Reality Bites, Center Stage, and the first season of Coupling) should be on the way to me as I type.
I feel so hip and with-it.
* * *
We spent the weekend in a haze of
24. We received both Seasons 1 & 2 on Friday, watched the last four episodes of Season 1, watched five episodes of Season 2 on Saturday, and another five on Sunday.
Such a good damn show.
Surely I’m not the only one who thinks that Keifer Sutherland looks like a
Doonesbury character brought to life?
* * *
I also finished reading
Song of Susannah last night. God, I love this series, and I’m sad that there’s only one more book left. But I also can’t wait to read it!
Have I mentioned that I have a big ol’ crush on Roland? Yeah. There’s me, being geeky again…
* * *
We went to the quarry again on Friday. I was pretty freaked out by a huge-ass catfish that seemed to be stalking me. Seriously, the fucking thing was about three feet away and followed me wherever I went. I’m sure he was just waiting until I wasn’t paying attention so that he could SUCK MY FACE OFF AND CHEW ON MY BRAIN.
But I made Fred get between the fish and I, so the bastard was stymied. Ha!
* * *
Friday marked one year since
Mr. Fancypants went missing. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year! In the past year I’ve probably had twenty dreams that he came home; I’d wake up excited that he was home and then realize it was only a dream.
Honestly, I’m still hoping that another family found him and took him in. A girl can dream, right?
Perhaps in honor of his memory, one of the cats brought in a bird (a sparrow we think) and left it in my bedroom for me to find when I woke up. Luckily it was under the table across the room from my bed, but I sense that one of these days I’m going to wake up with a dead bird IN BED WITH ME, and then I’ll never be able to sleep again.
Damn cats.
It’s sad that
Meester Boogers never got to meet Mr. Fancypants. They’re so much alike in so many ways – laid-back, friendly, always willing to play, would love to snuggle up with the other cats – that they’d either be the best of friends or mortal enemies.
Godspeed, Mr. Fancypants, you fancy little shitting-outside-the-box bastard.
* * *
Things people have searched on (using the “search this site” link over there in the sidebar):
The Apprentice: Nope, never watched it. We’ll probably give Season 2 a try, though.
Exercise journal: I took it down, and am journaling my exercise in a notebook with a pen.
Weight loss picture and
Before after pictures and
After photos: Took ’em down, but they wouldn’t be on this site, in any case. They’d be over at
OneFatBitchypoo, once I get the archives completely put up.
Weight lost: 125 pounds and holding for three years now. Lots more to go, though!
Weight loss tracking: That would also be over at
OneFatBitchypoo, but I haven’t put the chart back up yet. Soon!
Love Actually: Loved it!
Buffalo chicken pizza: Nope, haven’t tried it yet. Don’t plan to in the near future, since it seems that almost everyone who tries it ends up in the bathroom for several hours!
Honey mustard chicken and
Red beans and rice and
honey mustard dressing: There’s a recipe link over there in the sidebar which leads to my page of recipes. Which reminds me – I need to put up some new recipes I’ve tried recently!
Cat urine cleaner and
tubby pee cleaner and
cat cleaner and
cat pee carpet odor and
cat pee cleaner: It’s called Axi-dent, and you can buy some
Dyson: I’ve had it for six months, and I’m still loving it! Best vacuum cleaner I’ve ever had!
Nance: She’s
Jane: She’s
For the record, if you look over on the sidebar under
Other, you’ll see a
Who I Read link. It’s woefully out of date but both Nance and Jane are on the list (though I have Nance listed as “Dysfunction Junction” rather than “Nance.” Which I should change. And I will! One of these days…)
Liver: It’s fatty. I have to go back in six months to have my liver enyzmes tested again.
New carpet: Nope, it’s not new, it’s the carpet that was here when we moved in three years ago.
Leather patch: Uh? Nope, not a clue what you were looking for here.
