
Les Miserables (or, as we cool theater-goers call it, Les Miz). I’ve been wanting to see this show forEVer, because we own the Les Miserables – The Dream Cast Recording, and I’ve seen it hundreds of times, but have never seen the show in it’s entirety. The show was amazing, aside from the fact that I was sitting on the very end of the second row, so a few things (Valjean tearing up his yellow paper, for instance) took place where I couldn’t see them, but I don’t really feel like I missed anything, and did I mention it was amazing? Of course, it would have been even better if the assmonkeys didn’t insist upon sitting RIGHT by us. First of all, we were a couple of songs in, when someone walked by my row, stood and stared down the first row, and then walked back to consult with the usher sitting by the door. The usher walked up and stared down the row in front of us, and then walked back to consult with the other person. Over the course of the next half hour, every minute and a half someone would walk up to stare down the front row. Clearly someone was sitting in the wrong seats and the people who had those seats wanted them, but what the fuck, man? Was it necessary to be annoying and distracting for such a long time? Fucking people. When the show went to intermission, I stood up and headed for the door to get something to drink, and a security guy all but ran by me, to the front row. I wanted desperately to see what was going to happen, but I was blocking the aisle and thirsty as hell, so I have no confrontation (“You’re in MY FUCKING SEAT, motherfucker!”) to report. Secondly, we were sitting in front of a family. A family that included two fairly young kids. Two fairly young kids that spent half the motherfucking show whispering to each other as they tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. At one point I came thisclose, I swear to you, to turning around and yelling “YES! Yes, she’s sick! No, she’s not sleeping, she’s SICK, and SHE’S ABOUT TO DIE, NOW WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!” Of course, I don’t blame the kids for whispering, but rather their parents for not shutting them the fuck up. Grrrrr. Despite that, it was – have I mentioned? – awesome. Valjean and Javert were both – you guessed it! – awesome. I must have teared up six different times during the show, and once even sobbed a little sob that luckily no one heard. Two thumbs up! As a side effect of seeing Les Miz, we’ve spent the past few days singing songs from the show, adapted to include the names of our cats. Which would explain why I just sang a rousing rendition of “Don’t you fret, M’sieur Poopypants, I don’t feeeeeeeeel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me nowwwww…” to the Bean.

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How wrong is it that after I read that Pizza Hut’s buffalo chicken pizza made both Alicia and Nance ill, I still want to give it a try? Not so much because I’m dying to try the pizza, but just as an experiment to see if I get sick, too. Yeah, I’m just a scientist at heart…
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My lord did these pictures make me laugh my ass off – specifically the top two pictures. That’s exactly how Miz Poo freaks out if the Bean gets within three feet of her. Hee!
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My Secret Goddess continues to rock. In the mail in the past few weeks I’ve received the following cards: Clearly, my Secret Goddess knows the way to my heart! Yesterday in the mail I got a box. In the box were two pencil cases with “Bitchypoo” on them, and in one of the pencil cases were pencils with “Bitchypoo” on them! Also, a sheet of cat stickers, and a small voodoo kit. I haven’t decided yet who I’m going to use the voodoo doll to hurt, so you’d better be nice to me! (Thanks again, Secret Goddess!)
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Smoldering and sexy, or just about to fall asleep while sitting up? You decide! ]]>

16 thoughts on “2004-05-04”

  1. Dude, I’ve seen Les Miz like six times (once ON BROADWAY, mofos) and every time I am reminded that you need to, like, read a synopsis before you watch it, because newbies are always hella confused. And I don’t know about you, but I never cry when that Gavroche gets killed. I’m like, thank god, no more cheesy urchin! “We may look easy pickins but we got some bite” my ass.

  2. Yes, Les Miserables IS the most remarkable show. You can hear people rave about it over and over but you have NO IDEA until you see it for yourself live. The best testament to this is my cynical 24-year-old son who’s habit is to take the contrary view to everything and even he admitted to being impressed.
    My husband walked out asking “What’s the difference between that and opera?” And I could only answer “nothing.” Every word in the show is sung.

  3. Robyn!!! Those photos of the kitty and dog! MY GUTS! SORE! I love the first one the most!!! AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA

  4. Robyn – I’m going to see Les Miz this weekend in Charlotte, NC! I can’t wait, and it’s a show that my DD and I have wanted to see forever. I wished I could have seen it on Broadway. We have waited until it got close enough to travel to. Thanks for the review and I already had my tissues packed! This is my DD and I road trip CD – we listen to it a lot. Love the songs for the kitty names. I’ll have to think of few.
    Also – I absolutely cannot stand when people pay money to see a show like this and bring little kids who do not care and talk, or the people talk or disturb others – urrrrrrrrrr. My DD will be livid and she will tell them. By the way – we have front row mezzanine seats. I bought them the day they went on sale!

  5. Go ahead and try the Buffalo pizza, it’s really good! And it was good when it came back up, too! heh.

  6. If it’s any consolation, last weekend I was at regional competition for the singing group I’m in. During the show of champions on Saturday night some asswipe sitting right behind me insisted upon singing along with every song. You would think by the third time I’d turned completely around in my chair and glared at her that she would have gotten the message. But nooooo. Stupid bitch.

  7. I had the Buffalo Chicken pizza on Saturday, it was delicious & didn’t make any of us sick (but then, our friend works there & used an alfredo sauce instead of the wing sauce as a base, too)

  8. “As a side effect of seeing Les Miz, we’ve spent the past few days singing songs from the show, adapted to include the names of our cats. Which would explain why I just sang a rousing rendition of “Don’t you fret, M’sieur Poopypants, I don’t feeeeeeeeel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me nowwwww…” to the Bean.”
    We do that here at my house, TOO! Christmastime is a particular favorite with the dogs: “Away in a doghouse, no bed for a bed, et cetera…” I’m starting to wonder just how common this behavior really is. Maybe there’s an entire subculture of pet-people who sing to their animals. And if there’s not, we should start one. First things first, we need a catchy name…

  9. Les Miz is my FAVORITE musical. Glad you finally got to see it!
    What is it with people bringing children who obviously CAN’T grasp what’s going on? We had the same thing happen when we went to see Cats a few years ago. Yes, I know that’s a “family” musical, but must you allow the four-year-old to chatter loudly for the entire duration of the show? Bah.

  10. Robyn, your reading lists amaze me. Can I ask you if you set aside a certain amount of time each day to read? Thanks to you, I’ve found some really good books….P.S. The cat pictures today were hilarious. I needed a good laugh!

  11. I guess I should add that I have also purchased books recently due to your list and have always loved them!

  12. Look at all your kick-ass kitties!!! There’s nothing I like better than going home and curling up w/ my pussies and watching TV. Your hysterical!!! I’ll be back for more kitty action!

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