* * * I watched a show yesterday about Gretchen Wilson (the country singer who sings Redneck Woman and Here for the Party). She’s adorable – I LOVE HER. It’s all about the women I love in today’s entry, I guess. Wimmin rewl.

An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
* * * I watched a show yesterday about Gretchen Wilson (the country singer who sings Redneck Woman and Here for the Party). She’s adorable – I LOVE HER. It’s all about the women I love in today’s entry, I guess. Wimmin rewl.
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The Bean is in an…um…interesting position. Cute, though.
I also say, “I’m sorry” WAY WAY too much. I agree that it’s a woman thing. I’m going to try to be more conscious of it so I don’t do it so often.
P.S. What is that “Man…” book in the photo? Intriguing…
Dude! LOL. There’s something seriously wrong with that cat! I’m just sayin’.
Margaret – the Bean is a flexible mofo. 🙂 I love the look on his face, like he’s trying to figure out what the hell he’s done.
That’s the back of “In Touch” magazine at the bottom of the picture – it’s advertising a show called “Manhunt”, which apparently the search for America’s most gorgeous male model. Hosted by Carmen Electra, on Bravo every Tuesday at 10/9c, starting October 12th.
That’s practically the only thing I hate about gmail. I sent them a request last week to have a button *and* a keyboard shortcut to delete with because using the dropdown menu makes me crazy.
The drop down menu is driving me nuts too. Thanks for forwarding the link, Robyn. I’ve sent google my demand as well!
I just wanted to tell you that I did what I was told and went to gmail to click on the appropriate box just so you can be happy. Sorry I couldn’t do more. HA!
I also complied with your gmail delete button request. And while I was there I also requested being able to set up an email distribution list (my personal pet peeve). Thanks for the link Robyn. I’d been wanting to tell them about my needs.
I learned a long time ago to quit saying I’m sorry so damn much. It drives me nuts for every reason you said. My co-worker says it all the damn time and there are times I just want to throttle her and yell in her face to quit it. Heh
Your picture of the bean is much better then Fred’s but both are great. Sorry Fred, oops ha!
I think the Bean just realized something is wrong with his tail.
Robyn! I have those same pillows for my couch! My kitty likes to roll all over them too. I’ve even caught him kneading them a few times! HA!
But you’re not supposed to delete mail! That’s what the 1 gig is for. 🙂 But I did what you asked anyway, because, well, you’re Bitchypoo and we do anything for you. 🙂
I did it! You have to love me forevah now.
I’m sorry.
“Wimmin rewl.” – Ha! You crack my ass up! U rewl, Robyn.
I’m sorry that you say you’re sorry all the time. Oh, sorry for saying I’m sorry….. I with you on that all the way. I’m guilty of it also. 🙂
I’m sorry that you feel that way…
😉 Robert
Yes, you do have to delete your mail sometime, Grace! Some day gmail users will use up their 1,000 MBs and then they will have to delete and delete and delete. That’s not spelled out in the adverts for gmail, but it’s true. No one is going to come and weed through it and delete the emails you don’t want and if you continue to delete nothing, I’m sure that 1,000 MB will come faster than you imagine. I’m just sayin. Don’t fear the delete key! (But I do fear the delete pull-down menu b/c I, too, have sent messages to strange places accidentally.)
I would just like to share the best way I have found to pee in the woods. Find a fallen log and hang your butt over it. This guarantees dry sneakers.
Why do you delete mail? I archive everything. Like, everything.
Joni – he’s wondering where the rest of it went! 🙂
Laura – oooh, good suggestion. Next time (though to be honest, I kind of hope I never have to pee in the woods again. Heh.) I’ll definitely look for a log!
Susan – Because one of my gmail accounts is one that I use for nothing but notifies, and those really aren’t worth keeping, y’know?
The rest of you, with your “I’m sorry”s – brats, all of you! Heh.
I am in TOTAL agreement about Phil Hellmuth, I spent the entire time yelling at the TV for him to shut the f$ck up! Yeah Annie, I was so happy she won!!
I totally agree. Annie is a stuck up bitch. Phil is so professional and sportsman like. And women should say sorry more often!