
I’m curious, cause I’m jealous as hell, how did you not have to work? I’m so jealous that you get to stay home. Simply put, it’s because Fred is part owner of a fairly profitable company and he makes enough so that I don’t need to work. Once I had paid off the credit card bills I brought with me from my first marriage, I quit my job. Honestly, any money I’d bring in from working would probably be chicken feed, due to my spotty work history and the fact that I didn’t get a degree. I won’t deny that it’s pretty damn cool to be able to stay home, though sometimes I feel guilty and ask Fred if he wants me to get a job (so far, he’s said no). Believe me, I know how lucky I am! Got a question? Leave it in the comments!

* * *
Sometimes I just hate the internet. Because when your doctor’s nurse calls to go over the lab results you had done, and she tells you that your liver enzymes are elevated, and you Google “Elevated liver enzymes”, you tend to end up on the pages where you get the shit scared out of you. Anyway, my liver enzymes are elevated. They did a test to rule out Hepatitis C (which came back negative, thankyajeezus) but I have to go back to have more blood drawn so they can rule out Hepatitis A & B. I also have to have a liver ultrasound done and I have to see a liver specialist. The nurse offered that I may simply have a fatty liver (Fred said I should have responded with “Are you calling me fat?”), but I found out on my own that there can be a myriad of other causes, such as mono, gallstones, or TUMORS. The nurse also asked if I drink alcohol a lot (um, no), take much Tylenol (only when I have a headache – which isn’t often), or take any herbs (again, no.). On the up side, my cholesterol levels are A-OK, along with my thyroid levels and my blood sugar levels. Whoo! Also, I’m making Fred come with me to the ultrasound, because I’m a big scaredy-cat and don’t want to do it all by myself. Edited to add: I’m not really worried about it – I think the chances are high that it’s just a fatty liver and not any of that scary stuff. I’ve been feeling perfectly fine lately, and I know that elevated liver enzymes is a relatively common thing, so I’m not going to sweat it. 🙂
* * *
Say what you will about Dr. Phil, his show yesterday was one of the most compelling things I’ve ever seen on TV. I absolutely could not take my eyes off it. It was so intense I had to pause it a few times and take a walk around the house, it had me so stressed. He had one of his Dr. Phil Families on – Marty and Erin – and the hour was about confronting Marty about his lying. That Marty has got some serial-killer eyes on him. Erin should be more concerned with the fact that he’s been killing people and burying them in the back yard and less with his lying.
* * *
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I’m a woman’s man: no time to talk… Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother, You’re stayin alive, stayin’ alive.

29 thoughts on “2004-04-30”

  1. 1.) LOVE the Bean pic.
    2.) My husband had elevated liver enzymes and he’s OK – for what that’s worth.
    3.) I 2nd that “serial killer eyes” thing. That man seemed emotionally… void.

  2. We knew that last comment was you, Say…because I got hit with spit. HEE!
    That cat is such a mess, thanks for the giggle and my, what a lovely blanket he’s laying on. Where ever did you find that word of art? Snort.

  3. I knew a girl that got told the same thing about her liver. The final diagnosis? She was fat. HEH
    Seriously scared the crap outta her too because her sister did have Hepatitis (can’t remember which one).
    Here’s hoping for a fat liver?

  4. You are right on with buddy from Dr.Phil. I keep expecting the show to turn into Jerry Springer, he’s going to go after his family and try and knock the crap out of them. I can’t believe that he would even consent to be on the show, he must be one of these people who thinks he can pull one over on everybody. He’s too smart for us, yeah right!

  5. Hey Robyn. About the liver enzymes, I was recently diagnosed with the same thing and was referred to a specialist. I never bothered to make the appointment so my doctor sent me for an ultrasound and the technician said there was absolutely nothing wrong my liver and that it must have just been something I ate that day. Try not to worry.

  6. I missed Dr. Phil yesterday- fill me in? I (about fifth) the sentiment on Marty. He’s a creepazoid.

  7. Robyn, First of all, have you ever had a liver enzyme test before? Sometimes an elevation is just a normal variant for a person. The concern would be if they weren’t elevated before and have become elevated. But even if they have become elevated it’s not necessarily anything ominous. Both my mother and brother have had elevated liver enzymes for years and there is nothing wrong with them. Only thing is that they have both been told they can’t donate blood again. Try not to worry (I know that’s hard to do) and know that we’ll all be thinking good happy thoughts about you.

  8. Robin, I had a Comprehensive Blood Panel done some years ago ONLY because I had met insurance ded. and wanted “everything” checked out. Well, my liver enzymes were all extremely elevated. It alarmed the docs. I did not take Tylenol but was using daily Advil and was on Birth Control Pills. They did that same battery of tests on me and I had a CT Scan Of my liver. It did show some “mild fatty infiltration” and he said it was possible that could cause the elevation but mine were very elevated. Well, the liver specialist had me stop Advil and estrogen since those were the things I was on just to see if it had an affect. The next check it had dropped to half and with in four months was back to normal. I have it checked yearly now and for the last five years it has been normal. A fluke I guess. I take Advil now but never went back on the bc pills.
    I tell you all that to tell you that it is probably nothing since you are such a healthy, feeling good kind of girl!! Try not to let it worry you. (Hey the radiologist told me even skinny people can have fatty infiltration of their liver!!Maybe he was just trying to woo me!!)

