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People, please please PLEASE help me. I’ve signed up over at mblog in hopes of getting my Couch Potato blog set up and running, but I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME figure out how to make it so that my categories show up, not only under each entry, but also in my sidebar. I’ve looked and looked at the help stuff, but IT IS GEEK GREEK TO ME and it makes no sense to me at ALL. Please, for the love of god, won’t someone out there send me a step-by-step list of how in the holy hell I can make the categories show up? PLEASE, I’m begging you, HELP ME.
Also, your best bet is to imagine me as a very slow 7 year-old when typing out instructions.
Never mind! I did a Google search on “Movable Type for dummies”, and found the BEST SITE EVER. Excellent for people who don’t speak Geek. Woot!
(Hopefully the Tater will be up and running by the beginning of next week. It depends on how long it takes me to figure out how I want it to look!)
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I’ll be kind of stuck at home for the forseeable future, it seems. We have a guy here who’ll be painting the outside of our house – not the bricks, but the trim around the house, because we’ve been here for three years and the paint is starting to peel. The guy comes highly recommended by Fred’s father. He was supposed to show up at 8 this morning, and he showed up 10 minutes early, so I guess we’re off to a good start. He works ten hours a day, only takes a couple of 10 minute breaks during the day, and does an excellent job.
He estimates that it’ll take about a week and a half to get it all done. Ugh. He seems like a really nice guy, but I haaaaaaaaaate having to deal with strangers.
Fred’s father reports that the guy never asked to use the bathroom, though. Which is aces with me. Not that I’m against letting him use our bathroom if he needs to or anything, but I do have a
bad experience with a guy leaving a nasty stank in our bathroom, and I think it’s scarred me for life.
We had to go around the house yesterday and remove all the screens. My GOD do our windowsills need some serious cleaning – I don’t know the last time I went around and cleaned them (my guess is “never”), but it seriously needs to be done. I went around and dusted them before the guy got here, but they need more than dusting – they need actual cleaning with a wet rag.
I don’t even want to talk about the blinds; they’re disgusting and are an inch thick with the kind of dirt that won’t come off with the swipe of a rag. They’re going to need to be soaked. I think once the guy’s done on the outside of the house I’m going to have to take some time to clean the windowsills and blinds.
I didn’t even have time to exercise this morning before he showed up, which means I’ll be doing that this afternoon once Fred gets home from work.
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That’s not actually a look o’ love Spanky’s giving Meester Boogers, is it?]]>
Right there with you on hating to deal with strangers. I, too, have had a stank-escapade with a contractor that was working on my parent’s house. I think he was smoking in there, too.
Why do you have to stay at home if the guy is painting the outside of your house? If he is highly recommended and reliable I can’t see that he is going to decide to break into your house when if that did happen he would be the obvious suspect.
Wendy – Bwah! Stank-escapade! Stank-capade! Heh.
Anonymous – No, I trust the guy, but he may require me to open a window so he can get at a windowsill, or something like that. It’s not like I had Big Plans for the day or anything, anyway. 🙂
Spanky’s tail is KILLING me.
I was gonna make a shameless plea for you to get the Tator up before Survivor starts…
I love the Stumps tail, too.
Oh, well, you know the painter guy is probably peeing in your yard, don’t you?
So – does this painter-guy ever leave the premises? Because if he doesn’t then he MUST be peeing in your bushes because how can someone go over 10 hours without peeing? And, although I don’t really want to think about it, but…. what happens if he has to make a uh… Big Potty? What then? I’m glad I have an inside job with easy access to a bathroom and don’t have to think about these things because they would probably consume my thoughts and I’d never get anyone’s house painted.
Yeah, I figure he’s probably peeing in the yard and, y’know, it’s A-OK with me, since the cats do it allllll the time. I never go out and walk around in the yard, anyway. 🙂
No more cat holes on my screen! YAYAY!!!
Nah the painter can probably “hold it” until lunch. My dad worked in a factory and could only “go” on a schedule. He also loved coffee. I swear that man had the biggest bladder on earth! I also asked my friend who does construction. He said “that’s why man created gas stations”. He said you always know where the closest one is located at all times!
Loved the movie. “Go figure” Spanky holds his ground when “sunlight” is in the picture. Hee!
Thanks for posting that link to the Movable Type. I am a very big dummy when it comes to MT. I have a fabulous design thanks to a very generous and talented Kym, but I would never even know where to start if I wanted to add or change anything myself.
How does one go about cleaning and soaking blinds? Not that mine are an inch thick with NM dust and grime, no way are mine dirty. Just asking, have you done it before?
If your screens are on the outside of your windows, they and your windows will get really clean if you clean them with Windex Outdoor cleaner. You spray it on and then rinse it off and your windows and screens are clear! The bottle hooks up to your garden hose, so you can get at second and third story windows. It’s amazing stuff.
Valerie – I’ve never actually done it, but I understand you can take down the blinds, put them in a tub of warm, soapy water, then rinse and either dry the blinds by hand, or let them air dry. We have an ungodly number of blinds in our house – I am realllllly not looking forward to cleaning them all!
My blind are kind of scary too. However, I just bought a Scunci steamer off the shopping channel and I’m hoping that it will work on the blinds. It cleaned the hell out of the kitchen last night (burner guards and rings and the 30+ year old formica that stains if you look at it) and today I’m trying it on the bathroom.
First thing I’ve ever bought off the TV and I have high hopes for it.
To clean my blinds, I filled the tub with hot water and shampoo (figured that if shampoo can get the styling products out of my hair and not leave a “film” – why not. Plus, I was too lazy to walk down the stairs to get the dish soap!). I soaked a few sets of blinds together then draped them over the fence in the back yard and rinsed them with the hose. Air dry and viola!
blinds! not screens! doh!