email me a logo, and as long as it’s not obnoxious (and maybe even if it is!) I’ll use it! I usually get a bunch when I put out the request for new logos, so if you don’t see your logo at the beginning of next month, be patient!
Previous logos can be seen here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Aaaaand, we’ve reached critical mass, people. I’m no longer going to type target=”_blank” after each and every link. Why? Because it’s a pain in the ass. What does this mean for you? If you want the link to open in a new page, you’re going to have to right-click and choose “open in new window.” Sorry, folks. I still love you, you know. Because you rock!
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How did it happen that June is halfway over already? The spud’s going to be home in three weeks! And then a week later we’ll be leaving for Hawaii. Whee!
I spent the morning cleaning the upstairs, including the spud’s bathroom. The shower and toilet were clean, but there was so much dust and crap on the floor that it made me shudder. She’s supposed to vacuum and mop her bathroom when she cleans it, but I strongly suspect that doesn’t happen. I Swiffered the hell out of the floor, then used a Swiffer duster on the baseboards. I probably need to get my ass in there and scrub the floor on my hands and knees to get it decent looking. We’ll see if that actually happens.
I packed up her towels and tossed her shower curtain. It’s been three years since she had new towels or a new shower curtain, and the old ones are in pretty rough shape. I’ll go shopping later this week for new ones.
Of course, after I’d tossed the shower curtain, I remembered that our shower wasn’t working and I needed to use HER shower. Rather than dig the shower curtain back out, I opted to shower without a curtain (there’s a hand-held shower attachment), and did a pretty good job of not getting water everywhere.
That’s one tiny-ass shower she’s got, though.
* * *
Fred bought a couple of cherry tomato plants back in April or so, and planted them in big planters. Over the past few weeks they’ve been bearing fruit, and I swear to god, those are the BEST tomatoes I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve been a tomato hater from way back – and I still don’t like tomato CHUNKS in my spaghetti sauce, for the record – but I’ve actually been craving these little tomatoes, they’re so awesome.
A little slice of heaven, is what they are.
* * *
Someone asked in my comments yesterday how many movies I have in my Netflix queue. Right now, I only have about
seven eleven (I went to check, and added four more. Heh.), but I expect it’ll get longer as time goes by.
Also, a couple of people asked how I’m liking
The Beans of Egypt, Maine. I actually read it back in the late ’80s or early ’90s and liked it a lot. When I was at my parents’ house at Christmas I saw it on the bookcase and wanted to read it again, so asked my mother if I could take it. It holds up pretty well over time, I’ve found. I had no idea that there was a movie made from the book, though! I’ll have to see if I can find it.
Trivia: Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love named their daughter (Frances Bean) after
The Beans of Egypt, Maine. Or so he claimed back when she was born. He could have been kidding, I suppose.
Also from my comments:
Hey Robyn! Remember that letter you wrote to Playboy about their asinine comment about size 16 women? I just got this months issue (I too enjoy the articles, really) and they printed your letter! If you are indeed R.A. from Madison, Alabama 🙂 Too cool.
That is definitely me. Now I can tell my mother that I’m in Playboy! Heh.
I was just thinking… I’ve been reading your site for a few months, back before the Bean came into the picture. I’m not sure why this JUST NOW popped into my head. I used to have a gray kitty that looked very simliar to the Bean and he too had a messed up tail. It was crooked and looked like a lightning bolt. The vet told us his mother most likely bit it when he was born while trying to break the umbilical cord. Do you know what happened to Bean’s tail? I was just wondering.
No, we have no idea why the Bean’s tail is so short and stubby, whether he was born that way, it happened at birth, or something happened when he was a stray. All I know is that when he’s startled and he puffs his stubby little tail up, I laugh until I choke. He’s such a character.
What is the name of the leather patch kit, looked at the March entry and of course there’s the info about cats + leather but not the actual name of a kit you may have used. My friend Lara and her new Siamese Thai need to buy something to help their leather couch. HELP and of course many TIA.
I’ve never actually used a leather patch kit – we’ve never had leather furniture – but if anyone knows, leave a comment, eh?
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No quarry for us yesterday, and no quarry today either, it looks like. Damn weather! Where are our days and days of bright sunshine? Enough with the rain and overcast-ness!
