* * *
When I got to the drugstore, I picked up the pictures I’d had developed (the ones from the disposable underwater camera we took to the quarry last week), paid for them, went out into the car, and flipped through them.
And then I called Fred at work and said “Can you give me one good goddamn reason I shouldn’t come to your office and kill you right now?”
Because there was this PICTURE that the bastard had taken when I wasn’t paying attention. I was under the water and had my mask on and my snorkel in my mouth. I was looking down at something. This picture was taken from the side and below, and it is the least flattering picture in EXISTENCE. After seeing this picture, no jury in the world would convict me of murder. In fact, they’d thank me for ridding the world of someone who would knowingly take such a horrific picture. I’d probably get some kind of Presidential award!
And, no. You may NOT see the horrid picture. Just think of the worst picture of yourself that exists and multiply it by 20.
* * *
Some of the quarry pictures:

Not the best scans, unfortunately. I think what we REALLY need is an underwater digital camera! I bet we could take some kick-ass pictures with one of
* * *
Regarding the leather patch kit, reader Lunalissa says this:
i have worked in furniture for over 10 years, and there really is no leather patch kit that works well enough to completely avoid detection. but if you just want to fill in the cracks and holes, any kit from h0me d3pot or l0w3’s will work. the fast drying ones are not necessarily better: if you make a mistake or gunk it up, it dries faster! the key is looking at the blotter than comes with it and making sure it matchs the grain of the leather.
I know that back in the early 80s when my father needed to patch his leather recliner, the kit he used did a horrible job of it.
* * *
I just got an Oahu DVD from my parents, and not ten minutes later my father called to check in and see how everything was doing. Apparently my mother’s having a blast over there, though they decided to walk up
Diamond Head the other day and also thought it would be a good idea to WALK THE 4 1/2 MILES THERE before making the actual climb.
“I don’t know if you want to do that,” my father said.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that, but I DON’T WANT TO WALK 4 1/2 MILES FIRST!” I said.
Also, they’ve checked out my hotel, and apparently it’s in the busiest part of Waikiki. Whoo!
* * *
Fred’s mother and stepfather have been in Memphis for the last few days, so we’ve been feeding their cat. He’s adorable and I think he’s a little confused, because he’s never been left alone before, poor baby. Yesterday, I took the camera over with me.

He likes to lay in his bed and be brushed.

REALLY likes it.

We brought him a toy mouse to play with. We tend to always come bearing gifts when we’re visiting a kitty.
* * *
Deep thoughts.]]>
Those yellow eyes are the freakiest thing I’ve seen in a long time. They look like little sunny-side-up eggs…
your in-laws’ cat has such pretty markings, what a cutie!
robyn, i’m scheduled to fly into hnl just around the same time you fly out. Wave if you see a tubby shirt wandering around the airport!
I love the picture of him flinging his paws up. I love him. Can you kittynap him and bring him home to your house and keep him? He’s sooooo pretty.
I discovered yesterday that the Vancouver SPCA (which uses the same site that your shelter does) has movies of all their kitties and doggies for adoption. I had a grand time yesterday seeing all the cutefaces.
That cat has got the prettiest eyes (except for the Michael Jackson Thriller ones where you would just add slits)
I am so jealous you are getting to go to Hawaii but I know you will have some great entries and pics when you get back!
THANKS Lunalissa for the leather patch info, my friend and I appreciate the help!
Thanks, R0byn, for putting the word out!
Oh, Robyn…I’m still laughing about the picture but I also sympathize. There have been times when a bad picture would depress me for days. Go to a newstand…this week there’s unflattering celebrity photos on the cover of one of the tabloids.
robyn, i love that mostly pink quilt that the kitties are so often lounging on. is it homemade, or did you buy it somewhere. i truly feel like my life would be complete with a quilt like that.
Robyn, I’m going to Waikiki the second week of August, but just for 6 days. I know you have the swim suit situation fixed, but what about regular clothes? I don’t wear shorts in public (5’2″, 215 lbs), and I will also be there with family, some that haven’t seen me since 105 lbs, so I’m a little freaked out. Anyway, I went to Wal-mart and bought Just-My-Size stretch denim capri pants (no wide leg or flared for me) in 4 colors. I also hate hate hate to wear bras, especially in horrid humid weather, so bought spagetti-strapped tee shirts that have the built-in bra thingy. Then, I ordered 3/4 sleeve stretch button down the front shirts from Chadwick’s in great colors to wear over the tees. I already had one in white and because of the seams on the front and the back it looked so much better than the camp shirts I was going to wear. And then sandals without ankle straps. Not so good for hiking, but a short stubby girl needs all the leg length she can get. I have a bathing suit, but was wondering about the swim skirt Land’s End had in their catalogue. Did you happen to try it on? What did the spud pick out? Inquiring minds want to know! And before I forget: That picture of you and Fred smiling at the camera was wonderful. You know, at the rock quarry.
Aw,having cute cats seem to run in the family !
I have a front and side view of myself at my heaviest and luckily I delusionally don’t think of myself as looking that way.Obviously,the camera was having a wide angle misfunction at the time…
I prefer the “chubby Michelle Pfeiffer look-a-like” self-image I keep in the ol’ brain.
If one is delusional,I say,”think grandiose”!
If I were to believe the pics,I would have jumped in the river a long time ago!
Hey Robyn, I’m also trekking to Waikiki (along with a few others from here I see) on business for two weeks. I’ve never been so I’m really excited. I just found out about it at 4pm today.
Your in-law’s cat is darling. He looks like a racoon or a lemur.
OK, I’m going COMPLETELY off-topic here, but I have to ask, before I forget *again*…
With all the books you give away on your giveaway page, are you a member of BookCrossings? If not, you should check them out: http://www.bookcrossing.com It might be kewl to find out where you books go after you release them.
Just a thought,
p.s. – My cat, Katie, looks a LOT like your in-law’s cat, only the spot on her nose isn’t as big.
Just wondering what that creepy looking yellowy goo stuff is crawling up the structure in the first underwater photo? It looks all slimy. Is it? And I was AMAZED that there were so many fish!! Are those the “bream”?
Great photos!
When my hubby takes pictures of me, somehow he ALWAYS manages to get a bit lower than me (maybe I’m standing and he’s in a chair), so when I look at him as he snaps the photo, I ALWAYS end up with 1 or 2 chins that normally don’t show up. Lovely. Thanks for the great photo, honey. NOT!
Have a great time in Hawaii!!
Your In-law’s cat is BEAUTIFUL! I have to admit, whenever we go somewhere the animals go with us! Thank goodness for R@m@d@ 1nn! Most are shitholes, but they are pet-friendly!
Bobbie Sue
So those silver fishies are the little biters, huh?