  9. That is THE BEST CAT PICTURE EVER. EVER!!!!!! OMG, it looks doctored (even though I know it’s not) which makes it THE BEST CAT PICTURE E V E R (in case I wasn’t clar the forst time…)!!!!!!

  10. You are so right about yesterday’s Dr. Phil being INTENSE. Oh, the silence!
    I cried for Erin and the girls. I cry a lot at TV. But usually not reality TV. That makes it so much worse.
    If Dr. Phil can save the “Dr. Phil Families,” the man can do anything. But I think this family is finished.
    And my mom had the same liver problems, tests. She’s fine. They never did determine the cause for sure. Good luck!

  11. My husband has had elevated liver enzymes for the past 3 years. After ruling out all the Heps, he did a CAT scan which turned up a cyst on his liver. No big deal according to his doctor and he too was told that possibly he had a fatty liver. Geez, I could have made that diagnosis! 😉

  12. I missed Dr. Phil too and now I’m dying to know what happened!! Marty and Erin seemed to be doing better. I mean one show that I saw (where Marty was being taught how to be romantic) there seemed to be new life in thier relationship. I don’t think I have ever seen Erin smile so much. What did he do?!? The previews had me dying to see it and I spaced out and didn’t watch it yesterday. *sob*

  13. That is most definitely cat p0rn. What a stud, neutered though he may be, that cat is!
    I watched the Dr. Phil show late last night on TiVo, and Wow. I just couldn’t stand the silences. If I’d been Erin, I think I would have been more likely to be yelling, “Say something you fucker!”
    Marty is just plain icky.

  14. Robyn – Marty is a ‘tard. You know, there were moments when he would be looking at Phil, and I SWEAR, he was about to grin. He did that one time before. Like it’s all a big joke. I think Marty is a little boy in a man’s body, and I’m not sure he’s ever going to “get it.” I pray he does, though.
    Okay, that photo of Beaner? Do you have the full size you can send me – because THAT sucker is going to be my desktop wallpaper!

  15. OH MY GAWD!!!!
    You need to submit that picture to Playkitty…. a magazine for kitties…. He would be centerkittie of the year……. What a sexy smoldering thing he is! MEOW!
    And all the little girl kitties read it for the articles!

  16. Don’t worry about the ultrasound. I had to have one of those done on my chest once. I was having dizzy spells and nobody could figure out what it was. it wasn’t bad at all!
    Of course, the hospital f*cked up and told me I’d had a heart attack (I was 25). Then I got all scared and thought that I was going to die. That made me nervous. The next week I thought I was having another heart attack and I went to the hospital expecting the worst. everything was fine, though, and it turned out I’d never had a heart attack at all.
    I just needed a new glasses prescription.
    So don’t worry. Ultrasounds are nothing as long as you don’t go to University Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Damn medical students.

  17. A “fatty liver” often goes along with thyroid problems even if your thyroid levels are OK. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
    I WOULD however, keep a close eye on the Bean! 🙂
    He’s way too sexy for the internet.

  18. I had elevated liver enzymes, too. My surgeon got eyes on my liver and said it’s fatty liver. I am sure you are gonna be just fine. But I’ll fret for you if you want.

  19. I’ve had a fatty liver before & my enzymes were high.However mine didn’t stay that way after I tried eating better.It can also go hand in hand with thyroid things.Have you felt sick at all lately?Sometimes that is a sign of the fatty liver.It’s very common to have high enzymes so don’t worry!!
    I will keep you in my prayers!

  20. Hey Robyn,
    Do NOT worry about your liver enzymes. About 2 years ago I went to see a new doctor (my doctor had moved to NY and thankfully is now back and again my primary doc)that was recommended by a friend. Since I was a new patient he ordered a full blood work-up and discovered my liver enzymes were elevated. After 3 months he tested me again and they were still high, so he referred me to a liver specialist. The specialist wanted me to undergo a liver biopsy! I was a mess! I found out later that he does nothing but outpatients liver biopsies on Tuesdays. My sister (a nurse) told me that since I had absolutely NO symptoms that I should NOT let him cut me. I cancelled the apponitment and told my doc I wasn’t going. He asked me to go for an MRI and everything was FINE.
    Long story short, I believe the vitamins I was taking at the time affected my enzymes, coupled with the fact that I’m at least 80 pounds overweight (fatty liver). Anyway, they’re OK now and I sure am glad I didn’t let them cut me for no good reason. I’m sure you’ll be fine!

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