* * *
Two or three people pointed out that since Gmail offers such a large amount of storage space I don’t need to delete anything anyway, but one of my Gmail accounts is used for nothing but notify emails and I generally get anywhere between ten and twenty of those a day, plus the
Change Detection emails, and I don’t think there’s any reason to save any of those.
Plus on my non-notify email, I just refuse to save the “What’s for dinner?” emails. Maybe someday I’ll wish I had, but I kinda doubt it.
* * *
Okay, time for some requested pictures.
rundmc wanted:
1.Pics of Fred in his red shorts.
2.Pics of Fred in his red shorts.
3.Pics of Fred in his red shorts.
Fred won’t pose for pictures in his red shorts. He’s a party pooper!
Sandy wanted to see:
1) Your purse
2) Inside of your fridge
3) Your collection of bath products
My purse:
It’s a microfiber Healthy Back Bag from LL Bean, and I love it, not only because it’s better on my back than a regular purse, but also because it has convenient outside pockets for my keys, cellphone, and sunglasses, so I don’t have to go digging for those.
The inside of the fridge:
See the huge full-size version here.
My collection of bath products:
This is literally the stuff I use in the bathtub – bath bombs from Newfoundland Naturals (and one I got last Christmas from my sister), bath salts from Newfoundland Naturals, a couple of packets of bath salts that I got in Hawaii, and Pretty Baby Herbal Bath Tea from these folks. The bath tea is wonderful because it’s so incredibly soothing and when my skin is at it’s itchiest, it’s the only thing that helps. The Newfoundland Naturals stuff is amazing because it smells SO good, and you don’t get any annoying floaties in the tub like you do with some of the Lush bath bombs.
Lastly, many many many of you wanted to see a picture of Fred’s new vehicle, because it’s killing you to know what he’s driving. He kindly took the picture himself, just for you. It was getting dark out, so it might be a little bit blurry:

There’ll be more pictures in upcoming entries; I didn’t want to put them all up in the same entry.
* * *
So, the spud has a blog on a blogging site (and no, I’m not giving you the link because the last time she had a blog on a different site and I shared the link, a couple of people decided to be assholes, so blame it on them) and most of her friends do too. Naturally, I check out her blog and then check out the blogs of her friends, because a mother needs to be careful that her kid isn’t doing something like posting her phone number online (and horrifyingly, a LOT of these kids put their cell phone numbers on their blogs, yikes!) Some of the blogs are well-written, if not interesting (of course, I’m not 15, so I’m probably not in their desired demographic anyway and I’m sure they’d find me incredibly annoying and boring and whatEVerrrrrrrr) but the majority of the blogs are just so poorly written to the point of illiteracy that it makes my eyes bleed.
ANYway, one of the kids who has a blog and leaves comments on the spud’s blog is the kid who asked her out last Spring, and then had to break up with her because she doesn’t attend church. Although I might be biased because I can’t stand the kid because he’s a whiny little bitch (and thus we shall call him “Phil” after the father of all whiny little bitches, Phil Hellmuth) he has one of the worst sites that make it clear he’s a friggin’ idiot.
But I’m probably biased because he made my baby cry.
So late last week he posted a comment on the spud’s site saying that he was getting a car, woohoo! So she posts in HIS comments and asks what kind of car, and “do you have an actual license yet?” and then HE posts in HER comments and says “No, not yet. God. U sux the fun out of everything.”
Apparently he’s been kind of snappish with her lately, which
I think is out of line, because hello? It’s not like the whiny little shitweasel is her BOYFRIEND or anything. So she goes over to his site and posts in HIS comments that she’s sick of his fucking attitude and he can shove it and what the hell is up his fucking ass anyway? And they are NOT friends anymore! Buh-bye!
I read her post in his comments (and yeah, I’m so lame for stalking my own child’s blog, aren’t I? Do I have too much time on my hands, or what?) and I laughed my ASS off. Because she’s always so calm and shy and conflict-avoidance, just like her MOMMA, and here she is, putting the smack down on shithead, complete with dropping the f-bomb all over the place! Then I made Fred read it, and he teased her about it, and she turned all red and got embarrassed and I think she thought she was going to be in trouble, but I gave her a high five and said “It’s about TIME you told him how it is! You go!” and she looked pleased.
Now, when Fred wants to tease her, he says “U sux the fun out of everything.”, or if she makes a comment about something, he gives her a fake glare and said “Is that because U sux the fun out of everything?” and she thinks it’s funny as shit.
That’s what it’s like in this house – we make fun of each other all the time, but if some whiny little bitch hurts my kid’s feelings, we band together to make it clear that he’s a ridiculous little ass and we mock him forever and ever.
I believe the spud will find that particular life skill valuable as she grows up.
* * *
Miz Poo will kick your ASS. Because she’s a badass, that’s right. Just like her Momma.
Miz Poo’s eyes are looking pretty good these days. Are her visits to the doctor are behind her for the time being?
PS Fred: U sux the fun out of everything – and I DON’T care what type of car you drive. So there!
