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Homework: Week 28
Pets: are they worth the added housework? How much extra work around the house (besides the work required for their regular care) do your pets create for you? Do, or did, you factor in housework when deciding to get a pet? Do the benefits outweigh the headches, at least on most days?
I’d say that the benefits outweigh the headaches most of the time. The biggest housework they add to my housecleaning schedule (hahahahah! I typed “my housecleaning schedule” with a straight face!) is cleaning out the litter box every morning and vacuuming up the litter more often than I’d like. They also track a lot of litter and cat hair on the stairs, which are carpeted, and I hate vacuuming the stairs, so I only do that about once a week. Other than that, I can’t complain. Except for the cricket legs I’ve been having to pick up lately. And I suspect there’s a big pile of dead crickets somewhere I’ll have to vacuum up or scoop up and toss out. Maybe they’ll decompose before I find them…
Oh, and the hairballs. I loathe cleaning up hairballs. Ugh. Little bastards.
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I’ve been an errand-running motherfucker this week, let me tell you. Every day, there have been errands to run, and today’s been the busiest so far. I had to run to the vet’s to get ear mite medication, to the fruit-and-veggie stand about 10 minutes down the road to get a big-ass bag of fresh tomatoes (yummy!), to Sam’s to buy bottled water (yes, I refill the bottles, but only for two days, because after that I understand the plastic starts to break down and leach into the water) and a few other things, and on the way home from Sam’s, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up all the stuff we’ve run out of since I went TWO DAYS AGO.
How on earth do people do it, just going to the grocery store every two weeks? We’re always running out of stuff we can’t live without (salad, milk, popcorn, Diet Coke) and running to the store to buy more.
We won’t run out of chicken anytime soon, though, that’s for sure. I love Sam’s.
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Hey, did you know that season one of
Knight Rider is available on DVD? I saw it at Sam’s and had to really struggle not to buy it. NOT. You’ve got to wonder, though, how much demand there was to see that show on DVD.
And when the hell are they going to put
Baywatch out?
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Spanky lurrrrves the sun, have I mentioned?]]>
Baywatch?! Baywatch!?!
Ok, this is some previously undisclosed Hasselhoff lovin’ going on here!
Either that or you’re not really from Maine- you’re secretly a German named Helga that Fred mailorder brided.
I had to read that Baywatch thing twice, too…
And what kinda popcorn do yall eat?
Ifyadon’tmindmeasking and all.
I have two cats and you can’t tell me that the HAIRBALLS aren’t the WORST! My cats have ruined my carpets in the 2 months I have lived in my new house… they are orange no matter what you put on the stain… I even tried bleach….grrrrr
I think the pile of crickets is probably in Meester Booger’s tummy. The legs don’t have enough meat on ’em.
If cases of Diet Coke are on sale…………….I’ve been known to buy as many as 15 at a time. (We have a serious DC habit in this house.) So I’ve got the soda down to a once a month trip.
Did you know that Penn & Teller’s Bull—- Season 1 is out on DVD now? We can all see Robyn and Fred on DVD. (and VHS)
Hey Robin, didja happen to know that Revolution takes care of ear mites, as well as fleas and all kinds of worms. I imagine since you let your cats outside you’ve got to be doing something for the fleas – may as well get it all done at once.
Cricket torsos…defintely consumed. I’ve trained my cats to scarf the whole beast. Could be worse, my friends cats used to leave the little mousie legs all over the joint. yech!
O’course Spanky luuurves the sun…cats are solar powered. Cept for my AZ kitties, they’re weird and pretty much stay in the dark.
I’ve been meaning to tell you to check out “Blessed are the Cheesemakers” by Sarah-Kate Lynch.
Another DVD in the “why, for the love of God, WHY?” category: The Dukes of Hazzard. Just because I had a mad crush on John Schneider back when I was a pre-teen doesn’t mean I need him on DVD. (Although it’s possible that I still have his album around here somewhere. hee!)
Bwahahahahhaha! I just ate a lobster roll! And what’s up with all these Tracy’s in your comments? Are there not there some more names out there? Ventricular? Virga? FeMaale’? Come’on, get off my name you chicks!
We were going to go to Popham today, but the weather, she no cooperate. So Mom and L went shopping and I’m trying to answer work emails. I take back my bwahahahahhaha!
Awwww…Spanks, I just want to hug and kiss you.