* * * Last night Fred and I were watching TV. We’d just finished watching our taped episodes of The Shield and That 70s Show, and were waiting to see who’d been voted off American Idol, and we hate all the filler they do (I can’t even believe they have the utter gall to stretch the results show to an hour), so Fred was flipping channels in search of something to fill the time until the result was announced. We ended up on poker, and you can imagine how thrilled I was. I got bored inside of 10 seconds, so I started reading a magazine. At some point I realized that a clicking noise was drilling through my eardrums and into my brain, and I looked up to see that one of the players was making the clicking noise with his chips. “I wish he’d stop doing that,” I said. “I think he’s nervous,” Fred said. “Some of the guys get really fidgety. And then there are the other guys, like the one with the cowboy hat on. Hoyt. He’s from Alabama.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah. He sits there with his hat on and dark glasses so you can’t see his eyes, and he doesn’t even move. He’s like a little Bubba. Uh. Buddha.” We laughed, and a few minutes later, Fred went on to say, “I had it right the first time, he’s like a Buddha! Uh. Bubba.” First day with the new brain, you know.

Ahhhh! I waited for you to talk about Diana DeGarmo and her sould sucking eyes and how we have to endure her for another week! Eeeeek!
I’m surprised you didn’t mention anything about the last scene of The Shield! Ugh. When I realized what Dutch was about to do, I had to turn the channel. Man. I used to like his character but lately? A little too skeevy for me.
I need to have a couple of moles removed and I have been afraid. Now thanks to you, I will have it done cause I am a badass too!! (well at least for today)Hee!
My husband doesn’t always watch “The Shield” with me so he was in the other room during the scene with Dutch and the cat. As soon as Dutch stepped outside I started screaming at the TV “Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare! You sick fuck!” So my husband was yelling – “What’s happening?” When I told him, he said, “That show is just sick. It’s too damn violent.” And you know what? It really is. I don’t know what the appeal is, but I watch it every week. Can you explain, Pam or Robyn? Am I a sick fuck? (Wait, is this a question for Smart & Sassy?)
Looks like the Bean was enjoying his butt-scritches.
Scars are sexy on a man. I worked at a restaurant where one of our customers caused my heart to go aflutter.I always stopped and stared at him unabashedly,with a great deal of lust in my heart. He had a scar that crossed his cheek on an angle. It looked to have been aquired in a dueling match. Twenty years later I still think about him. Swoon…
Uh, the spud has the life! Can I be your child?? You can certainly send me to CA and then Rhode Island. And take me along to Hawaii too, K? 🙂
6 1/2 weeks without the Spud around….Oh, whatever shall they do????? heh.
Pam and Martha – I know! Wasn’t that the creepiest friggin’ thing? I couldn’t believe it, I was horrified. I used to have a little crush on Dutch, but it is SO gone now. Ugh! I can’t explain the appeal, Martha, but I know I can’t take my eyes off it! (Also, I said to Fred, “Oh, please. He should be WAY more scratched up than THAT!”)
Kay R – Do it! Seriously, it’s not that bad at all. The worst part is right before they start doing it, because you always imagine it’s going to be worse than it is. 🙂
Sharon – Sure, we’ll adopt you! But you have to promise to take care of us in our old age. 😉
That picture of Hawaii is about 5 minutes from my house (to that spot)…I can see it in about a minute from leaving my backdoor..lol
Scars? You want scars? My belly looks like a freakin’ relief map. I got your scars right here. Now who’s a badass.
(I am so PISSED we’re not going to Hawaii.)
Have I mentioned I dated the guy who plays Dutch in college? I have? Several times? Okay.
Robyn, you reminded me of Pheobe from Friends when you told about the way you wished you had gotten a scar. Badass!
The paragraph about you being a badass getting your scars via “running from the law” made me laugh out loud.
The picture of Hawaii made me yearn, and I’m not sure if I’ve ever yearned in my life before.
The picture of Beanie-Boo made me giggle because of his expression, and also because he looks so similar to my kitty (except she has a fat, fluffy tail that reminds me of an ole fancy cat….)