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A hundred years ago (or maybe last summer) someone told me of something I could do to prevent algae from growing in my cement birdbath. In the ensuing year, I have COMPLETELY forgotten, and the crap growing in the birdbath is nasty like you wouldn’t believe, and hard as hell to scrub out. Help?
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I’m first! But I have nothing to say…except that I didn’t get your notify and was just surfing. Hi!
Hey Robyn – I’m a lurker to your site. Due to the hours of entertainment you’ve given me, I’d be happy to give you a gmail invitation. If you’re interested, email me at the address above and I’ll send you an invitation ASAP. 🙂
Thanks, Nicole – Emily just invited me so I’m all set! I’m one of the cool kids! I feel so special! 😉
Hey about that Beans movie. It stars Rutger Hauer, Kelly Lynch, Martha Plimpton and even Les Nessman from WKRP! It is good. I own it. I got mine from Amazon for a couple of bucks. It was released in 1994.
Cool about the Kurt Cobain trivia. Here’s some more.
This movie is also known as Forbidden Choices though it is The Beans of Eygypt Maine. That might help you when you go to look for it.
Sorry about the post above..I accidently posted the link to a graphic I was working on.
Anyway..I think that person is looking for a patch kit that Say talked about on her journal..maybe! I remember them having a leather couch that a cat scratched!
That last picture of bean is just awesome.That would look cool in a frame.
I have to give it up to playboy,they printed the letter! WTG
Heh – I did wonder what the unexpected declaration of lurve was about. I went ahead and deleted it. 🙂
Robyn…can you send me an invitation???
That has got to be the world’s most photogenic cat!
Mo – I can’t yet – I think you have to be a member for a little while? Something like that? I will when I can, though! 🙂
I doubt reading your letter to Playboy gave the asshat whose idiocy inspired it much food for thought, but it’s really cool that they printed it. Maybe I’m wrong and he now REALIZES he’s an asshat. We can hope, anyway! 🙂
Oh. My. God. That is THE most adorable photo of Bean! Too cute!
I never have less than 90 movies in my Netflix queue. *sigh*
It’s a sickness. 🙁
When you hit 500 movies in your queue, Netflix tells you to clean it out. Not that I have any firsthand knowledge of that. Heh.
On the bird bath, I think you can scrub it with bleach and then if you fill with fresh water and then put a little splash of bleach in there it will stay somewhat clean.
Comment to above comment 🙂
If the birds drink it, that would be kind of poisonous though? And not that good to have on their feathers, either..
I had to stop using bleach to clean the bird feeder because there’s a huge dead spot on the lawn from where I dumped the water out. Bleach does a good job of killing weeds… and everything else, too, it appears! 🙂
I went looking about the GMail and there’s mega-paranoia out there about their way of “reading” your e-mail to put context-sensitive ads next to your e-mail. There’s a website about it
It freaks out that they use the phrase “governmental request” three times on their “terms of service” page and once on their “privacy” page. Ummm, have they not read the same pages on their own ISP and other mail services? I think pretty much if you do naughty things, you can expect your ISP or e-mail provider to roll over on you a lot faster than a well-trained toy poodle.
I want a gmail account too!! Pllllease emily!!
Man, someone share the love and send me a gmail invite?! LOL
I just luv me some Bean 🙂 Hes just a cutie! 🙂
I use bleach to clean my birdbath, but I rinse it out good after. You gotta let it soak a little before you scrub it… also my husband used our pressure washer on it the other day and that worked great!
I don’t get playboy. Did they print your letter exactly as you wrote it or did they pick and choose from what you wrote? I once wrote a letter to one of my favorite magazines and they cut and pasted my letter and made me look like a complete jackass. I hope that didn’t happen to you; although, if it did, i know you’d raise enough hell to make them think twice about doing that again!
If you have a Wild Birds Unlimited close to you, they have an additive that you can put in the water to keep the algae from growing and it is not harmful to the birds.
I have one of those small ones that I just dump every day. I do it when I freshen up the dog’s water.
Bobbie Sue
Will someone kindly share an invite to gmail with me?? 🙂 And, thank ye in advance!