* * *
For the record, I do keep meaning to put up a “recommended” page so that if you’re trying to find the cat pee odor remover you can just go there and see what it’s called and where to get it. But I keep meaning to do lots of things –
Go Fuck Yourself hasn’t been updated since MARCH, for the love of god – so it’ll probably be a while before that happens. Yeah. It shouldn’t surprise you too much that I’m a procrastinator.
* * *
Look what my sister found at my parents’ house, scanned, and sent me:

Quite the artiste, wasn’t I?
* * *

Oh, da Poo.
Well that Miz Poo pic is the sweetest.
You never know about ol Mr Fancypants. I was watching a talk show the other day and this lady had a cat come back after 7 years! (or maybe it was longer) but the point is sometimes they do come back–50 pts to all the Stephen King fans out there that got that one.
Or maybe you don’t want him to come back..remember Pet Semetary?
Speaking of recipes, I just wanted to let you know that I tried your pancit recipe and my friend and I both loved it! Thanks!
That drawing of you, by you . . . how loverly. You have quite the grin!!!
Robyn, dear, you have competition for Roland. I got the first two books for Christmas and the volumes 3 & 4 for Mother’s day. Since there are no gift holidays coming up, I guess I’ll have to buy the rest of the series myself. I have been in love with Stephen King since “Carrie” but Roland is a close second.
I told my boyfriend the thing about Kiefer after we saw “Phone Booth”. He didn’t see it but at least I can show him this and prove I’m not totally insane.
I KNOW! Tell it to your brother. Since we upgraded our computers, we don’t have a camera that talks to either one. We are going to get one, soon, though. Really.
I love, LOVE Center Stage, though I will admit it to NO ONE but you.
Don’t tell anyone.
Congratulations on your Netflix membership – you are going to LOVE it!!! I just saw Monster this weekend – good for you!
ha, i was the person who searched for “leather patch”. i had remembered you talking about a leather patch kit or something for repairing leather furniture. i found the entry when i searched for it! yeah, i have a leather couch and a cat with claws. bad combination.
Wasn’t Song of Susannah great?! I loved it. Especially all of the Stephen King bits.
I hope you enjoy Center Stage! I love the movie, too. (Bonnie, don’t be embarrassed!) It’s a good movie with decent acting considering that most of the cast are dancers, not actors. Interesting to watch because these people love and work harder at anything I’ll ever do in my lifetime.
Got to see the lead character doing her “real” job a couple years ago, dancing in Giselle.
Love “Coupling”. Love it love it. Now, if someone would just release Cold Feet on DVD so I could see the last three episodes…..
Love netflix too!!!
So sad about Fancy.I hope he’s happy & okay out there.It brought me to tears seeing the pic of him AND Tubby looking out the window. :o(
Bonnie – I’ve actually seen “Center Stage”, and watching “The Company” over the weekend made me want to see it again! 🙂 There’s no shame in loving it. Well, at least *I* am not ashamed!
lb – it was awesome! I read those parts to Fred (he’s a freak and prefers to listen to the Dark Tower books on tape rather than read the books)
Hi, R0byn 🙂
What is the name of the leather patch kit, looked at the March entry and of course there’s the info about cats + leather but not the actual name of a kit you may have used. My friend Lara and her new Siamese Thai need to buy something to help their leather couch. HELP and of course many TIA.
Congrats on getting the Netflix membership! I love love love it! I’ve gotten into the habit of watching the movies over the weekend, mailing them back on Monday, and getting the new ones on Thursday or Friday, ready for the next weekend. I’m curious as to how many movies are in your queue? I have 100+, and I think they tell you the “average” person has 35 or something. Ha! I’m getting my money’s worth….
Hey Robyn
I noticed you are reading The Beans of Eygypt Maine. How are you liking it? Have you ever seen the movie?
I own the movie. I like it. We just watched it the other day. I was wondering so I could get a comparison. I know the book is usually better.
Robyn I just started reading that book and I’m excited that the last one comes out in Sept this year.
I also have a crush on Roland..
And I want a billy-bumbler!