* * *
After doing some looking around online, I’m 99.99% sure that the hummingbirds who are visiting the feeder outside the computer room window are ruby-throated hummingbirds. Yesterday, there were two males and a female out there, and the two males were apparently trying to kick each others’ asses in hopes of winning the heart of the female. While the males went at it, the female sat on the feeder and ate, while watching them. She looked like she was watching a tennis match.
Hummingbirds sure are cute, aren’t they?
* * *
The paint guy finished cleaning the window sills and trim around 11:30 yesterday, and left. I assumed he’d gone to lunch, and I said to myself, “Self, get your ass out into the garage and exercise; if he needs you, he’ll probably be tipped off to the fact that you’re in the garage by the sound of the television and he can come knock on the garage door or something.
So I was flailing away on the elliptical trainer when I heard the sound of a truck door opening and closing, and I thought “Oh, I guess he’s back.” But then three or four minutes later I heard the same truck door opening and closing, and I heard the truck drive off, so I looked out the window to see him leaving. Turns out he’d finished with the cleaning and since it was raining he couldn’t put the primer on the window sills and trim, so he was done for the day.
This morning he got here at SEVEN and went around and did some more cleaning. Now he’s gone to the paint store to get paint thinner, and then I guess he’s going to prime the trim and window sills. I can’t decide whether to go ahead and exercise, or wait.
The lazy angel on my shoulder is voting that I wait. Like, until tomorrow. I might let her win this one, because I SO don’t want to be doing deadlifts and have him pop open the window so he can prime the window sills thus bearing unfortunate witness to the red-faced, sweaty, scary-looking person I become when I do lower body weights.
I do have to get some housework done, though. Specifically, vacuuming. And cleaning the kitchen.
I sure do hate the hell out of housework.
* * *
From my comments:
SO have you watched Growing up Gotti yet?
I have! I watched last week’s episode, where they went to Miami. It absolutely cracked me up, because those boys are total troublemakers, and she doesn’t put up with it at ALL. I’m definitely going to keep watching it.
And about the toes. Totally sucks but aren’t all the toes the “piggy”?
Have you seen Ethan lately? He looks so emaciated, it doesn’t help him out at all. I have never thought Uma Thurman was beautiful either.
Yeah, they’re all the piggies – what I meant to say was my PINKY toe, of course. But you knew which one I meant anyway, didn’t you?
I have to agree on the Uma Thurman thing – I never quite understood the attraction. In
The Truth About Cats & Dogs, when Uma was supposed to be the gorgeous model and Janeane Garofalo was supposed to be the dumpy, ugly one, I always thought it was a ridiculous concept, because Janeane is clearly WAY better looking than Uma. I guess I don’t get a lot of the women Hollywood holds up as the perfect ideal, lookswise, because when she was younger, I did NOT get the Michelle Pfeiffer love – I thought she was funny looking, and I didn’t understand why people went on and ON about how beautiful she was. Oddly, as she gets older (or maybe it’s as *I* get older), I’m starting to think that she’s very pretty.
Ah well – different strokes for different folks, eh?
Two words for you……KIEFER SUTHERLAND. I read your post about Taking Lives with baited breath, hoping to get something (a crumb, perhaps?) of information about my beloved Kiefer and how others possibly share my lust for him. It was not to be…………
You know, I would have mentioned Kiefer, but I don’t think he had even five minutes of screen time. It was ridiculous! We do love the Kief, that’s for sure. At one point in the movie, we were shown what was supposed to be a sketch of Kiefer, but as Fred pointed out, “That looks more like Donald Sutherland than Kiefer Sutherland!”
I’m going to maine Sept. 10th , Portland and boothbay Harbor. Can you recommend any “must see” places ?
If you’re going to be in Portland, I highly recommend a cruise on
Casco Bay Lines – specifically the Bailey Island cruise. I’ve always wanted to try the Sunset cruise, too.
You might want to check out the
Portland Head Light while you’re in the area. Also, it’s south of Portland, but you might want to visit
Old Orchard Beach. Those are the only Portland suggestions that come to mind, but there’s a whole list of stuff you can check out,
If you’re headed for Boothbay Harbor, stop at
The Seabasket in Wiscasset on your way – BEST SEAFOOD EVER, I promise!
I’ve only been to Boothbay Harbor a few times, and when I’ve been, it’s just to shop and have lunch and enjoy the view. Boothbay Harbor is absolutely beautiful, and I have a little fantasy wherein Fred will actually cross the Mason-Dixon line and we can move to Boothbay Harbor (but somehow, I think that’s unlikely). Anyway, there’s a list of stuff to do in Boothbay Harbor,
here. I think it’d be cool to do a Windjammer cruise, personally.
Robyn… are YOU smitten with a kitten????
