Some Kind of Wonderful while I was on the elliptical machine this morning. I sure do love those 80s movies. I love Eric Stoltz, too. Gotta love the redheads.
* * *
From my comments:
Did you know that Penn & Teller’s Bull—- Season 1 is out on DVD now? We can all see Robyn and Fred on DVD. (and VHS)
Yep, it’s true. We’re in the one about diet fads. Fred looks wonderful, I look like a gaping idiot. You can own (or rent!) your very own copy and watch it over and over again. Whee!
What kinda popcorn do y’all eat?
Fred and the spud are the big popcorn eaters – they usually eat it every night for a snack. They were eating Jolly Time Light popcorn (microwavable), and I guess it wasn’t bad. BUT the other day “popcorn” was on my list, and I had no idea what kind to get, so I grabbed a box of the
Orville Redenbacher Butter Light and HOLY CRAP is that stuff good! I’ve said before that popcorn is one of those things like coffee that smells better than it tastes (at least, to me), but this stuff is amazing. Buttery, flavorful, just all-around DAMN GOOD. I highly recommend it, but it’s a little pricey, so you might want to wait ’til there’s a sale. Luckily it’s buy one, get one free here at Publix, so I grabbed a couple of boxes, and I may go back and grab a couple more tomorrow.
Check this out… I don’t get it, but there it is. the largest damn shuttlecock (tee hee) evah.
Y’all love to type the word “shuttlecock”, don’t you? Heh.
Love the sunglasses website. I’ll be adding it to my favorite. I unfortunately need prescription – contacts and I don’t get along – but I need to buy some for my nephew who just went to Iraq. I guess they are a hot items since life with broken or missing sunglasses is hell over there. Any ideas what would be cool for a 23 year old Army “boy”? OK MAN but he’s still my boy! I have planned mid-October for my first care package.
This is an excellent site if you’re looking to send stuff to soldiers in Iraq. It has a list of stuff they need over there, and how to send it.
Badminton can be a killer, actually. Are you sure the shuttlecock wasn’t in slow motion? ‘Cause those babies have been clocked at 90 mph. I still wouldn’t watch it, partly because racket sports just don’t excite me and partly because you just can’t see anything anyway except people swinging rackets and these indistinguishable blurs of air where the shuttlecock used to be. I watched a film of it once and was left going, “Did he hit that? Where is it now? What just happened?”
I’m sure it was moving faster than it looked, but I think it was just the WAY it moved that made it so funny. It still cracks me up that badminton is an Olympic event!
Robyn, have you watched, or are you even interested in watching, Growing up Gotti (A&E)? I find it intriguing and addictive! They call them the “Hotti Gottis”!!! Poor Victoria has got her hands FULL.
I love Growing up Gotti as well as Airline. Airline makes me happy with my job and so glad I don’t work for an airline company. People are RUDE!
I’ve been wanting to check out Airline for a while now, and my friend Liz always tells me about Growing up Gotti when she calls, so I want to see that as well – I just have to remember to set the DVR to catch ’em!
Hey Robyn, would Fred want to rebuild your new computer? 😉
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that case! Nance and I have both been drooling over it. Fred thinks it’s ugly as hell, but I love it. I’m SO getting that case the next time around!
Um, this isn’t probably relevent to me since my chances of getting preggers now that I am FORTY-FIVE are QUITE nil (old eggs), BUT does using Seasonale lessen one’s chances of getting pregnant when she decides to go off of it ??
Seasonale’s just a birth control pill packaged differently, so while I don’t know this for sure, I’m going to guess that the answer is “no”. You’d have to check with a professional to be sure, though. (Heh. See how I cover my ass?)
Hey Robyn, have you seen this?
Wahhhh! I want a kitten!!!
Anyway, regarding the cats, my cat doesn’t go outside, so, luckily, we don’t get any mail on the doorstep, BUT, she does eat toilet paper. What gives? Is this normal?
Hell if I know. Maybe she thinks she needs more fiber? I’m just glad as hell that none of our cats have gotten into the habit of playing with (or eating!) the toilet paper.
In response to my request for help when singing the “She’s a little average” song,
Bozoette rose to the occasion:
She’s a little average,
She’s really not a looker.
Yes, she’s a little average,
But at least she’s not a hooker!
I married her because I’m
Pretty average too,
She’s beautiful to me, but
I’m probably hideous to you!
Heh. I do love my readers!
* * *
We (I say “we”, but mean “Fred”) started putting medicine in the cats’ ears last night. None of them seemed to like it, but Miz Poo had the strongest reaction – she walked around with her ears held out to the side. It was funny as hell. And to add insult to injury, after we put medicine in her ears, we gave her a pill to help her swollen lip, and a shot of oil to help with the dandruff. She spent the rest of the evening hiding out under the bed, poor baby.
Fred is just amazed that one portly cat can have so many health issues. Poor Miz Poo.
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Even sound asleep, he looks annoyed.

If Fred dares to walk away from his desk, Meester Boogers is in his chair, sound asleep by the time he comes back.

It will not surprise you to know that that giant shuttlecock is in Kansas City. Bwa! I’ve seen it a million times! I’ve picnicked “under the shuttlecock”! Bwa! I SAID COCK!
Oh my goodness those kittens are so mightily cute!
I just wanted to let you know that I checked out Smart and Sassy the other day and I LOVE IT!! You ladies are FANTABULOUS!!! I love you guys so much that I’ve been reading the archives steadily for two days! I’ve never read Jane’s or Nance’s blogs but I will most definately have to check them out. Please don’t stop with the advice, it’s the best site I’ve found in forever!!!
Oooh, my BF has Bullshit on DVD. We haven’t watched the wt loss one yet though. I had never heard of Bullshit (hehehe that sounds funny) until he got the DVD. What a cool show!
Meester Boogers reminds me so much of my Sidney…I love the gray kitties.
But Miz Poo is still the Queen.
Oh yay! You liked the lyrics!
I was doing the “Wah! I want a kitten!” song and dance until last weekend, when I GOT ONE!!!! I am so happy to be a mother again. He is less than 2 pounds and soooooooo cute and playful. His older sister Snoopy is not that happy to have a baby in the house; she watches him with such a look of contempt. (And in keeping in tune with the Peanuts comic strip theme, the kitten is named Charlie B.)
Umm you are on Penn & Teller????
You’re all snickering over “shuttlecock,” but I am, and have always been, amused by “Publix.” It’s like “pube” and “licks.” If you’re 12, which apparently I still am.
Whoohoo! You and Fred are celebrities once again! I am not familiar with the show but I will be sure to check it out at my rental store. I read the description of the DVD and I am wondering how they fit you and Fred into this show? I KNOW they aren’t making fun of our And3rsons!?!?!?!?!?
(where is my can of whoopass?)