Val – her eye seems to be completely better, and her lip is 99% back to normal, thank GOD. I don’t think I ever put a picture of her up when her lip was at it’s worst, but it was so swollen and painful looking, but after a few weeks of antibiotics and steroids it’s so much better. She almost looks like a normal cat again! She’s got a vet visit on Saturday so the vet can look at her lip, but for now she should be okay. Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂
Psst, Val . . . he drives a mini-van. 😉
Good for you, raising such a little bad ass.
Now, can I have the link?
Heyyyyyy…I thought I read where Fred had a Lexus. Did I dream that?
Ohh. I like the fridge picture. Ever since I was little, I’ve LOVED looking in other people’s refrigerators. Am I weird or is this everyone?? 🙂 Did you have to do any cleaning in there before snapping the picture? Mine is definately NEVER photo-ready at a moments notice!
I’m not allowed to comment on the vehicle Fred drives, but hell would freeze over before we’d spend Lexus-type funds on a vehicle.
MelissaB – Nope, I didn’t clean out the fridge before I took the picture, but I’ve cleaned it in the last two or three weeks, so it’s not as tea-stained as it ordinarily gets. Lots of people asked for a picture inside the fridge, so I suspect you’re not alone in your refrigerator interest. I suspect it’s like peering in someone’s medicine cabinet to see what they’ve got in there – everyone does it, no one admits it. 🙂
I’m just guessing, but you guys must REALLY like eggs…
Christine – of course we do. They’re incredible AND edible. 🙂
Hurray for the spud! AND, I really think Stella would be an excellent companion for Stanley. You wouldn’t even have to rename her!
Strangely enough, i had an excruciatingly detailed dream about fred’s car last night. It was a white jeep wrangler, but it looked like a honda element. white with big red stripes.
robyn and i were playing with the cats, and meester boogers got too excited, and slashed miz poo’s wrist, and she was bleeding and looked to need stitches, so i had to crawl through fred’s car to find robyn’s cell phone so i could call fred and find out where the nearest emergency vet clinic was, cause fred knows everything.
Scary huh?
Dang Fred,you sux the fun out of everything. How about black shorts then??
I thought Fred drove an Elcamino! No? AMC Pacer?
Oh man, my best friend in high school had a Pacer. That damn thing looked like a space ship on wheels. Heh.
Whatever happened to One-Eyed Fern from the pet store? I would have rushed to take her home if I lived anywhere close to you!
Ok…my eyes hurt from staring at that blue blob trying to figure out what the hell it is and why Fred was so far away when he took a picture of his white mini-van until I realized that the white mini-van is not Fred’s and the blue blob is indeed Fred’s disguised car which I have decided must be hideous since he won’t share it with us but I’ve also decided that it’s a blue Montero just for the fun of it.
Your Miz Poo on the bookcase at the bottom of the entry from two years ago is my favorite Miz Poo picture EVER 🙂 Calico kitties rule!
Damnit Fred.
Yay for the Spud! That’s tellin’ ‘im.
You made my day: Pic of Miz Poo and Pet Store Kitties. Awwwww….. (melt)
That is far and away the best picture of Miz poo, ever. Love it!
I had a good laugh at the “picture” of Fred’s car. And I really love the picture of Miz Poo. She looks so adorable you want to reach out and touch her! You should frame that one.
Thanks for showing your purse. That’s a great idea. Your fridge is so clean. And I think you’re running a bank on the bath products. Can I make a withdrawl?
We had no power for two weeks after the Hurricane Ivan so I cleaned out the fridge and freezer of EVERYTHING and now it’s spiffy…
Miz Poo looks like she has no body!
About the fridge. . . eggs much? Cripes.
I TOTALLY love your purse, but not so much Fred’s car. It’s so very . . . blurry. What make is it? Is it a BlurMObile? PAH! I’m so funny!
And the Spudder is AWESOME for telling that dude what’s what!
I TOTALLY was going to get that purse from LL Bean but figured that all my stuff would be clumped at the bottom and it would be hard to sift through. I think they are so cute! Tell me more about what you like about it because maybe I WILL end up getting it.
Now THAT is a good kitty pic.
Yay for the Miz Poo pic! Love the Poo!! Glad her eye and chin are healing nicely.
Also love (and want to have) all of the tortie cats in the Pet Store Kitties section. So many sweet, splootchy little faces! Torties rule 🙂
Just got home from vacation and am reading up on Bitchypoo.
Phil is the whiniest whiner I have ever seen! DAMN MAN… GROW A SET!
Kudos to you for teaching the Spud to stand up for herself. Put humor into it and it takes the sting out all the chit.
Love the pet store kitties. All 3 of mine are Humane Society cases. I am the crazy cat lady!
I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but I think it’s very important to pick on your kids, and have them pick back at you. I think it teaches them to let shit roll off their back, and how to defend themselves. No one ever taught me that, and I had it very rough growing up. And MP is by far my favorite; I just love the ‘tude in her face.