* * * From my comments: A comment from the youngest of 4 children. If I ever heard my Mom say “Thank God, it’s the last time I have to sit though __________” once I heard it fifty times. If I hear it again – I’ll scream! OK – I’m 38 so I doubt I’ll hear it again so don’t worry. It really put a damper on things in life. I let her know it – she did not listen. No wonder I was crabby when I graduated from high school! Last awards ceremony, last “sing out”, last graduation ceremony, last graduation party, last, last last. . . So moral of the story – Don’t let your kids hear you celebrate. Oh, we celebrate – but we celebrate when she’s not around. She thinks we’re thrilled to go to her concerts, and was very concerned about the fact that Fred wouldn’t be able to attend, so she made sure that I brought the camcorder with me. As we were walking into the school the night of the concert, I said “Are you sad that this is your last band concert?” and she said “NO. Band is kind of boring…” AMEN TO THAT, SISTER! Hey – in your previous entry you mentioned you found the earrings you were searching for – where did you find them? I love them too and would love a pair — Please tell me it was somewhere on-line and not a specialty store in your local mall… Actually, I didn’t find the ones I was looking for, but I did find some that I really like – these. I don’t know why I love earrings so much. I wear them maybe ten days out of the year, but I keep buying them! (Ooh, and I REALLY like these. Pretty, no?) Also, I’m kind of picky about the earrings I buy – for instance, I really like these, but I can’t wear earrings where the back is like that, because the end irritates the skin under my ear, so I have to have earrings with posts or lever backs. Fascinating, no? I totally got the song reference! “He’s Spot, he’s Spot, he’s Spot, he’s in his bed…” I haven’t heard that song (Presidents of the USA, right?) in forever. Also, AHEM. I’ve been going on and on and ON about “24” at my journal FOREVER. Just proof that you do not read, and therefore you MISS OUT. Missy. I never thought anyone would get that reference, because I could hear the tune in my head when I was typing it, but I didn’t really think it was going to come across. Never underestimate the readers! Also, I do SO read your journal. But you know how you read someone’s journal and they start talking about something you’re not interested in, so you’re like “Eh, yeah, 24. Whatever.”, and you skim that part? (I suspect many of my readers do that. Heh.) So I musta skimmed. And while I’ll read someone’s glowing review of a book and immediately add it to my wish list, for some reason if I’ve decided I’m not interested in a show, you can say the most amazing things about it – “And then Kiefer STRIPPED NAKED and monkeys flew DIRECTLY out of his ASS!” – and I’ll be all “Yeah, yeah.” And since Fred and I had watched the very first 24 when it was on TV and decided we weren’t interested, that was all she wrote. Because clearly we’re idiots. Speaking of TV, we were flipping channels last night and we happened across the WB, and it was the second episode of Superstar USA, and let me tell you something. That is the BEST SHOW EVER. It’s like American Idol, flipped. How the judges keep a straight face, I DO NOT KNOW. Because some of those people are just incredibly awful, and they keep coming with the praise. That Briggs guy, especially, is hilarious. It’s on again Friday night, so check it out! Definitely worth your time. (Heh. I wonder how many of you just went “Eh, Superstar USA. Whatever.” and skipped that paragraph.) Whoot! Sounds like your liver is on the right track, but I wonder – how do you get it to exercise? It won’t. You know how some people have a lazy eye? I have a lazy liver. It sits on the sidelines and mocks me when I’m on the elliptical. Stupid liver. All I can do is set a good example and hope it sinks in. Otherwise, it’s outta here.

Lazy eye! Lazy liver! Ha!
Truly, it was a beautiful swan dive onto the rocks. If I could do it all over again, only this time break some bones instead of just bruising them, I would. 🙂
No offense cause well this coment isn’t from me, but drew said “woah that kitty has a big butt, ca I pet it?”.
“And then Kiefer STRIPPED NAKED…” You’ll see that in season two. You DEFINITELY want to make it to season two. Yum.
Yup, totally skipped over the Superstar USA thing – so it’s not just you!! I’m just a tv snob. (Like The O.C. is high quality programming at its best, lol.)
I feel all famous now, ’cause you used my question. Of course, now there is the pressure to be funny. I’m just not up to it.
My husband and I discovered 24 last summer via a free DVD sent in the mail containing the first two episodes of Season 2. After watching them, we were IMMEDIATELY hooked and proceeded to rent the entire Season 1 to catch up. We would sometimes stay up until 1am watching episode after episode, unable to sleep until we found out what happened. I think my butt actually got numb from all the sitting.
I never really thought that much about Kiefer Sutherland but he is HOT in this show.
Season 3 (this season) started off slow for me but it got really, really good. And last night’s episode. Wow.
Only YOU would consider falling off a mountain a beautiful swan dive. Freak. Heh.
Too funny – grabbing the phone book to look up 911. Hope Fred is ok. And Spanky is so pretty. I think you’ve given him a complex saying he’s basically stupid.
Ok….why couldn’t you drop Fred’s ass (and his fucked up leg!) off at the door of the auditorium?
How funny that when I read that about Robyn grabbing a phone book to look up 911 – I honestly never thought anything of it. Is that because I’m a goof who would do just that…or because I would expect Robyn to do that? I hope it’s the latter. Heh.
I am SO glad to hear that I’m not the only one to find Kiefer hot. Usually when I make that observation people tell me that they think he’s creepy. Same thing with my fascination for James Spader (who some have said has turned creepy looking but I think has improved with age). Maybe I just like creepy looking men? Yet, Peewee Herman and Steve Buscemi don’t turn me on so that can’t be it…
I did! I totally skipped that part about Superstar USA! I did! Me!!!
Ho, do I know about skimming. I used to skim your journal through the reality show parts. So glad you now have your Couch Potato area so I can read your WHOLE journal which I enjoy more than any other journal I read. Keep it up.
Um, hi. Can you link me in your entries every day? My hits TRIPLED today. Clearly, there’s a lot of Robyn love out there. But I already knew that. 🙂 Thanks for the mention!
I am waiting any second now from a notify from Fred for “his” side of the story!!! Heh.
Why didn’t you think of that first Robyn? Because you are a smart woman. Men! They will do anything to get outta something won’t they?
(note to Fred: Just kidding and glad you are not hurt badly!)
I got the “She’s Lump” reference. And once again you had me LMFAO reading about the adventure that is your marriage and your life. Hope Fred is feeling okay. He should watch the tape twice to make sure he takes it all in properly.
maybe you should take up drinking. I hear that makes the liver work quite a bit.
24 is awesome. All three seasons have been.
So, you say that Spanky is your ‘special’ kitty… what makes him not the brightest bulb in the pack? I must’ve missed it somewhere!
I agree with Rebecca’s Drew: Spanky does kind of look like he has a big butt–But I know that’s just the angle of the shot. ;o)
By the way, I’d like to pet Spanky’s butt, too.