* * *
They’re still doing road construction on the road directly behind our back yard. They didn’t start quite as early this morning – or if they did, I slept through it – but I’m wondering what the hell is taking so long. I swear, by now I could have dug the hole with a shovel, pushed the round cement thingies into the hole, and covered it back up.
Well, I guess there’s probably a certain way to put the round cement thingies in the hole, which is probably why it’s taking so long. Which is why they’re the professionals, and I’m just sitting here bitching about them.
I sure do hate it when they back up and the beepbeepbeep shatters my eardrums and my brain goes leaking all over the shoulder of my t-shirt, though.
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I can’t believe tomorrow’s July 1st. Good god, where’d the month go?
I think it’s time to grow my hair back out to one length. That should take the better part of a year, if not more. My entire life has been nothing but growing it out, chopping it off, growing it out, chopping it off. Maybe after I grow it out this time, I’ll shave my head. Wouldn’t that be fun? (Yeah, if I wanted to end up divorced, maybe…)
I have to say that when I saw Samantha Morton in
In America, I was jealous. Because that has to be one easy-ass hairstyle to take care of. I doubt that it’s a look that would look good on me, but one of these days I just might go for it! Maybe next summer…
(It’d be worth it just to see the look on Fred’s face. Heh.)
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From my comments:
You’ve talked about your fatty liver. Do you have any symptoms, and is a fatty liver a really bad things to have?
I don’t have any symptoms at all, and wouldn’t know that I had a fatty liver if blood tests hadn’t come back showing elevated liver enzymes. A fatty liver can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The most effective treatment is diet and exercise, and since I’m doing both I’ll be interested to see how my liver enzymes are when I go back to see the Gastroenterologist in six months.
Also, here’s a question you may want to answer someday in an entry: if you think of your life in percentages, what percentage would you say we the readers are let in on? Obviously you keep some things private and only amongst those closest to you, but I’m just curious how much WE get to be a part of.
I just had a discussion with Fred about this. I was ready to say maybe 80 – 85%, but he disagreed and said that BECAUSE I MOSTLY SHARE THE MUNDANE DETAILS of my life, it’s more like 50%. Clearly the man doesn’t understand that my life is made up of mundanity. (Shaddup. It’s a word. Because I said so!)
Totally off any topic, have you heard any word on how Angel and Stevie are doing, Robyn?
Nope, I sure haven’t. The last thing I heard, they were going in for their operations and the vet was going to waive part of his fee, but other than that, I haven’t heard. If anyone has, please leave a comment and let us know!
Robyn, did you know that catster is almost ready to make its debut? They listened to you! 🙂
It’s about time, that’s all I’ll say!
I thought you were boycotting Applebee’s?
Well, I was… but then the Apple Chimicheesecakes called my name and I broke down and went back with the spud. I’m helpless in the face of Applebee’s desserts! I am WEAK and spineless. But damn the Chimicheesecakes are GOOD.
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Fred calls Miz Poo “Musty.” Those of you who just laughed at that are clearly readers of the
Dark Tower series. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about: Musty is the deformed cat – the familiar – of the witch Rhea of the Coos. When Fred sees Miz Poo looking particularly deformed (due to her Elvis lip) he says, in an old witchy voice, “There, there Musty.” Heh.
It is an easy ass hairstyle to care for. I’ve been cutting my hair like that for years now. I absolutely love it, I get up wash, and gel (my hair’s kinda wavy so it gets poufy if i don’t gel) the whole process takes about 2 minutes.
Robyn – I just found this site and immediately thought of you: http://www.infinitecat.com
Robyn, I too have my hair super short (i.e. clippers!) and I LOVE it. It’s wonderfully liberating and easy peasey to do. It’s dry 2 minutes after my shower, then I throw in some d:fi molding paste and I’m good to go. DO IT! (heh heh – come over to the dark side)
I’m not so impressed with the Dogster site because they’ve deleted my dog’s page twice…I guess they purge “uncorralled” dogs from their datebase every few months.
I didn’t know there was such as thing as Dogster! Where was I when this suggestion was talked about? I must have been skimming that day.
Robyn, as my friends and husband know, I too have spent the better part of my life growing my hair out and chopping it off. Right now, I am growing it to all one length. It needs to be shaped as it’s all raggedy. It’s down just past my shoulders, but my bangs are just to my chin. It’s beginning to drive me crazy which is about when I decide to chop it off, but I am going to hold out and see how much longer I can get it before going insane.
A little late due to I am in the midst of moving (joy) but congrats on the wins! Whoohoo!
I am glad my vote was heard because I ‘ll be damned if I ever get the damn president I want!
At least I get one of my favorite journalers! (actually the one that started it all for me).
Awwww…what a sweet crookedy-lipped chunk o’ kitty Miz Poo is!
Miz Poo’s lip makes me laugh.
Hee! Musty!
Love the new logo!
I’m so happy for you that you’re going to Hawaii! I was there early last month for my honeymoon and fell in love with it. I like you’re hula doll graphic! :o)