Timeline (eh. Like Fred said, they took the book and dumbed it down a lot) on Saturday afternoon, we watched Shattered Glass Saturday night. The wild partying never stops around here, y’know. Actually, we liked it. A lot. When the movie was over, we went online and looked up information about Stephen Glass and Adam L. Penenberg. I’ve found that the best movies based on real-life always make you want to find out more about the people portrayed. You also learn interesting facts, such as the character played by Chloe Sevigny was based on reporter Hanna Rosin, who did an article about the “novel” Stephen Glass recently put out. Also, Hanna Rosin’s husband, David Plotz, did an article about the movie. Interesting stuff. (Yes, shut up, I KNOW I need a life. Hmph.)
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All Jane at Burnt Fuse (as opposed to the Jane I usually link) wants for her birthday is to get to 50,000 hits. Be a pal and click this link, won’t you?
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No new kitties at the pet store, thus no pet store pictures this week. Boris did get adopted, though. Hmph.
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“Do I want in, or do I want out? I think I’ll just stand here until The Momma gets impatient and pushes me one way or the other…”

16 thoughts on “2004-04-19”

  1. Hey, this type of stalking is actually a form of adoration, didja know that?
    Hmph. I got a “forbidden” page when I clicked on Burnt Fuse?

  2. Reference: you get it if you are a rabid R.E.M. fan! Now, thanks to you, I have that song playing in my head over and over and over and over. But thanks – now the song playing in the Garden State trailer will finally be banished from my brain!

  3. I love R.E.M. and know that song but guess I had forgotten the meaning behind the song.
    Poor Poo. She was victimized too. Heh.

  4. My husband and I watched Shattered Glass last week and became intrigued by the whole story. We, too, spent the next day googling Glass and his grand tales.
    Interesting quote I found from Chuck Hayes (Glass’ editor that busted him in that painful scene where the hackers’ convention supposedly took place) when asked if he thought the publishing of his book changed Glass as a writer…”If Steve and I were standing outside and he told me it was sunny, I’d have to go ask two other people to make sure it was true.”

  5. No, not too obscure. Then again, I spent my formative college years in Athens, GA and even supped with the great Michael Stipe in 1986 – by chance coinkydink, which is the best way.
    Have a happy spring day!

  6. “eh” is a perfect summation of Timeline. I watched it this weekend also and I wasn’t impressed. Although that one guy was pretty hot, heh.

  7. Aly in GA::: “coinkydink”?? I know I’m middleaged at almost 48, but am I outta the loop?? What is the meaning of that word??
    BUT I did get the Kevin Spacey fake mugging reference, mainly from recalling reading about it ages ago, not remembering the song…I read anything in print put in front of my face so that was how I knew.

  8. coinkydink (n):
    co – in – key – dink
    A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

  9. Thanks for the linkage! I’ve gotten mondo hits from you today! You rock!
    Patty: I have numerous IPs banned at my domain due to trolling and other nonesense. You are probably caught in one of the strings. I’m sorry about that.

  10. Poor Miz Poo. But, sometimes they’re just in the way and you’ve forgotten they’re there! I’ve stepped on my Saima’s tail/paw/butt so many times and have begged her forgiveness so many times. It’s a wonder she still loves me (I hope).

  11. re: coinkydink: FRED: Thanks for fillin’ a sistah in!!! heh.
    I have never heard that one, maybe it is a regional term?? Or some new age young hipster noun? Anyhow….I will be sure to pepper my sparkling and witty conversation with that term and soon it will spread all over Michigan!!
    thanks again…

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