I am ALWAYS smitten with kittens. One of these days I’m going to snap, and Fred’s going to come home to find that I’ve adopted every kitten at the pet store.
Whoohoo! You and Fred are celebrities once again! I am not familiar with the show but I will be sure to check it out at my rental store. I read the description of the DVD and I am wondering how they fit you and Fred into this show? I KNOW they aren’t making fun of our And3rsons!?!?!?!?!?
(where is my can of whoopass?)
Umm you are on Penn & Teller????
Yeah, almost two years ago Fred and I were interviewed to be part of an episode of the first season of
Penn & Teller: Bullshit. The show was about fad diets, and Fred and I were the “experts”, in that we had lost weight without using a fad diet. They didn’t make fun of us at all, though I felt like a complete idiot during the entire filming. You can read more about the experience
starting here. Fred wrote an entry about us actually watching the show,
* * *

I love the look of sheer hatred on Spanky’s face as he glares at Meester Boogers’ stumpy little tail.

Is it just me, or does Meester Boogers look like he’s trying to nurse?]]>
Keep watching Growing Up Gotti and soon enough you’ll see that those boys are monsters because she DOES let them get away with murder. They run all over her. They scream in her face and end up doing what they want and she ends up on the couch thinking aloud about how much she wishes her father was still alive so he could discipline them.
It makes good TV though!
And I can’t believe it’s been TWO YEARS since yall did BS??
No more asses!
Whoever was going to Maine, better hurry up, because I heard they’re tearing down the strip on Old Orchard to make CONDOS. Gah. I hate real estate.
“…thus bearing unfortunate witness to the red-faced, sweaty, scary-looking person I become when I do lower body weights.”
This phrase made me laugh out loud. You have such a way with words. Also LOVED the anecdote about your cat and the cardinal. You should turn these into a book someday (or maybe you’ve already thought of that).
I’d better stop gushing now.
I was up in Portland for a couple of days last year to do some lighthouse photography. Great suggestions of things to do, Robyn! I would add I went on a cruise around Casco Bay. It was an hour and a half long cruise that cost only $10!! Got to see several lighthouses, seals, and lots of other fun stuff! http://www.eagleislandtours.com/cruises_lighthouse.html
I would also recommend the Portland Observatory. There are several lighthouses in the area, although Portland Head is definitely the most scenic!
I can’t wait to go back!
Thanks folks for the suggestions on Maine!
Can’t wait to go!
You rock Robyn!
Yep, they’re ruby-throats–they’re the only species east of the Mississippi. On the other side they can get up to 15–lucky bastards.
We only realized we had hummingbirds about three years ago, then we put up feeders and they come back every year. It’s always fun to see the male chase everyone else away, and the juveniles with their puffy little feathers. they’re just starting to prepare to migrate south at home (in NJ) and they’re eating 1048194818491 times a minute. In about a week or two they’ll be gone… show’s over. sad!
Robyn, Could you please email me and let me know which episode/season or whatever DVD you are on of Penn and Teller? I rented one from Netflix and it wasn’t the right one, I was disappointed!!! waaaaa!
Ditto and ditto on the Michelle Pfeifer thing. 😉
Do you happen to post on the Table Talk forums at Salon.com? I was reading the one about the Peterson case and someone named “Robyn” was posting. If so, don’t you find that *Warlock* person annoying as hell? I just wanna smack the shit out of him. 🙂
And I’m with you on Michelle Phiefer… never saw the attraction.
Kitty arses still here on my pc…
What’s up with the Gotti boys’ plucked eyebrows?? Freakin’ scary!
Don’t you mean, best seafood evah? ~grin~
It was great reading (my 1st time) Fred’s and your entries about being on that Penn & Teller show. Hilarious! I laughed out loud many times, especially at the part when Fred described you “flailing” and hiding under the covers (disturbing Miz Poo) whenever you saw yourself! :o)
I think I would totally die if I saw myself on TV. Good Lord…
Aw, I thought for sure that we were going to hear VERY soon that you had brought home a kitten with which you were smitten… damn! Here’s hoping… 😉
Hi Robyn,
I have a question (since you seem to be answering them from the comments!): How do you and Fred work out in your garage? Isn’t it hot out there? Or do y’all have an air conditioner? If I tried to workout in my garage here in Houston, I’d pass out from heat exhaustion!
I like the IDEA of using the garage as a gym, but just don’t see how I could do it.
ask men why they like uma:
If you go to Boothbay Harbour, you have to check out Bet’s Fish Fry. It is a little wagon on the main street right across from the church — you can’t miss it. BEST FISH SANDWICH *EVAH*!
I also don’t think Uma Thurman is conventionally pretty. She’s hot in “Kill Bill”, though. Thin, blonde and rough-looking.
Michelle Pfeiffer would have been pretty except for the VERY dark circles under her eyes all the time.